it may be quite tactless."
...thinks Kiku should worry more about the game, not what the players are wearing.
"I am...but that is tactless."
snorts. "Really man? It's the World Cup and you're worrying about the uniforms?"
"It is not that I am not focused on the cup."
"What are you, a fashion designer? You ever see that uniform Gilbert's guys wore back in 1740? Looks a damn lot like those too. What next,-
you gonna accuse them of stealin' the design from Prussia?"
"Please calm yourself, America-san. I do not wish to argue with you."
snorts. "I'm totally calm, man. But even if they did look like *my* old uniforms, they're still *mine*. Ain't a bit tactless."
"What will you do if England-san notices this? Are you concerned of what he feels?"
shrugs. "I seriously doubt he's gonna feel butthurt about stripe placement on a soccer uniform. Might be too worried about that goal his-
keeper just gave away early on."
*winces* "Hai..that was unfortunate."
grins. "For him, yeah. I think they made up for it by puttin' cleats in my fuckin' players."
"Did he injure his ribs?"
shrugs. "Bet not. They're hardasses."
*winces at the thought knowing how painful that can be* "That is good then."