16 years ago
wandered up the stairs to Mukuro's room, since he wasn't downstairs with everyone else, unlikely that he was anywhere else, since it was-
latest #37
16 years ago
the boss' birthday. Tsuna did say that he was okay now, hence...
16 years ago
knocked softly on his door. Hesitant on calling out his name, recalling the last time they met...
16 years ago
looked up from his seat by the window when he heard the knock and made his way over to see who it was.
Mukuro says
16 years ago
, when he opened the door and found Chrome standing outside, "Ah... Good evening, Chrome."
16 years ago
gave Chrome a soft smile and stepped back to let her in.
16 years ago
's hand involuntarily tightened around the boss' present. "... Good evening, Mukuro-sama" she whispered, stepping insde the room and -
16 years ago
well, just staying there in the middle, unmoving, unsure. "You... you weren't downstairs. I... I was worried..."
Chrome says
16 years ago
... o-or rather, um, I was wondering why you weren't... downstairs too... with the others...
Chrome thinks
16 years ago
that she's saying too much. That Mukuro didn't really go with the others anyway, but it was the first thing that came to mind...
16 years ago
watched Chrome silently for a moment. She seems to be... a little... stiff.
16 years ago
...Not that he could blame her though, he probably frightened her when they spoke the last time.
16 years ago
walked over to the girl, reaching out to pet her head affectionately, like how he usually did. "Don't worry, Chrome. I'm fine now."
Mukuro says
16 years ago
with a small smile, "I just needed some time to myself, that's all."
15 years ago
felt herself uncoiling slowly when she saw him smile at her, though she could not help but flinch when he reached out for her head.
15 years ago
tried not to let that show though. She was happy that Mukuro-sama was... back, but that previous encounter still left her... cold. And empty
15 years ago
tries to shake off that feeling entirely, but to no avail. She settles for breaking out into a grateful smile in front of him.
Chrome says
15 years ago
"I'm... I'm glad, Mukuro-sama." Her voice drops to a whisper with her next words.
Chrome says
15 years ago
I was scared... and afraid... the last time...
15 years ago
dropped his hand back to his side, sighing softly as he turned and headed back to the window. "...I scared you, didn't I?"
15 years ago
nodded, not trusting herself on what to say next. Asking herself if the few things that she did know about his life before were enough for
15 years ago
to really, truly help him still.
Mukuro says
15 years ago
softly, as he watched the streetlights outside the window, "I didn't want you to see what I did back there, but..."
15 years ago
trailed off, shaking his head. "......Sorry."
15 years ago
bites her lower lip as she watches him stare outside. Her feet move her forward to stand right beside him, but just stops herself reaching -
15 years ago
to grasp his hand. "... no. Please. It's... it's part of who you are. Or were." she stammered, trying to find words to... assure him.
Chrome says
15 years ago
Whatever it is, or was... I've already promised myself to you, haven't I, Mukuro-sama? To help you, to whatever end...
15 years ago
turned to the girl with a small, wistful smile. "......Thank you, Chrome."
Chrome says
15 years ago
Umn. I won't... I won't think about it anymore, Mukuro-sama. I promise. And.. I won't do anything rash again.
Mukuro says
15 years ago
after a short silence, "...Take care of yourself, Chrome. There's... no telling what I may do next if something happened to you again."
Chrome feels
15 years ago
a cold chill race down her spine when she hears those words. That... wasn't what she wanted to hear, really. But she masks it.
Chrome says
15 years ago
... I will. I... I don't want the boss to hurt again...
15 years ago
, after a split moment's hesitation, plants a kiss on Mukuro's cheek. "Enjoy the rest of the party, Mukuro-sama".
15 years ago
turns to leave the room, glancing at his form by the window before closing the door.
15 years ago
sneaks back downstairs, hands her present to the boss' mother (apologizing that she couldn't stay, she wasn't feeling well).
15 years ago
and with that, makes her way out to the street and back home, to her room.
15 years ago
stood beside the window staring at the door for a little while more before making his way out and towards Tsuna's bedroom.
Mukuro wonders
15 years ago
...if he could do anything to make things a little less awkward between Chrome and himself.
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