slides into the seat beside him, grinning. 'Looking forward to the game tonight?' ((Ger.vs.Aust))
looks up from his diary, blinking at the question. "...That's tonight? The World Cup's started?" He's...sort of been out of it lately.
nods, looking down at the book he was writting in... ohh a diary. He looks back up, 'Yep, that's tonight.'
[*is watching them like a hawk with amazing eyebrows*]
quickly slams the book shut and sets it on his lap. "..Oh. I guess I should find a TV or something to watch it on.
looked away when he realised what it was! 'Yeah~ I think you should be watching when I win...''
((PFFT Iggy, why are you watching Hunny? ))
[*thinks he should take up hawk hunting again, but use hot wax this time*]
[owww hot wax on the eyebrows. B-but his eyebrows are cute]
going to hide it anyway, just because! "...Pff. We'll totally win, man."
, 'If you do, it's only because it's two against one!'
snorts and shakes his head. "If we do, it's because we're twice as good as you."
snorts aswell, 'Whatever mate, I'm willing to bet that my team will win!'
"Well, good for you~. You're going to lose all your money, though, when we own your ass~."
laughs, 'You wish. No one's gonna own my arse.'
grins some. "Anyone could own your ass~. Especially the awesome nation of Germany!"
shakes his head, 'No one has ever owned my arse, thank you very much.' Adds, 'That's even illegal in some countries.'
[/rooting for Germany, obvs. I hope it's on TV here.]
(( Thank you~~~

They're the underdogs though ;; ))
reopens his diary slowly and starts writing again. "Why's it illegal, hm?"
[/pour l'Allemagne! My friend's mum has taken the opposite team on every game and has been cheering against me]
[Pfffft awesome underdogs! |3 *fist bump*]
(( ='D *fist pumps with* ))
doesn't say... he blames his dirty on being 17. 'No reason, just some countries want ya to be 18 when you get your arse owned.'
[fist pump? You dirty things. /shot]
can't help but snort rather loudly at this. "I didn't mean like that, kese~. Or what, is that your bet? You lose, West screws you?"
snickers, amused. "Sure about that?"
nods, face red in embarrassment. 'I wouldn't want to deal with you being jealous!'
pauses in writing in his diary. That red face is hilarious. "As if I'd be jealous. I know West loves me more than anybody else!"
Ludwig's big brother after all~!
scowls, 'I wouldn't have sex with anyone.'
raises both eyebrows this time. "...Bet you will."
shakes his head, 'Too messy.'
points out that there are ways to make it unmessy. Like condoms. |:
points out that there are ways to make it unmessy. Like condoms. |: [idk if that went through before um[
(( It did this time? Plurk can be iffy with updates, sorry! ))
wasn't referring to THAT! 'I mean... it leads to messy relationships.'
[I think it was because I hit send and then scrolled, and it closed the mini-window or something. ;u;]
wasn't sure! So he thought he'd give that advice too. The mention of relationships has him glancing away though. "...Only if you fuck up."
, 'Which you're always going to end up doing. You can't be perfect!'
pouts, and decides not to mention that he's done it already. "Can so!"
shakes his head, 'Nope... plus. I doubt anyone wants to have sex with me so it's not as though it's a problem, ya know.' He grins at the_
other. 'Plus you sound upset, you're not a great example of things working out.'
tilts his head to one side. "Hm, why do you think no one would have sex with you? You're not *that* bad. And I'm not upset or anything.-
-Everything's fine for me, so I don't know what you're talking about."
snorts, 'Whatever mate. Just hopes it works out for ya, whatever you're all shifty about.' He's changing the subject away from Sex
insists that he's not shifty or unnerved or anything but awesome, and pouts again.
just nods in agreement, settling down into his seat. Old people.
he's old compared to him.
William is just small. And weak. He should've been born earlier, nya.
isn't small or weak thank you very much. He tends to be second in world rankings.
what ranking that is. Obesity? [/shot /fails with everything]
dealt with his obesity problem! Thank you very much. He crosses his arms across his chest, 'Life Standards for adults.'
seen a couple of obese Australians wandering around Germany, y'know. Tourists... "Pff. So much sun you'll get cancer, deadly animals and-
-yearly fires! Sounds awesome."
huffs, looking off to the other side of the carraige. He is not pouting, nu uh.
snickers away to himself and goes back to writing in his diary. =w=
Prussia with his soul just now. So what if there were problems, he tried his best to make it a nice place to live and despite these dangers_
it was a top travel destination and he had a decent pop. Prussia can suck on that
suck any time he wants, if he gives him some nice beer. [/shot]
beetroot red, and ignoring the other.
bounces in his seat, a little more cheerful than before, and keeps writing.
there is a stop he can get off at soon, he's worried about being in a carraige with the other nation.
to wonder why he's worried.. it's not like anything will happen~. Unless he wants it to.
doesn't want it to dammit!
that if he doesn't want it to then it won't so he's safe~!
glad and relaxes into his new seat, slouching
points out he left a vibrator on that seat.
snickers something like 'made you look, made you look~!' and scribbles something in his diary. Likely a note about this.
just crawl up into a ball now ;;
looks over at the other, 'Is there something wrong with you?'
tilts his head to one side, blinking in mock innocence at him. "Hm? What do you mean?"
sighs, throwing his arms in the air. 'Nothing.'
mimicks him for the fun of it, throwing his arms up dramatically. "It's something, kese~"
doesn't know what that means D<
isn't going to tell him either~
he's just an old perve, damn him.
doesn't think he's old at all, but has to agree on the perverted part~.
safe though, because he doesn't want Prussia =w=
he's only safe so long as he doesn't get depressed, drunk, or horny. Or all three.
glad they're on a train then... because there is nothing here to set either of them off =w=
((This is like Chicken ))
points out that they serve alcohol, he could easily get depressed, and also get horny very quickly. Hee.
isn't scared, he is Australia afterall. He doesn't induce horniness =D
(( GAY Chicken from Scrubs ;u; ))
isn't so sure about that. Those eyebrows, so similar to Arthur's...and Arthur's hot, so... <u< It just takes a little imagination.
would rather not do anything with Prussia, especially is he's thinking about England =_=
snickers~. Just pointing it out.
( You two are dorks, pff. xD )
opens the window... he could fit through that, right?
he might die if he tries to jump out of it...
[I am such a cool dork. 8) ]
would rather die than be molested while the other thinks of England. ((I actually think Will's hot... for being 2D... /fail ))
molest him and think of England after he's found the body then. :> [hurr. /pets <3]
[...........c: I AM SO FLATTERED.]
