14 years ago
leads Eva inside, going over quickly to the fridge to see what he's got...
latest #45
14 years ago
waits by the doorway, keeping her arms crossed. "Anything is fine.."
14 years ago
finally just shrugs and tosses her a random bottle. "Anything" is all he's got...
14 years ago
isn't picky, really; not everyone has a basement full of alcoholic beverages lying around. She opens the bottle and is quick to take a -
14 years ago
sip. "... Good stuff."
14 years ago
snorts and nods, taking a swig of his own. "Good~"
14 years ago
remains by the doorway, watching him and drinking quietly. She doesn't really know what to tell him at this point. Awkwardd.
Roel says
14 years ago
they can start off with her not standing in the doorway?
14 years ago
... agrees and moves into the kitchen to not so gracefully sit on a counter. Bad habit, sue her; at least she feels... taller or something.
14 years ago
snorts, watching her and taking another sip. "So. Er..." *doesn't know how to go about this gracefully so* "We sort of-
14 years ago
-...fucked. That's interesting." *insertheavyblushhere*
14 years ago
((/smacks Neddy <w<;;; ))
14 years ago
might or might not have choked the tiniest bit at that. Cue her own blush right about... Now. "... Ja. I-it seems like we did."
14 years ago
takes a long sip, still watching her. " What are your thoughts, zuster?"
14 years ago
takes another sip, finding that question way too awkward to answer right away. She's kind of embarrassed now, thank you. "Um..." She looks-
14 years ago
up at the ceiling. Oh, look at that pretty, blank spot over there. "It was kind of hot, I guess.."
Roel is
14 years ago
quite embarrassed himself, but he figures they need to talk about thi--and wait. Did she just say "hot"? "...r-really?"
14 years ago
would say there is nothing to talk about if it wasn't for the whole brother-turned-sister thing. "... Ja. That's what I said."
14 years ago
finishes his beer quickly and as calmly as he can, strides as close to her as he can. "...and? What are we going to do about this?"
14 years ago
turns much redder.
14 years ago
momentarily considers scooting away a little bit but decides against it. This is giving her a weird feeling, like butterflies in her-
14 years ago
stomach or something. "... I don't know?"
14 years ago
sighs, glancing down for a moment. "...neither do I."
14 years ago
sets the bottle aside to pay him her full attention now. "Then why bring it up?"
14 years ago
shrugs, staring back up at her. "Dunno. Felt like we needed to talk about it. Not to mention....I thought it was kind of hot too and well-
14 years ago
-ya." *furrows his eyebrows, looking flustered*
14 years ago
smiles slightly in spite of the embarrassment. "Hmm I see... Ja, well I'm glad the feeling is mutual, then I suppose.."
14 years ago
can't help but smile a but himself and lean closer. "Ja? Well then...what DO we do about this hotness, hm?" *chuckles, feeling a bit corny*
14 years ago
decidedly does not scoot away and shrugs lightly, slowly. "I don't know... Do you know?"
Roel is
14 years ago
glad she hasn't by now and shrugs himself. "Dunno...something I guess." *leans in and curiously kisses her, before pulling back quickly*-
14 years ago
-"Something like that?"
Eva was
14 years ago
maybe sort of kind of expecting that and although it was something so quick, it is enough for her to tug at his sleeve. "Is it *really* ok?"
14 years ago
leans in even closer, staring right into her eyes. "As I said. If you want it to be..."
Eva has
14 years ago
that funny feeling again; it makes her wonder why she's so anxious. "Ja..." She nods slowly. "Ja, I do."
14 years ago
smiles a bit, pressing another little kiss to her lips. "...ja? Then so do I~"
Eva feels
14 years ago
a bit more confident at that and offers a small smile of her own. "I'm... Happy to hear that."
14 years ago
sighs a bit happily, nodding. "...ja."
14 years ago
shuffles a bit towards the edge of the counter to lean closer and rest her head on his chest. "Will Luxembourg get mad...?"
14 years ago
moves a hand up to pet at her hair, tilting his head. " Lux? Dunno. Does it matter? S'not like I've talked to him in years..."
14 years ago
shrugs lightly and shakes her head. "I suppose it doesn't matter... 'S just. We're family and all.."
14 years ago
nods a little, playing with some blond strands. "...ja, s'true."
Eva likes
14 years ago
that, so she doesn't ask for him to stop it. "I-in any case I'm sorry... D-didn't meant to bring that up."
14 years ago
keeps playing with them then, sighing. "S'okay~ M'not upset or nothin'..." *shrugs and kisses the top of her head*
14 years ago
smiles a bit more at that, then suddenly leans up to kiss him lightly. "That feels nice."
14 years ago
closes his eyes and smiles wider, chuckling. "Ja? S'good~" *peeks an eye open and sneaks another little kiss since she's there and all~*
14 years ago
closes her eyes this time and sneaks her arms around him, intending to make this kiss last a bit longer.
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