would like to point out that he was little... and didn't even know he had an effing dog.
*nods and will blame Yong Soo instead*
glad =D Although he still thinks that Yong Soo did nothing wrong, he was only having fun.
wonders 14 years ago
how making his mess of his house and being irresponsible is fun.
thinks that's ton of fun =D
that is because it is not his house.
guesses so.... but he gets a kick out of it being Japan's house too~
rolls his eyes, 'You. Kill. Whales.'
*sighs* "I am not the only one.."
, 'You're the one that broke my boat and does it in my bloody water!!'
*sighs frustrated as he continues to bathe Pochi* "Would you allow this to go if I paid for your boat fee?"
shakes his head, 'Nope, gone toooo far now'
, 'You've been stubborn up to now and it's now my turn.'
"I understand but please do touch my property."
holds up his hands, 'I was a kid, how was I to know better. Anyway's you're one to talk.'
"Korea-san should have stopped you."
crosses his arms, 'And you should leave effing boats alone. What's a wall gonna cost you, a tin of paint? Roll of Wallpaper?' He scoffs, _
"Do you wish me to pay it?"
waves a hand, he's really not in the mood right now.
*sighs and go back to cleaning Pochi*