informs him with a mildly amused expression that he lost, 2-0.
....lost. Miserably. He's *never* lost to Mexique before. He appreciates the support.
simply cannot believe that France lost to Mexico! ;A; Arthur, you must be joking, he thinks.
reminds Arthur that he got kind of owned in his match too.. |: "Did Francu really lose..?
going to smack Arthur next time he sees him.
knows that very well, thanks! "Yes, he did, Gilbert, I'm really not lying."
be ready for Francis. >:U
suggests Francis smack Arthur before the Brit comes over to her cabin...
makes a sad face and...well. He'd hug Francis but at the moment that feels a little awkward so he's not sure if that's allowed.
might save his hand the sting and get a baguette ready instead. That'll be better for Rosbif.
just offering a polite suggestion~ that's all!
shrugs towards Gilbert. "He still has a chance, I suppose. He needs to beat South Africa."
chuck biscuits at him. |:<
and will set a date for that lesson Tina promised him ~ Soon, hopefully.
pouts slightly, and wonders how tough the South African team are. "I bet he'll beat them then."
notes that any day is good for her!
honestly....wouldn't mind a hug. Once he's cooled off at least. And anyone can beat South Africa, so...
"Mm, we'll see. It's not out of the question though."
Maybe tomorrow, then, Tina? C:<
quietly cheer for Francu then. Maybe he'll manage to catch that match. He can't wait to own Serbia tomorrow though~.
And maybe he'll work up the courage to hug Francu a bit later then.