Reuben is
14 years ago
so very, very glad for the 92nd minute.
latest #169
14 years ago
congratulates him :T
14 years ago
thanks him. *coughsorelosercough*
Christian will
14 years ago
hit him!
14 years ago
probably deserves it. He's still smiling.
14 years ago
flicks his forehead D<
14 years ago
glares up at Samuel while rubbing his forehead. He has to face Italy next; can't he relish in almost-victory for a bit?
14 years ago
supposes he can. He pouts a bit before looking off to the side, coughing. 'I'll be cheering you on in your next game...'
14 years ago
looks at him warily. "You will?" He raises an eyebrow questioningly; he's not quite used to the support...even if he *is* glad of it.
14 years ago
nods, refusing to look at him. 'Yeah.'
Reuben feels
14 years ago
kind of awkward, now..."Thanks, I guess," he mumbles.
14 years ago
feel the awkward air and decides to crack a joke. 'Plus... I doubt you're really all *that* white... you'll need all the well wishes you_
14 years ago
can get!'
14 years ago
blinks. Okay, that flew over his head a bit. He certainly wasn't expecting a joke. "What?"
14 years ago
shakes his head, 'Mmm, doesn't matter.'
Christian is
14 years ago
feeling dejected now. People just don't understand the Australian sense of humour.
14 years ago
frowns slightly, concerned. He bumps his shoulder not quite against Samuel's. "Buck up. And care to repeat that?"
14 years ago
manages a lopsided half smile, watching the other. 'I was just questioning your purity, is all.'
14 years ago
chokes slightly, blinking. He takes a moment to breathe again, then swats Samuel upside the head, not trying too hard to be gentle. "That's_
14 years ago
nothing to do with this and you know it," he grumbles. He suppresses the urge to get worked up over it; that'd just make it worse.
14 years ago
rubs his head, scowling at the other slightly. 'Jeeze, it was just a joke Reubzilla.' He takes a step back, the school melting into a_
14 years ago
disgruntled face.
14 years ago
snorts. "Not one in particularly good taste." He's still kinda touchy about that. He sighs, trying to relax. "I suppose I should be glad_
14 years ago
you can't say something similar about the All Blacks, shouldn't I?" He's awkwardly trying to ease the other's disgruntlement.
Christian has
14 years ago
similar jokes about All Blacks and the stains on their shorts but.... he bites his tongue. 'Probably.' he says, quirking a small smile.
14 years ago
...doesn't even want to know. He directs a put-upon glare in Samuel's direction. "You're insufferable," he complains, shaking his head.
14 years ago
smirks, 'Yet you decide to suffer me. I think there is a special word for that.'
14 years ago
still doesn't want to know...even if he's got a pretty good idea already. "Idiotic?" he asks, attempting to feign innocence. "Probably."
14 years ago
laughs softly. 'Exactly what I was thinking of,' he says, eyes twinkling in amusement. Reuben really was too tightly wound.
Reuben feels
14 years ago
like a pervert now. Again. He sighs. "No more than you are, though..."
14 years ago
blinks, 'I thought we'd already established I'm an idiot.'
14 years ago
stares at him for a moment before letting out a small laugh. "Nice to see you admit it," he teases.
14 years ago
waves a hand, smiling slightly. That cheered him up, 'I don't admit it.... I mean there is a reason I'm in the top 3 most of the time, you_
14 years ago
14 years ago
smiles. "Blind luck?" he hazards, trying to sound innocent.
14 years ago
laughs, 'Everything is blind luck when it comes to me, huh?'
14 years ago
lets out a laugh of his own. "Of course it is. I couldn't possibly acknowledge that it's *skill*, after all. Must be luck."
14 years ago
nudges him, perhaps a tad too harshly and laughs too. 'Atleast I have dumb luck.'
14 years ago
stumbles a little, but he's well aware that he's been asking for it for a while now. "Lucky thing. Probably just means you need it."
14 years ago
grins, 'But what do you have Reuby?'
14 years ago
glances up at him curiously, not quite sure where he's going with this. "More than enough to beat you at rugby?" he tries.
14 years ago
..... forgot about that. '....'
14 years ago
chuckles quietly at his lack of response, but isn't quite willing to rub it in.
14 years ago
would nudge him again if he did. 'Well, Cricket.'
14 years ago
wrinkles his nose a little in distaste. "'s cricket." He's not entirely sure what that's going to prove, but it made sense to him.
14 years ago
grins, 'Yep, it's cricket! Also won a gold in the winter olympics for snowboarding.'
14 years ago
winces a little. He's not very good with Winter games..."Well, that's luck for you, I guess," he teases, sticking out his tongue slightly.
14 years ago
grabs the tongue inbetween two of his fingers, grinning. 'What was that? Mr. I'veonlyeverwononemedal?'
14 years ago
settles for glaring at him as he attempts to reclaim his tongue. He pokes Samuel sharply in the side in an effort to distract him.
14 years ago
lets go at the poke, making a startled noise that has him blushing afterwards
Reuben gives
14 years ago
him a disbelieving look at the noise, endeavoring not to laugh, as he scrubs his tongue with the back of his hand.
14 years ago
made a manly startled noise, thank you very much.
Reuben thinks
14 years ago
that's not quite how he would have described it, but whatever Samuel needs to tell himself...
14 years ago
scowls, flicking Reuben's forehead. 'Don't you have work to do?'
14 years ago
rubs his forehead. "Is that your subtle way of saying you want rid of me?" he grumbles slightly.
14 years ago
shakes his head, although it might have been a moment ago. 'It's just... well I have work to do.'
Reuben is
14 years ago
more glad than he plans to let on that it's not. "Of course you do," he teases slightly. "Should I leave you to it, then?"
14 years ago
nods, grinning. 'You're too much of a distraction,' he teases back, 'Unless you want to give a hand.'
14 years ago
blinks, not quite sure if he should be offended by being classed as a distraction. "I *could* help...but I don't think I'm going to. Not_
14 years ago
unless you've got something good to offer in return," he continues in a sing-song tone.
14 years ago
smirks, saying one single word, 'Vegemite.'
14 years ago
allows his face to fall slightly. Samuel has him there...He mutters a small complaint or two before acquiescing. "Fine."
14 years ago
smiles brightly, taking his hand to guide him to his place and then in, opening the door to the office. 'It's only a about a weeks worth_
14 years ago
this time, should be done in about 3 hours, maybe 2 with you here.'
14 years ago
stares at him in disbelief. " *week*?" he says, mildly despairing. Well, at least that snapped him out of the feeling of_
14 years ago
...*whatever*, that had surfaced as Samuel 'guided' him here.
14 years ago
wanted to get there. The sooner it was done the sooner they would be done in his mind. He blinks towards the other, 'I can just do it and_
14 years ago
you can hang around and look pretty?' He sits down at his desk, fishing through the drawer for something.
14 years ago
chokes slightly at that, before glaring at him. "Not funny," he manages. "Give." He gestures for his share of paperwork, looking around for_
14 years ago
a seat and clear surface to do his share.
Christian has
14 years ago
a clear desk and a seat oppposite his own at the other end. There is even leg room. Pulling out his glasses with a 'Aha,' he looks up at_
14 years ago
Reuben and hands his a quarter of the pile.
14 years ago
*and putting them on he looks up at
14 years ago
14 years ago
grudgingly takes the pile, taking his own seat with a muttered thanks. He looks quickly over the paperwork, checking that he knows what_
14 years ago
he's doing. He glances up at Samuel for a moment; he was a little surprised by the glasses. He spares a moment to be appreciative, though.
Christian has
14 years ago
already started on his paperwork, chewing on the end of his pen. He only wore glasses when he did paperwork because of the headaches he got_
14 years ago
supposedly his eyes couldn't concentrate very well. Mumbling a small thanks to Reuben in turn, he drops a piece of paper in the done pile_
14 years ago
and works on the next.
14 years ago
stares momentarily before realising he should be getting on with his own work. He takes up his own pen and proceeds to figure things out.
14 years ago
stretches after he finishes about half of his pile, looking up. 'Would you like a coffee?' he asks, feeling bad. He really is an awful_
14 years ago
14 years ago
blinks, a little startled at the interruption. "Sure, if you're making." He stares back down at his paperwork, almost done, with a sigh.
14 years ago
ruffles his hair as he passes, 'Thanks for this Reuberu~ You've been so speedy tonight.' Bad pun said, he leaves the room and returns with_
14 years ago
coffee and even toast fingers with vegemite dip.
14 years ago
frowns slightly at that, spending the time Samuel's gone de-ruffling and finishing up. He looks up as Samuel re-enters, a little surprised_
14 years ago
at his consideration. "Thank you," he mumbles, smiling.
14 years ago
smiles back, glad he made up for being a good host. He puts them on the table and sits down. 'Nope, thank you~,' he chimes, putting his_
14 years ago
chin in his hands.
14 years ago
stares at him for a moment before shrugging. He guesses Samuel won't be joining him on the dipping. "Mind if I...?" he asks. It's tempting.
14 years ago
shakes his head, 'Go ahead.' He starts on the paperwork again leaving Reuben to eat... he wasn't about to admit it but he enjoyed this_
14 years ago
it was relaxing and yet kept him on the edge of his seat all the same.
Reuben is
14 years ago
far too distracted by the Vegemite, really. He'll try to keep his munching and enjoyment of the delicious spread to a quiet minimum.
14 years ago
sips at his coffee, gradually making his way through the pile of work. Once done, he slouches across the desk looking at the clock. Two
14 years ago
hours wasn't bad...
Reuben thinks
14 years ago
it's kinda great for a whole week's worth. He's finishing up, ensuring he gets every last morsel of spread. He feels a little bad for not_
14 years ago
being of more help, though.
Christian thinks
14 years ago
he was plenty of help. He takes off his glasses, rubbing the bridge of his nose and nudges Reuben under the desk with a grin. 'Boreeed yet?'
14 years ago
frowns slightly at the nudge, prodding him back a little. "Not at all, particularly not with your hospitality." He nods slightly before_
14 years ago
stretching and relaxing back into the chair a little more.
14 years ago
prods him back, 'So you like them quiet, eh?'
14 years ago
tilts his head forwards more, looking at Samuel, one eyebrow raised. "Who is them?" he asks, somewhat mystified by his line of thought.
14 years ago
blushes shaking his head and waving a hand, 'No one in particular... just the people y-you hang out with I guess?
14 years ago
raises the other eyebrow. He has no clue what Samuel's on about, but he'll humour him. "Well, too quiet makes things dull." He shrugs."Why?"
14 years ago
waves a hand, leaning forward too. 'It doesn't matter,' he says, he really shouldn't be asking about Reuben's preferences afterall.
14 years ago
blinks in confusion. "Okay..." That was odd. He wonders if he's missing something, but shrugs it off. "That all the paperwork done?"
14 years ago
nods, proud of himself. 'Do I get a reward~?'
14 years ago
lets out a small laugh at that, smiling. "Whatever could you want?"
14 years ago
pretends to think about it before smirking, 'Something from you.'
14 years ago
blinks, a little wary. "I'm not agreeing to that until you specify," he replies, somewhat sceptically.
14 years ago
shrugs, eyes playful. 'I want a surprise.. a nice surprise.'
14 years ago
frowns slightly. "A surprise?" He's not sure how he'll cope with that; all he can do is give it his best. He nods slowly. "Okay..."
14 years ago
smiles, pulling back a little. 'Thank you.' He looks rather excited at the idea actually, even if he is a little red in the face.
14 years ago
quirks a little half-smile in response, even if he isn't quite sure what he should surprise him with. "You deserve it, I guess," he teases.
14 years ago
hums settling further back into he's practically melting into his chair. He sighs happily as the tension drifts away... 'I believe so.' He_
14 years ago
replies with a smile.
14 years ago
smiles fully at that. "If you say so. I'll have to think of something really special then, won't I?"
14 years ago
laughs lightly, 'If you really want to make it speacial then I'm not going to stop you from spoiling me.'
14 years ago
shrugs, still smiling. "Well, everyone needs spoiling once in a while. And I thought you deserved it?"
14 years ago
nods nods, 'I do~ That's why I'm not stopping you.' He leans his arms against the desk, smiling, 'It sounds like you're stalling though.'
14 years ago
blinks, surprised. "What, you want it *now*?" Okay, so maybe he was stalling a bit. But what was he supposed to do for him now...
14 years ago
nods, grinning. 'I'd like it now.' He's kind of maybe aiming for a specific thing, not that he's about to admit that to himself.
Reuben thinks
14 years ago
a moment before nodding slowly. He might have an idea. "Impatient," he teases mildly, standing and pacing slowly around to the other side_
14 years ago
of the table, eventually stopping a bit behind Samuel.
14 years ago
raises an eyebrow, sitting back in his chair to watch the other. 'You'd weasel your way out of it otherwise.'
14 years ago
leans forward, flicking him across the nose, still frowning. "I wouldn't. I gave my word. And when have I ever done that?"
14 years ago
can't think of an instance, blushing slightly at his stupidity. 'I'm just impatient then,' he mumbles, rubbing his nose.
14 years ago
can think of a few occasions, not that he'll admit it, but he's glad Samuel can't recall. He sets his hands down on Samuel's shoulders, _
14 years ago
smiling a little. "Of course. Wouldn't expect anything less."
14 years ago
rolls his eyes, 'Only impatient for things that are worth while.'
14 years ago
laughs slightly at that. "How do you know it's worthwhile? It's a surprise, you don't know what it's going to be."
14 years ago
rolls his shoulders, 'I trust you.... plus you wouldn't be able to live it down if it wasn't.'
14 years ago
curses slightly internally, being sure not to let his smile fall. "And why would't I be able to live it down, exactly?" he asks dryly.
Christian says
14 years ago
, 'Because, it would mean you losing.' He grins up at the other, wondering what he's going to do.
14 years ago
grimaces slightly; he hadn't quite thought of it like that. "Well, that certainly won't do," he says rubbing absently at Samuel's shoulders.
14 years ago
relaxes slightly, shutting his eyes. Those hands felt good, 'Hmmm, and-and losing isn't an optio-option for you.'
14 years ago
allows himself to smile at his response. "That it isn't," he replies, working his fingers more firmly against Samuel's shoulders.
14 years ago
groans quietly, shifting in his seat. He presses into the touch, eyelids fluttering as he sighs happily. This is just what he needed.
Reuben feels
14 years ago
somewhat pleased at that response. He works inwards, focussing on Samuel's neck before moving down his spine, gently pressing him to lean_
14 years ago
14 years ago
falls forward, forearms against his leg. He bites back any other noises, letting Reuben do as he pleases. He is melting under Reuben's_
14 years ago
14 years ago
smiles determinedly as he works down to Samuel's lower back before skirting his sides and working back from his shoulder blades. A stray_
14 years ago
thought points out all the ways by which this could be made easier, but he's not going to address that any time soon.
14 years ago
bites his lip as Reuben digs into a knot, making a small sound of pleasure as he arches slightly. He makes an embarrassed sound afterward_
14 years ago
, bringing a hand up to his face.
Reuben thinks
14 years ago
that's just the appropriate reaction to a good massage, but can't help a little enjoyment of the noises he's eliciting from the other._
14 years ago
"Stop moving, else I'll have to start over," he mutters teasingly, ghosting his fingers over Samuel's sides again.
14 years ago
shudders, head still in hands. 'Hnn... I'll try,' he manages, frowning at the catch in his voice.... "Where did you learn to do this?'
14 years ago
shrugs slightly, not quite pausing. "Just picked it up, I guess. Good for relieving stress, helping muscle injuries and the like."
14 years ago
bites on his thumb discreetly, nodding to show that he's listening. It is actually a handy habit to have but he didn't actually know he was_
14 years ago
this tense... and god, all he can think about is how good this feels.
14 years ago
continues working, seeking out more knots and stress points, coaxing them into relaxing. "Why? Enjoying your surprise?" he teases softly.
14 years ago
arches away when he hits a tender spot. '...Ye-yeah. 's brill,' he manages, looking over his shoulder at the other.
14 years ago
allows himself a little self-satisfied half-smile; he's honestly glad. "Glad to hear it," he responds, pausing only momentarily in his work.
14 years ago
looks at how it's happening though... 'Doesn't this usually happen lying down though?' he asks, watching him.
14 years ago
does stop at that. "Well, yes, usually. Lying down, towel-clad, with oils, lotions, heat. Of course, it's also usually done by a trained_
14 years ago
professional." He shrugs momentarily. "Didn't want to keep you waiting. You uncomfortable like this?"
14 years ago
shakes his head, sticking his tongue out in response to the snarky comment. 'No, 'm fine... keep going *pause* please.'
14 years ago
laughs a little at his reaction before continuing. "Since you asked so nicely, I guess I'm bound to comply," he teases, working deeply at_
14 years ago
Samuel's shoulders once again.
14 years ago
tenses before relaxing, facing forward again. 'You wouldn't be doing it if you didn't want to Reubbers,' he points out, voice hitching half_
14 years ago
way through. 'I think you're using this as an excuse to fe-feel me up.'
14 years ago
emits a small noise, half way between choking and laughing; he hopes it sounds more like the latter. "And why would I want to do that?" he_
Reuben asks
14 years ago
, trying to keep his voice level. "You deserved your surprise, that's all." He's reassuring himself as much as Samuel with that, really.
14 years ago
chokes out a laugh that trails off into a soft moan, ''Cause it's me,' he replies looking up at the other.
14 years ago
frowns, pausing in his ministrations; he can feel a blush rising that he's determined not to let show. He taps his fingers on Samuel's_
14 years ago
back as a distraction. "Would you want me to? With accusations like that, I might start thinking you're not grateful for your surprise..."
14 years ago
glances over his shoulder when the other stops frowning slightly, 'I don't want you to stooop Reubarb pie... I was just teasing.' He pauses_
14 years ago
before adding in a grumble, 'And I'm grateful too.'
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