14 years ago
neee girls~~can we reply each other's tweets??
latest #8
annezack says
14 years ago
yes we can. just click this white box :-D
Caryn_momo88 says
14 years ago
grrr~~twitter still rockxxxx
annezack says
14 years ago
this is so retarded and i feel alien with plurk orz
Caryn_momo88 feels
14 years ago
SAME~!!! tho it is kinda fun~~
xtsugumi says
14 years ago
omg white box i feel so dumb now
annezack says
14 years ago
HAHA! YAY! we're all replying in the same white box. i feel better now lol. not so confused alr
Caryn_momo88 says
14 years ago
hahah~~we're all on lvl 2 now~~YATTA~!!!
annezack says
14 years ago
hahahaha we're like playing a game XD
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