14 years ago
...has burned his waffles. -A-
latest #178
Eva thinks
14 years ago
he should have just asked her to make some.
14 years ago
w-wanted to make ones by himself though. "..I think my cooker's broken." *slight pout*
14 years ago
suggests he should buy a new one, then? When he has the chance.
14 years ago
nods, sighing and throwing the burned remains away. "...vloek. I really wanted waffles."
14 years ago
pats his shoulder comfortingly. "Maybe some other time?"
14 years ago
sighs again and nods. "Ja I guess." *fumbles through his jacket pocket for his lighter cause now he's kind of bummed*
Eva will
14 years ago
now sigh and roll her eyes. "Don't get high, domkop."
14 years ago
shoots her a look, already flipping out his lighter. "Don't start zuster."
14 years ago
shrugs lightly, resisting the urge to take the lighter from him. "I'm just sayin'."
14 years ago
shrugs himself and is already lighting his pipe and sitting up on the counter, pouting. "Hrmpf..."
14 years ago
rolls her eyes again, sitting on the opposite end of the counter. "You smoke too much."
14 years ago
glances at her, smirking and taking in a drag. "Hypocrite~"
14 years ago
arches an eyebrow. Broeder what is that look for.. "Hmm? I'm not the one with the pipe, am I?"
14 years ago
snorts, still smirking at her. "Nee. But you the one who drinks, ja?"
14 years ago
decidedly pouts at that. "... Godverdomme. Point taken, Roel."
14 years ago
smirks wider, taking a longer drag. "Nmhm. So no more bitchin', ja? 'Sides. Have ya even tried it?" *waves the pipe at her*
14 years ago
huffs. She's not bitching... That much, shh. "... Nee. I don't remember, anyway."
14 years ago
sort of rolls his eyes and finally turns to face her fully. "Well do ya want to?"
Eva gives
14 years ago
him 'the look'. Whatever 'the look' might be but it makes her seem sort of unimpressed. "What if I do something stupid or die or something?"
14 years ago
arches his eyebrow and actually laughs at this. "Its not speed or something, zuster. M'not gonna let ya do somethin' stupid anyway..."
Eva thinks
14 years ago
about it for a moment. It doesn't seem nearly as amusing as he makes it seem but... "... Well if you say so.."
14 years ago
nods, smiling a bit more and nudging the pipe closer to her. "Go on, then~ S'first time I ever wanted to share with ya..."
14 years ago
picks it up somewhat hesitantly.. "Okay..." She takes a drag and coughs a bit, but there doesn't seem to be much of a change... "'S weird."
14 years ago
turns a bit awkwardly and rests his chin on his hand, watching her. "Ja. It usually is the first time, m'guessin~ Jus' wait till it kicks-
14 years ago
14 years ago
((*stabs word counter* >C ))
14 years ago
((oh man xD))
14 years ago
leans back slightly and tilts her head in his general direction, feeling herself relax a bit. "... I think I'll pass.."
14 years ago
snorts, giving her a cheeky smile and reaching to take the pipe back. "..nhm.."
14 years ago
lazily arches an eyebrow at him. "Ja? What's so funny?"
14 years ago
shrugs, still smiling quite wide. "Your face?" *holds up his other hand, laughing* "Kidding~ But I dunno. M'jus real happy fer some reason."
14 years ago
pouts but doesn't raise a hand to him or anything, instead tilting her head a bit more in his direction. "Must be from smoking too much."
14 years ago
shrugs. "Dunno." *tilts his head, still sort of watching her as he takes another drag*
14 years ago
frowns, wondering why he's watching her. ",,, Something wrong?"
14 years ago
arches an eyebrow, not looking away. "Huh? Nee, nothin'. Just watchin' ya. S'that a bad thing?" *chuckles*
14 years ago
shakes her head a bit, but stops the motion once it feels like her brain just flipped over - or tried to. Something like that. "'S weird."
14 years ago
arches his eyebrows higher, looking confused. "Hunh? What is?"
14 years ago
shrugs, like this is making perfect sense or something. "I'unno... I'm not used to it, is all.."
Roel gives
14 years ago
an 'ah' response and nods. "Ya feelin' all trippy yet?"
Eva is
14 years ago
silent for a moment, then gives a small nod. "I might face-plant if I try to stand."
14 years ago
chuckles, scooting a bit closer. "Well then don' stand up, domkop~"
14 years ago
eyes him curiously for a moment, but takes the chance to rest her head on his shoulder. "Then what? Can't stay here all day.."
14 years ago
shrugs again, moving a hand up to stroke at her hair. "...dunno."
14 years ago
smiles slightly, hugging herself. "Nn, don't tell me to smoke again, 's weird."
14 years ago
chuckles, playing with the blond strands and snuggling closer. "Nn ja, okay. I won't..."
14 years ago
purrs contentedly, closing her eyes for a moment. "How long 'till it feels all... Normal?"
Roel likes
14 years ago
that sound and keeps playing, wrapping his other arm around her cause she's comfy~ "Dunno. Its different for everybody. You'll be fine-
14 years ago
-be fine though. I said I wouldn't let ya get hurt, ja?"
14 years ago
nuzzles closer, enjoying the proximity; so warm and comfortable. Still, she can't help but pout. "Ja... Mm I'll stick with alcohol, I think.
14 years ago
14 years ago
leans in and gives her a small peck on the cheek, chuckling. "Ja, I think ya should too..."
14 years ago
playfully puffs out said cheek a bit. "Mhm... Don't get too high, broder."
14 years ago
arches an eyebrow, poking at said cheek with a laugh. "Hmm? And what is that supposed to mean?"
14 years ago
((broeder* /sighh typos.))
Eva thinks
14 years ago
he's having way too much fun. Or something. "Ah... Well don't pass out or whatever. Domkop."
14 years ago
((*pats* XD <3))
14 years ago
pokes again and then gives her cheek another kiss before he leans back again, sighing. "M'not gonna pass out~ M'more worried about you-
14 years ago
-doing that." *glances at her* "Domkop~"
14 years ago
pouts and makes a sort of childish, displeased face, looking away. "'M not going to."
Roel is
14 years ago
highly amused by that face and he ruffles at her hair. "Good. Don' want to hafta carry ya back home or somethin'..."
14 years ago
, not being used to people touching her hair, makes a sort of squeaking sound at that. "Nngh. I can just stay here or something.."
14 years ago
ruffles it again, smiling cheekily. "Ja~ Ya can if ya want..."
14 years ago
pouts but wraps her arms around him anyway, hugging him. "Ja... Just today." She hums softly. "... Let me try again." Sudden decision, what.
Roel is
14 years ago
a little surprised but hugs back lazily, staring down at her. "Wat? The pipe? I thought you said you didn't want to again..."
14 years ago
shrugs a bit. "I don't, really. But there is nothing else to do." Because obviously this makes perfect sense. Of course.
Roel thinks
14 years ago
there's a few other things he could think of, but okay then. "Er...goed." *shrugs and holds the pipe to her*
14 years ago
would be glad if he had any other suggestions, then; in the meantime she takes the pipe, licking her lips before taking another puff.
14 years ago
"... Mijn God."
14 years ago
arches an eyebrow high, looking highly amused and maybe a tiny bit concerned. "Nmm? Good now, ja?"
14 years ago
nods slowly, leaning closer against him for support as she's honestly scared of losing her balance. "Ja. D-definitely."
14 years ago
smiles at that, glad that she's not freaking out or something as he holds her closer. "Good..~"
14 years ago
squirms a little but nonetheless appreciates the closeness, going for another puff. Like this isn't enough for her already or something. "-
14 years ago
"'S a horrible vice, broeder.."
Eva is
14 years ago
still smiling slightly as she says that, though.
14 years ago
shrugs, nuzzling into her and chuckling. "Nn oh well..."
Eva feels
14 years ago
much more relaxed now and glances up at him momentarily. "You don't seem to care."
14 years ago
shrugs, staring back down at her. "Nee. Not really."
14 years ago
almost rolls her eyes at that. "Domkop." But oh hey, she'll just cling now because Roel is kind of nice and comfy when he's like this.
14 years ago
chuckles, leaning back and patting at her hair again without a response.
14 years ago
doesn't mind that at all, actually, but she can't help to hum softly under her breath; the silence is kind of unnerving when they are-
14 years ago
both randomly sitting on a counter.
14 years ago
pats at her hair more before sort of getting the same thoughts and glancing down at her. "Oi. Ya okay to move. The counter's gettin' a-
14 years ago
-little uncomfortable..."
14 years ago
blinks and detaches herself from him, pondering the chances of faceplanting if she stands up by herself. "... I think so..?"
14 years ago
keeps a hand on her arm, definitely not wanting her to faceplant. "I er could carry you if ya want? Don' want ya gettin' hurt..."
14 years ago
just shrugs, looking over at him. "If you think is best, I guess..."
14 years ago
shrugs himself, giving her arm a pat. "Ja I suppose..." *slides of the counter and turns her to where he can pick her up* "Ready?"
14 years ago
nods, placing her hands on his shoulder just in case. "You won't trip or something, will you?"
14 years ago
chuckles and shakes his head. "Nee, I won't~" *wraps his arms around her waist to pull her off the counter and then shuffle a bit before-
14 years ago
-pulling her into a more bridal-like hold* "Ya good?"
14 years ago
keeps her arms around his neck then, looking down at the floor just in case it decides to switch places with the ceiling or something. "Ja."
14 years ago
nods, starting to shuffle slowly to his room. "Goed..."
14 years ago
rather enjoys not having to walk around by herself like this so she just looks around. "Mm... We should throw a party. With bright lights-
14 years ago
and stuff.."
14 years ago
chuckles, glancing down at her as he nudges the bedroom door open with his foot. "Ja? That'd be interesting, wouldn't it..?"
14 years ago
nods, snuggling closer. "Ja, it would. With lots of lights and colours and stuff. I could bring the beer, too."
14 years ago
starts petting at her hair a bit as he shuffles into the room and gently tries to sit her on the bed. "Sounds good~"
14 years ago
manages to sit, actually! But if the world starts turning upside down she might flip out. "Ya think? We could invite lots of people~."
Roel is
14 years ago
glad at this but will sit next to her and lean a bit. Just in case. "Hm? Ya sure. If ya want..."
14 years ago
doesn't necessarily like the idea but whatever, he's pretty much zoned out by now...
Eva will
14 years ago
most likely forget about this idea anyway, so it's ok. She sighs softly, smiling a bit. "Eh, I can see why you smoke that thing so much.."
14 years ago
looks a bit surprised but just laughs, patting at her hair. "Oh? Well s'good I suppose~"
14 years ago
nuzzles his hand a bit. "Mhmm..." And she pretty much ran out of things to say... For now, just you watch. I:
14 years ago
keeps petting, watching her with a lazy smile and cuddling closer.
14 years ago
laughs softly in return but appreciates the cuddling. "Broeder doesn't seem as scary now ~"
14 years ago
tilts his head at this, chuckling. "Hm? I don't? I may have to change that, won't I. Gotta keep an image and all~" *laughs louder*
14 years ago
really must be out of it because, really, he's laughing? She pokes her tongue out at him. "Ja, maybe you'll have to do that, domkop."
14 years ago
shakes his head, just smirking lazily and sticking his tongue out right back. "Nmhm~"
14 years ago
pinches his cheek, tugging a bit though it's kind of really weak. "And what does that mean, eh?"
14 years ago
makes a face at that, snorting. "What does what mean?"
14 years ago
pouts. "Don't mimic me, domkop."
14 years ago
chuckles, rolling his eyes and just laying back against the bed. "Ja ja..."
14 years ago
turns slightly to eye him, smiling cutely. "How am I getting home again?"
14 years ago
blushes a bit at that smile, but then smile cheekily before suddenly grabbing her arm and pulling her on top of him. "Hm? Dunno." smirk*
14 years ago
squeaks, not expecting that - world, don't spin, ok? - but hey, at least she can use him as a pillow, so that's a plus. "Then who knows?"
14 years ago
chuckles, playing a few locks of her hair and rubbing her back with the other hand. "Hm ah well~"
14 years ago
nuzzles his neck lazily; she will definitely be using him as a pillow for the time being. "You're a conniving bastard sometimes, broeder."
Roel gives
14 years ago
her a wider smirk, pinching her side lightly at that. "Am I now~?"
14 years ago
squirms a bit and huffs, moving a hand up to flick his nose. "Ja. You really are."
14 years ago
wrinkles his face, still looking quite amused though. "Nnn so rude~" *here have another little pinch*
14 years ago
squirms again and gives him a daring look. Or... As daring as she can when she is like this. "What are you going to do about it?"
14 years ago
arches an eyebrow, smirking a little evily. "Hmm? Oh nothing, just..." *suddenly flips her over a bit, giving her a quick kiss and then-
14 years ago
-starting to tickle her with a laugh*
14 years ago
squeaks loudly at that and tries to squirm away from him, laughing loudly. "H-hey quit it!"
14 years ago
keeps tickling her and laughing himself cause he's quite loopy now and this is highly amusing. "Nee~"
14 years ago
tries to push him away by his shoulder because dammit, she's ticklish and he's taking advantage of that. Not that it isn't amusing. "Ja!"
Roel is
14 years ago
totally not taking advantage, what are you talking about~? "Neee~!"
14 years ago
knows he totally is and she might try to kick him or something. Which might hurt even if she doesn't mean to. Hopefully not. "Alsjeblieft!"
Roel will
14 years ago
kindly dodge that kick, soon just complying and slipping his hands up to hold her wrists down. "Okay okay. Just don't kick me, jeez~"
14 years ago
blinks a couple of times and sort of looks up at him, all red in the face. Cue a childish smirk. "Broeder.."
14 years ago
tilts his head, staring down at her. "..ja?"
14 years ago
tugs her wrist a little, smirking more. "This."
14 years ago
...blinks. Then blushes a bit more. And then oh look you get a sort of half-embarrassed, half-sly look. "...ah. Ja. That." *arches an-
14 years ago
-eyebrow in curiosity before slipping down more on top of her, definitely very close to her face* "Ya wanna do something about that?"
Eva is
14 years ago
not so sure she can use him as a pillow anymore and she certainly doesn't think he would be a good blanket. "I can try and get away~"
14 years ago
smirks widely, slightly tightening the grip on her wrists but not to a point where he thinks he's hurting her. "Oh? What if I don't want-
14 years ago
-you to get away?"
14 years ago
pouts and tugs lightly to test his grip; he's not hurting, thankfully. "That won't stop me~"
14 years ago
tilts his head, ghosting his lips over hers ever so slightly. "Mm? Do you really want to leave?"
14 years ago
smiles cheekily at that. "Depends. Will you stop me if I try?"
14 years ago
shrugs lightly, returning the smile. "I might~"
14 years ago
's smile widens slightly. "Then who knows. Maybe I do."
14 years ago
chuckles lowly, giving her a little kiss. "Well then I guess I'd have to stop you~"
14 years ago
arches an eyebrow, tugging her wrist again. "Indeed, you do."
14 years ago
glances down at her wrist and then back at her. "Well then. Try and escape away princess~" *snorts*
14 years ago
tugs a bit harder this time, squirming slightly. "Oh I will... Eventually. 'M just... Checking and all." O-of course.
14 years ago
just keeps watching her, a bit amused by this. "Nmhm..."
14 years ago
huffs and tries a couple more times before giving up. "Verdammt. Cheater."
14 years ago
laughs louder at this, still not letting go. "M'not cheatin'~"
14 years ago
pouts, giving one last tug just for good measure. "Ok fine. But I can't get away. Hmph."
14 years ago
smiles. "I told ya, I wouldn't let ya get away~"
14 years ago
sighs and smiles a bit more, too. "I think you've proven your point."
14 years ago
arches an eyebrow. "Who says I was proving a point?"
14 years ago
frowns. "What do you mean by that?"
14 years ago
shrugs, his smile fading a bit as well. "Dunno..." *insert embarrassed blink here*
14 years ago
leans back, watching him intently. "Well, I suppose it doesn't matter either way."
14 years ago
coughs a bit and lets his hands slip away for a moment as he leans back himself. "I suppose....though. I do enjoy seeing you like this.-
14 years ago
-A bit too much for comfort..." *slightly cheeky grin*
14 years ago
arches an eyebrow momentarily before breaking into the slyest grin she can manage, her head tilted slightly in curiosity. "Is that so?"
Roel is
14 years ago
a bit unnerved and excited by that look. "Ja~"
14 years ago
figures that's a good thing though; her smile doesn't falter yet. "Should that worry me?"
14 years ago
shrugs, still grinning. "Mm dunno. Depends..."
14 years ago
squirms slightly, if just to pester him. "Depends on what?"
14 years ago
leans back down again to kiss her softly and then lean back again, tilting his head. "On if your okay with that or not~? "
14 years ago
tilts her head back slightly. Look, she's still smiling like that. "You should know the answer to that by now."
Roel is
14 years ago
smiling back quite wider now as he leans down again. "Mm I suppose I should..." *presses another light kiss but doesn't pull back again~*
14 years ago
nods slightly, muttering a quiet 'Ja' before their lips meet. Since he doesn't pull back, she closes her eyes this time, humming softly in-
14 years ago
a satisfied manner.
14 years ago
slips his hand up, tentatively stroking at her side as he deepens the kiss with a satisfied sound.
Eva is
14 years ago
a bit sneaky sometimes to at that she takes the chance to throw an arm around his shoulders while forcing herself onto a sitting position, -
14 years ago
even if that means having to pull away from the kiss. "Or maybe I can get away and you just don't know it?"
14 years ago
looks quite shocked and sort of impressed at the same time. She was sneaky~ "Ah? But that leaves the question of if you really want-
14 years ago
-to get away, doesn;t it?"
14 years ago
pulls her knees up to her chest, hugging herself though she has that sly smile on her face. "Already did, domkop~"
14 years ago
snorts, running a hand through his hair and shaking his head. "...domme zus."
14 years ago
arches an eyebrow at him. "Het spijt me? I was just kidding, broer~"
14 years ago
nods, staring at her. "Ja I know~" *chuckles*
14 years ago
shrugs lightly. "You seemed kind of bothered by that just now. Sorry~"
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