14 years ago
Minor Japanese or Minor Management?? <I need comments/opinions>
latest #22
Max says
14 years ago
Jap! Haha. But it'll take more commitment and practice than Management.
14 years ago
but both group of Jap minor clash with my comm class wor.
Max says
14 years ago
can be adjusted at first meeting.
14 years ago
okay. =) u taking what minor?
Max says
14 years ago
Jap~ Hahahahaha~ (LOL)
14 years ago
wow! why u took so many languages 1?... i tot u took spanish n french
Max says
14 years ago
yups. Minor Jap. Have been studying Jap since F6. So mai continue lor~ Language is my interest! :-D
14 years ago
WOAH!! geng!! wanted to minor Korean. but no such thing. haha
Max says
14 years ago
(LOL) You can submit proposal asking them for it. But by now, it'll be too late d~
14 years ago
lol... mayb can consider taking korean in 2nd sem.
Max says
14 years ago
I wanted to take also!! But Spanish still lvl 2 ni, cannot register. Sigh~
14 years ago
i am taking german lvl 2 this sem.
14 years ago
hopefully got German week again! haha
Max says
14 years ago
me continuing with spanish je... no more crazy language schedule like last sem d~
14 years ago
haha... took how many language last sem? 3?
Max says
14 years ago
5. BM BI Jap French Spanish www.laymark.com/i/m/m027...
14 years ago
Max says
14 years ago
Geng! Pretty good actually, pulled up my grades. Hehe~ A bit confusing in the beginning of the sem coz of French and Spanish~ Similarities.
14 years ago
walao eee~~~ me take only German ald pening liao
Max says
14 years ago
BM BI Jap still ok. Spanish lvl1 ni. French audit only. So in the end. Survived~
14 years ago
ooo.. okay. haha
Chen_LiYa says
14 years ago
take japanese maybe better..
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