Ludwig is
14 years ago
*not* coming out of the house today, not even to train. She tried, but all the bouncing started making her neck ache after awhile.
latest #492
14 years ago
could give her a wonderful massage.
Ludwig will
14 years ago
kill him. With her thighs alone.
Francis thinks
14 years ago
she could put those killer thighs to better use. And not kill him.
Ludwig will
14 years ago
put her boot to good use too if he wants.
14 years ago
would really prefer it if she didn't. Anywhere where she would use that is rather important to him.
14 years ago
suggests he put about ten feet between the two of them then.
14 years ago
steps back. He was right about Allemagne being scarier as a woman. And he did not just say that out loud.
14 years ago
pulls her very oversized coater tighter around her, which only accentuates particular issues instead of hiding them, and glares at him. "At
14 years ago
least I am not wrinkly, useless and invalid."
Francis has
14 years ago
magnet eyes for that particular area. He frowns slightly, wondering if he whacked hi--her with a flyswatter too. "That was an act of God!-
14 years ago
And I'm not anymore, so."
Ludwig wonders
14 years ago
why she feels even more inclined to hit him than usual... "You must be disappointed, knowing how terrible you'll look at that age."
Francis wonders
14 years ago
why she isn't about to jump his women are weird. "Non! I just know what preventative measures to take."
14 years ago
crosses her arms and huffs. "Don't you have somewhere to be?"
14 years ago
smiles and shakes his head. "Non, not at all."
14 years ago
glares. "I could throw a ball for you to chase."
14 years ago
frowns. "I'm not one of your dogs."
Ludwig thinks
14 years ago
he acts like one, always trying to hump things and nearly drooling over her chest.
14 years ago
does not drool! And...well, she didn't mind the humping those other three times, so he sees no problem with it.
14 years ago
blushes, not even noticing she squeaked a little. "Frankreich, really! Must you be so filthy constantly?"
Francis thinks
14 years ago
she looks really cute like that. "It's what you expect from me so I might as well live up to it, non?"
14 years ago
exhales upwards, trying to blow her unruly hair out of her face. "You could try to change that, you know."
Francis is
14 years ago
tempted to try to style her hair. "Pourquoi?"
14 years ago
flips her hands, frustrated. "You cannot be satisfied with that!"
14 years ago
might be playing dumb. "Be satisfied with what?"
14 years ago
can't tell - it takes too much effort to figure out exactly what she wants to say. It isn't like she's been Casanova lately. Or ever. "With-
14 years ago
people thinking so poorly of you! You leave little room for anyone to get close to you."
14 years ago
tucks a strand of loose blond behind his ear and replies in all seriousness. "That's the reason people get close to me."
14 years ago
shakes her head hard enough to flip her bangs back out of her face. "I was not talking about physical proximity."
14 years ago
"Allowing people to get emotionally close...complicates things, to say the least."
14 years ago
snorts. "Is that not part of the entertainment value for you?"
Francis is
14 years ago
thinking of the night before, and frowns. "When it involves me and it's sincere it isn't so fun."
14 years ago
lifts a shoulder to shrug. "Then you should have been more careful. You cannot expect everyone to be satisfied with casual f-fucks."
Francis thinks
14 years ago
his friends should be. "Are you?"
14 years ago
goes red all over again, glaring at him furiously. "We aren't talking about me, Frankreich."
14 years ago
"Why are you so inclined to talk about me?"
14 years ago
's brow arches. "When have you ever had a problem with *that*?"
14 years ago
"I don't. But I don't see how this could be your topic of choice."
Ludwig thinks
14 years ago
it's a great topic, since he obviously isn't offering massages anymore.
14 years ago
isn't offering them because she threatened to kill him.
Ludwig is
14 years ago
actually stunned speechless that Francis *learned* something.
14 years ago
isn't stupid! And anyway, if she wants to keep talking about him, that's fine.
14 years ago
shifts uncomfortably, chewing at her bottom lip. It takes awhile for pride to back down and let her mutter, "I suppose you wouldn't have -
14 years ago
spare women's clothing lying around.?"
14 years ago
"Well....considering this isn't my house, I have to say no. I have some in my wardrobe at home."
14 years ago
sighs. "That is what I meant."
14 years ago
"Then yes, I do."
14 years ago
just stares at him expectantly, really unable to just come right out and ask for help on this one. Mainly because it's France, and this is
14 years ago
humiliating enough.
14 years ago
just smiles at her, pretending to be oblivious, though he can't really pull that off well. He really wants to hear her ask for his help.
14 years ago
absolutely hates this. If she ever finds that there's an individual responsible for the horrible uncomfortable things on her chest, she will
14 years ago
be sure to get revenge for this one. She sighs loudly. "Bitte, Frankreich."
14 years ago
simply feels like giving her a hard time. "Bitte, quoi, chou chérie?"
14 years ago
shoots him a look that she can only hope looks as filthy as it feels. "Save it. I need clothes. You have them."
14 years ago
"Since you asked so nicely, I suppose I can let you borrow them." He holds his arm out, intending on leading her to a train depot.
14 years ago
sniffs and ignores it, marching herself to the front door. ...slowly, since it's terribly hard to march in oversized boots.
14 years ago
follows her out. "Do you have a car or..?" He doesn't know the quickest way to the train.
14 years ago
digs her keys out of her pants pocket and detours to get into the garage and unlock the car. "Of course I do."
14 years ago
follows her. He hasn't seen her car...but he figures it's nice, for not being a Citroën.
14 years ago
bought hi-..herself a nice one after the last one was destroyed. Slightly expensive, yes, but worth it for the gas mileage. She has to -
14 years ago
adjust the seat all over again when she gets in just to be able to drive though.
14 years ago
gets into the passenger seat. Germans are supposed to be better drivers than Italians, and he survived Gilbert driving his car, so he-
Francis thinks
14 years ago
he'll be okay with her driving. "Nice interior."
Ludwig is
14 years ago
a very safe driver, in her opinion. But so is Ray Charles when compared to Gilbert's driving. She pulls out carefully, makes sure to close-
14 years ago
the garage door, and heads for the train station. "Thank you. It says that way because Gilbert is no longer allowed to drive."
14 years ago
" a good rule, I think." He examines the car's interior while she drives. "Is this a hybrid?" His own car is completely electric.
14 years ago
nods, keeping her eyes on the road. "He has to earn that privilege again. And yes, it is."
14 years ago
simply says 'ah' in response. He doesn't want to talk about Gilbert. "I must admit I'm rather impressed."
14 years ago
would sit up a little straighter out of pride, but she's already sitting up pretty straight just to see. "Yes. Well. Thank you.'
14 years ago
nods in response and looks out of the window. Berlin is a lovely city, but it would feel weird to admit it.
14 years ago
remains quiet for the drive rather than forcing potentially awkward conversation.
14 years ago
doesn't mind the silence, really, but he's glad when they arrive at the station. He hopes she won't insist on silence on he train as well.
14 years ago
doesn't insist on it but does remain that way even after getting the car parked and getting out to head for the train.
14 years ago
finds a seat by the window after getting on the train and sits. He likes watching everything move by slowly and then faster and faster-
14 years ago
once the train starts going, so it isn't until after the train reaches its constant speed that he speaks. "How is your neck?"
14 years ago
settles herself in a seat, folds her hands in her lap, and sits perfectly still and straight until Francis speaks up. She almost misses it-
14 years ago
entirely, actually. "Excuse me?"
14 years ago
waves his hand dismissively. "I was just wondering if your neck is feeling any better."
14 years ago
frowns and shifts a little. Her neck doesn't hurt exactly, but is just as tense as her upper back and shoulders. "It is fine."
14 years ago
nods and glances back out of the window. "If it starts bothering you, I can help if you'd like."
14 years ago
looks out the window as well out of habit. "I'm sure."
14 years ago
"D'accord." A moment of silence on his end. "Have you been well?"
14 years ago
figures feeling so awkward and more embarrassed than usual has to do completely with female hormones. That's all. "Fine. Until five this-
14 years ago
14 years ago
"I understand that. It was a shock for me when I woke up as a woman a while back. It'll go away in no time."
14 years ago
'hmph's and crosses her arms below her chest, thoroughly uncomfortable.
Francis is
14 years ago
only trying to be helpful, but he's starting to think that's impossible right now.
14 years ago
doesn't say anything more for awhile. But sitting like that starts to bother her lower back after awhile. It *would* be okay to let-
14 years ago
Francis take care of that really...without making her look weak. She can't do a damn thing to cure muscle pains while on the train. "Ah...-
14 years ago
how would you help neck pain?"
14 years ago
glances over at her when she speaks. "Hm? A massage is the only thing I can offer aside from suggesting you get into a more comfortable -
14 years ago
14 years ago
should have seen that one coming and looks completely unmoved. "I *am* in a comfortable position."
14 years ago
shrugs. "Then endure. I'm not an apothecary."
14 years ago
goes a little pink in the face and decides to do just that. She does slump a little towards the wall though, just to see if leaning helps.
Francis wishes
14 years ago
he had his music on him, because that would undoubtedly fill the void right now. He doesn't care for this silence for some reason.
14 years ago
fidgets increasingly over the next few minutes. Trainrides never bothered her. She would sit and read or do paperwork to pass the time. Now-
14 years ago
she has nothing to do but look at Frankreich, of all people, and get adjusted to having ridiculous weights on her chest. Finally, she-
14 years ago
groans and moves over to Francis' side of the compartment. "Fine. But keep your hands up where they belong."
14 years ago
turns toward her after she moves over to his side. He hadn't been expecting that, but he doesn't mind at all. "I always do." A blatant lie,-
14 years ago
of course, but he can oblige just this once and not allow his hands to stray unless she indicates otherwise. Placing his hands on her -
14 years ago
shoulders, he kneaded that spot where the neck and back met with his thumbs.
14 years ago
's hands folded in her lap again and tightened when Francis started. The only sign she gives that it's pleasant at all is allowing her chin-
14 years ago
to tilt downwards slightly. This is a new body, but all the familiar tension's still there in her shoulders. It *does* feel a bit nice-
14 years ago
letting Francis rub that out...
14 years ago
slowly works his way down her spine, alternating using his thumbs and knuckles, then out. He makes sure to try to loosen her muscles-
14 years ago
as well as keep his hands from an appropriate distance from her ass.
14 years ago
vaguely notices that Francis is making a decent effort to save himself the pain of a black eye and appreciates this. Almost as much as she-
14 years ago
appreciates how the tension is so slowly ebbing out of her muscles. "You are good at this..."
14 years ago
continues working out those muscles, occasionally changing his method. "Mm, merci."
14 years ago
leans forward a little and lets her hands flatten on the seat for support.After working so tirelessly this week, Francis' hands and the-
14 years ago
subtle feel of the trains motions are almost enough to lull her to sleep.
14 years ago
moves back up to her shoulders to massage there. "I can move to the other side if you want to lay down and sleep."
14 years ago
stiffens again almost immediately and resumes her rigid posture. "Absolutely not. This is a public train."
14 years ago
shrugs and leans back against the window. "Okay then. You just seem a bit tired is all."
14 years ago
rolls her shoulders back, stretching a little. "I will live, I am sure. Thank you.
14 years ago
14 years ago
nods. "Pas de problème. I aim to please."
14 years ago
moves back over to her side of the compartment. "I'm sure it comes in handy."
14 years ago
"I must admit it does on numerous occasions."
14 years ago
rolls her eyes and crosses her legs, one knee over the other, without even realizing it. "Truly a valuable asset to someone such as
14 years ago
Francis is
14 years ago
somewhat amused by her posture. "I suppose. Or maybe it is more of one to everyone else."
14 years ago
"Or so you continue to tell yourself."
14 years ago
"It works well in your favour."
14 years ago
agrees with this, but only because Francis kept his hands in proper places.
Francis is
14 years ago
capable of behaving sometimes. "If I fall asleep, will you wake me when we arrive?"
14 years ago
nods and shifts to put her elbow on the arm of her seat, propping her chin in her hand for a better view out the window.
14 years ago
shifts into a comfortable position and looks out of the window until he falls asleep. He'll most likely remain like that until arrival.
14 years ago
stays awake watching the scenery for the rest of the ride. When they arrive, she gets up and stretches, pleased to find Francis' massage-
Ludwig has
14 years ago
had a lingering effect. Gathering her too-large pants up around her waist properly, she bends over Francis slightly. "You. Get up."
14 years ago
slept peacefully on the way over, but even then he wakes up quite easily. He blinks his eyes to find boobs practically in his face.-
14 years ago
"I'm up..."
14 years ago
forgot about those things. She straightens up and crosses her arms. "We've arrived."
14 years ago
manages to look up at her face instead. "Ah. Thank you for waking me." He stands and stretches, then leads her out of the train depot-
14 years ago
to head to the bus stop.
14 years ago
follows closely as much she hates to do so. But she can barely read even the most elementary French; she'd never be able to find her way-
14 years ago
to Francis' on her own. "How far is your home from here?"
14 years ago
waits by the bus stop. Luckily it'll only be a few minutes for the scheduled bus to arrive. "Half an hour if there isn't a hold up."
14 years ago
nods. "Thank you for helping me." He would buy his own things, but since this is apparently temporary, it seems like a waste of money.
14 years ago
"No problem. It's the neighbourly thing to do. I like to think you'd do the same." The bus that arrives is rather full, but he doesn't -
14 years ago
mind standing and holding onto a pole, after having to sit for so long.
14 years ago
tries to make herself as small as possible once they get on the bus. It isn't that hard, but she's still bracing for a crack about strippers
14 years ago
while holding onto a pole. "...I cannot say I would. I have no clothing suitable for women."
14 years ago
"Hypothetically, if you did, and I was in your position and didn't have any?" He, for once, is keeping his thoughts to himself concerning-
14 years ago
the pole. Mostly because if she hits him or something, it'd be embarrassing.
Ludwig thinks
14 years ago
Francis wouldn't sink as low as borrowing clothing, but... "I suppose so, yes."
14 years ago
probably wouldn't, but that's why it's a hypothetical! "Then see, it's the same thing, except, I'm actually lending you clothing."
14 years ago
snorts and tries to look as normal as possible. Pretty easy, considering he isn't his normal size. "Please tell me you have pants..."
14 years ago
grins a bit sheepishly. "Hein...non. But at least you'll look very fashionable in what I have."
14 years ago
groans. Loudly. "I should have simply waited this out. I could have had paperwork sent to the house..."
14 years ago
"Aw, come on. Don't you want to look pretty?"
14 years ago
stares at Francis as though he's just sprouted an odd limb or two.
14 years ago
"It wouldn't kill you..." And then he looks out of the window.
Ludwig thinks
14 years ago
it would, since he's usually *male*.
14 years ago
( she's, whatevs )
Francis thinks
14 years ago
then maybe she should take advantage of this rare opportunity.
14 years ago
sees this as more of an inconvenience than an opportunity, truth be told...
Francis gives
14 years ago
up getting Ludwig to agree with him. "Ah, this is our stop." He heads off the bus.
14 years ago
follows him off, but not before elbowing a particularly grabby bus rider right in the ribs. "Stereotypical..."
14 years ago
goes to put his arm around her waist--out of habit really. She might be Germany, but she's a pretty woman right now. "It's a few blocks-
14 years ago
from here. Not far at all."
14 years ago
jumps and glares at him. "What the hell are you doing?!"
14 years ago
states as if the answer is completely obvious. "Escorting you to my home, of course."
14 years ago
"Why are you *touching* me?"
14 years ago
"It's a gentlemanly act."
14 years ago
mutters something about showing him a gentlemanly act as soon as he gets certain parts back.
14 years ago
catches part of that and doesn't mind that at all, if he pieced it together correctly. "Almost there."
14 years ago
huffs and holds onto her uniform tighter. "I can walk perfectly fine on my own."
14 years ago
"Je sais, mais si je-if I don't do this I may be perceived as rude." It has nothing to do with his fingertips being centimetres from-.
14 years ago
14 years ago
glares up at him. "I'm sure."
14 years ago
"C'est vrai! It's how things work here."
Ludwig is
14 years ago
extremely glad she's normally male then. A *German* male.
Francis thinks
14 years ago
if she was a she more often, he could show her how to appreciate her current state.
Ludwig thinks
14 years ago
Francis would have a more difficult time picking up lays with a crooked nose...
14 years ago
would appreciate it if she refrained from threatening him like that. Especially when he's doing her a favour.
Ludwig thinks
14 years ago
he shouldn't do things to warrant the threats then.
Francis thinks
14 years ago
she should appreciate the attention like a normal girl.
14 years ago
isn't a normal *girl*.
14 years ago
knows this. "Ah, well, look at that. We're here." He unlocks his front door and leads her in.
14 years ago
tries to push him off once they get inside. "That'll be enough."
14 years ago
allows her her personal space back now that they're here. "They're up in my room." He closes the front door after they are both in and-
14 years ago
heads upstairs.
14 years ago
fixes her baggy uniform again, flustered, as she trails after him. She can't help feeling like it's walking right into a trap.
14 years ago
goes into his room, straight for his wardrobe and starts pulling out all the girl-clothes he has and sets them on his bed. All skirts -
14 years ago
and dresses of various styles, but all a bit revealing and form-fitting.
14 years ago
stands awkwardly in the middle of the room, looking like she isn't sure what's safe to touch or hasn't been fucked on. "...I've seen-
14 years ago
prostitutes wearing more."
14 years ago
dismisses it and moves to another part of the room to find shoes for her. "Sounds like shitty whores."
14 years ago
makes a small *tch* noise and glares down at the clothing reproachfully.
14 years ago
"You can borrow what you'd like. I think you'd look nice in all of them."
14 years ago
"I have no idea how to even begin to wear any of that."
14 years ago
"What do you mean? You unbutton or unzip it, then slip it on."
14 years ago
picks up one flimsy thing she supposes is a shirt. "Parts will be hanging out of this!"
14 years ago
"Not blatantly. It more of...implies, per se."
14 years ago
tosses the shirt back at him. "You don't have anything less revealing?"
14 years ago
"I have a coat, but it's summer."
14 years ago
sighs and starts trying to put an outfit together out of the scraps of clothing.
14 years ago
lets her. He'll only make input if she makes a fashion faux pas in her selection.
14 years ago
picks up two things in relatively similar colors and sets them on the edge of the bed. She doesn't bother going to the bathroom to change,
14 years ago
but does at least put her back to him while stripping the uniform off.
14 years ago
at least tries to be modest and not blatantly stare. He might glance from the corner of his eye. "Let me know if you need help."
14 years ago
gets into the skirt easily enough, but her shorts hang out the bottom of it. She really doesn't think about turning on Francis with her
14 years ago
jacket completely unbuttoned. Nothing's really exposed yet anyway... "Are these supposed to stick out the bottom?"
14 years ago
glances over and looks her up and down before focusing on the skirt. "Non. The shorts will have to come off."
14 years ago
blushes. "What the hell am I supposed to wear under the thing then?"
14 years ago
"Nothing or..." he digs through a drawer and produces a pair of panties that aren't very useful. "this. I haven't worn them, just so-
14 years ago
you know. There's still a tag."
14 years ago
really doesn't want to know why Francis has these. She just drops her shorts and bends slightly to pull those girl-things up her legs.
Francis is
14 years ago
simply a compulsive shopper, really. He enjoys the view--firm ass beneath tight fabric in the meantime.
14 years ago
gets those on and then shrugs her uniform jacket off, still facing away from him. "...isn't there something else I am supposed to wear?"
14 years ago
raises an eyebrow. "You mean a bra? You can see if it'll fit." He only has a really lacy one,but it matches the panties at least.
14 years ago
picks the thing up by a strap between thumb and forefinger. " in the hell..."
14 years ago
"It unhooks, and you just...put it on."
14 years ago
manages to get it unhooked through some miracle, but putting it on ends up being a struggle.
Francis is
14 years ago
better at taking them off than putting them on, but he will help if she needs it.
14 years ago
does need help. It's hard holding the front part in place and trying to reach back to hook it together. And those things on her chest are
14 years ago
awful distracting too...
14 years ago
walks over and hooks the bra on while looking over her shoulder to eye those 'things' as well.
14 years ago
adjusts the front of it, both intrigued and disturbed by how different the thing makes her chest look. "This is like false advertising.."
14 years ago
"Giving yourself a little boost isn't false advertisement." Yes, he's pretty much staring.
14 years ago
lifts them a bit higher and pushes them together. "Yes it is! They aren't this high up without it." And no, she really hasn't noticed him
14 years ago
staring yet.
Francis is
14 years ago
definitely watching more intently now. "But it looks nice this way. And it's more comfortable."
14 years ago
glances up at him. The blush on her cheeks has nothing to do with finding Francis watching her, but it darkens when she notices. "Yes..-
14 years ago
..well. False advertising." She clears her throat and grabs for the shirt to pull it on."
14 years ago
sits on the edge of the be, will watching, though he moves his gaze upward. "Do you want to borrow the others?"
14 years ago
turns back around, smoothing the skirt around her hips. "Nein. This should not last much longer."
14 years ago
nods. "You look lovely."
14 years ago
flips him off.
14 years ago
"That's not very ladylike."
14 years ago
puts on hand on her hip and flips him off again. "Better?"
14 years ago
one* )
14 years ago
grins. "Oui. Very classy."
14 years ago
smirks and returns to playing with them hem of the skirt. "...if you tell anyone about this, I *will* make your life hell, you know."
14 years ago
can't *not* look at her thighs now. "It can be our little secret."
14 years ago
makes a small, satisfied noise and glances up at him. "...why are you staring?"
14 years ago
"Because you have nice thighs." He gestures to a full-length mirror.
14 years ago
intends to only glance at it but ends up doing a double-take and staring. She even turns a little and lifts the hem of her skirt up. "...I
14 years ago
had muscles there."
14 years ago
"Still there. I mean, they look firm and all. But muscular women aren't really pretty, so..."
Ludwig is
14 years ago
not pleased with this softer appearance, or the distinct lack of anything filling her shorts out. "I am not a *woman*."
14 years ago
[ty plurk for the notif e.e;; my bad]
14 years ago
runs a hand through his hair. "Well, right now you are so you'll have to deal."
14 years ago
practically whines. "This is horrible. It feels completely...completely...*off*. It isn't in proportion!" And by that she's referring to the
14 years ago
other part of her body she grabs with both hands, skirt bunching up in her fingers and rising to expose a few inches of panties: her ass.
14 years ago
shifts a bit and crosses his legs. "I think it's a really nice proportion. It suits your body type."
14 years ago
huffs. "It isn't. It's inappropriately large. As are these ridiculous-" Here she turns and touches her chest again. "-breasts. There is no
14 years ago
proportioning whatsoever. They hardly fit in the shirt."
14 years ago
shakes his head. "That's the way the shirt is supposed to fit. Honestly, you should be grateful for being so endowed."
14 years ago
lets her hands drop and sighs, puffing her bangs out of her face. "Do you realize how ridiculous that sounds?"
14 years ago
"It's not ridiculous. I can assure you many girls would love to have a body like that. You might think you're disproportional, but really-
14 years ago
you aren't. And at least you are far from ugly."
14 years ago
stares at him, her mouth working as she bites at her cheek. Then she points at her skirt. "Oh, then I suppose *this* thing is pretty too?"
14 years ago
nods. "Les chattes sont très belles. Her delicate folds are akin to a lily."
14 years ago
makes a very unladylike noise in the back of her throat when that triggers her gag reflex.
14 years ago
raises an eyebrow. "You asked my opinion."
14 years ago
shoves her skirt between her legs, trying to make shorts out of them. "Yes. But not for horrible poetry."
14 years ago
"I thought you would appreciate it. And doing that doesn't really help."
14 years ago
lets go of her skirt, blushing. "Now what?"
14 years ago
shrugs. "Whatever you'd like to do."
14 years ago
"Get my normal body back, for starters."
14 years ago
"If I knew how to help that I would have saved you the trouble of coming all the way over here. Pick something else."
14 years ago
shrugs. "What do you people do here?"
14 years ago
looks about his room. "Here, I mostly sleep or change clothes, watch television, or make other use of my bed."
14 years ago
takes a step away from the bed. "And not here? Outside of here?"
14 years ago
"Just...whatever. It's not like I'm a different species from you or something. "
14 years ago
shoots him a look that says otherwise. "You have bars here?"
14 years ago
"Oui, but the clubs are much better."
14 years ago
snorts. "If you're in your twenties."
14 years ago
"We both look it."
14 years ago
would like to point out that she's severely underdressed.
14 years ago
would say she's a bit overdressed for where he intends to take her if she really wants to go out.
Ludwig will
14 years ago
probably regret ever leaving Berlin come morning. "...and where is that?"
14 years ago
"Still in the city, but we'd have to take my car."
14 years ago
's lip curls a little. "You intend to drive drunk later?"
14 years ago
"We could get a hotel by it." He quickly adds that it could be two rooms if she'd prefer.
14 years ago
could take a cab to the train station afterward too. ...*why* is she even entertaining this? Is this what women do when they're bored and-
14 years ago
relatively dressed up? She rubs her face and shrugs. "Whatever." ...and what the hell is *that*? Whatever? And in that *tone*?
14 years ago
raises an eyebrow then stands, deciding that she just gave him free reign to do as he pleases. "Then, shall we?"
14 years ago
doesn't trust this situation one bit. Not at all. She'll regret this in about two hours, she figures. "Fine. As long as you do not try to-
14 years ago
escort me again."
14 years ago
"I can agree to that." He heads downstairs, heading for his garage.
14 years ago
goes downstairs* /too lazy to delete]
14 years ago
follows after him, trying to ignore how the different these clothes feel against her skin.
14 years ago
leads her to the garage and unlocks his Citroën, getting in the car and hitting the garage door opener.
14 years ago
gets in and shuts the car door, completely forgetting that there's a certain finesse to getting in and sitting in a car with a skirt on. So-
14 years ago
it's sort of...up above her thighs.
14 years ago
glances over, but makes no comment. After buckling his seatbelt, he pulls his car out, closes the garage, and backs out onto the street.
14 years ago
turns on the stereo, but keeps it at a low volume as he drives.
14 years ago
notices after a bit and fixes it carefully. "Where are we going?"
14 years ago
drives like a stereotypical Parisian. "Some place with good music and lots of drinks."
Ludwig is
14 years ago
just glad it isn't as horrible as Gilbert's driving. "Fair enough..."
Francis will
14 years ago
, for Ludwig's sake, not drive around l'Arc de Triomphe. "I think you'll like it." After a drink or ten.
14 years ago
crosses her arms and leans against the door, ever the picture of a pissy date. "Yes well, forgive me for doubting your tastes."
14 years ago
"It won't kill you to be a bit more open-minded."
14 years ago
plucks at the hem of the skirt. "I am very open-minded, thank you."
14 years ago
"Not enough, I'd say. We're not even there yet. Give it a chance before you decide you hate it. Please."
14 years ago
"...fine. As long as they do not overcharge for beer."
14 years ago
"I'm not sure what prices for those are. I usually go for something a tad stronger."
14 years ago
sits up a little straighter and gives Francis an approving glance. "As long as it isn't wine..."
14 years ago
shakes his head. "I don't think it's even served there."
14 years ago
almost smiles. "Ah. Good. Better for everyone then."
14 years ago
clicks his tongue but really isn't insulted. "The drinks are really great, though. I wouldn't take you to a place that didn't."
Ludwig is
14 years ago
quiet for a bit then shrugs. "No, I suppose you wouldn't. That would be in terrible taste on your part."
14 years ago
"Mhm." He falls short on something to add, so just focuses on driving and listening to the radio.
14 years ago
ignores the radio for the most part and keeps playing with her skirt, both fascinated and disgusted by it.
14 years ago
hums softly as he drives, along with the radio, save for those few moments when someone cuts in front of him and warrants him muttering -
14 years ago
French curses. At least the traffic isn't too bad so it won't be too long before they arrive.
14 years ago
grabs onto the dashboard more than once, sure Francis is going to rear-end someone. "Your people drive like my brother..."
Francis has
14 years ago
quick reflexes with hitting the brakes, at least. "They aren't as bad as Italie's though." He turns off a main road and it's not quite as -
14 years ago
bad now.
14 years ago
agrees with that. Italy's drivers are absolutely insane. She'll never ride in a car with Italy ever again, no matter how late she's-
14 years ago
running to a meeting.
14 years ago
finds a place to park a few minutes later and turns the car off before unbuckling his seatbelt.
14 years ago
belatedly realizes she completely forgot her seatbelt as she steps out of the car, awkwardly trying to find her footing in those damn
14 years ago
heels. ( lol I'm assuming they're heels. xD )
14 years ago
[totally. for the sake of her ankles they're probably not stilettos though. I don't think Francis is that mean xD;]
14 years ago
locks the car and walks around to the sidewalk. He watches her as he leads her to the right building. "Need help?"
14 years ago
swats at him without even seeing if he actually has his hand out. "I've *got it* under control." That may not be the case later the deeper-
14 years ago
she gets into her glasses though. These bastards are difficult to walk in. She actually has to grab onto his sleeve to keep from pitching-
14 years ago
onto her face once too, though she's quick to let go.
14 years ago
nods and lets her walk unassisted, but he holds the door open for her when they get to that point. He intends to pay her cover--he's a-
14 years ago
gentleman, after all.
14 years ago
attempts to pay it herself anyway, after muttering a thank you for Francis holding the door for her.
14 years ago
insists upon paying then leads her farther inside. "Bar or table?" Of course, he has to practically yell that due to the noise level.
14 years ago
doesn't hear him at all. She's too busy staring at things and people and...and their various states of undress. And *dear lord* what are -
14 years ago
those people doing out in the middle of the floor?! Is that *dancing*? "What? I don't know, whatever!"
14 years ago
grabs her elbow and leads her to a booth in a corner after weaving through the mas of people. He waits for her to sit before sitting and-
14 years ago
flagging down a waitress.
14 years ago
continues to openly stare at what she assumes must pass for dancing these days. It looks like fucking. Fucking right out in public, through
14 years ago
clothing. She even says as much, and very loudly, without checking to see if there's a waitress or anyone within earshot.
Francis is
14 years ago
rather amused by her reaction. He informs her that it's really fun though. When the waitress finally makes her way over to the table, he-
14 years ago
glances to Ludwig. "What do you want to drink?"
14 years ago
's still just as loud in this body as she is in her normal one and very clearly states that whatever the waitress brings it had better be -
14 years ago
strong enough to strip the goddamn paint off a boat if she's going to get through this night.
Francis is
14 years ago
more amused with her being loud as a woman than anything else, and just informs the waitress he'll have what she's having, not wanting-
14 years ago
to lose face.
Ludwig is
14 years ago
not amused so much as disgruntled. "It smells in here." Like too much perfume to be exact.
14 years ago
"It smells fine." When the waitress returns, he's more than happy to push a drink toward the blonde in hopes of loosening her up.
14 years ago
mutters about sweat and old beer but snatches her drink and downs half of it. It nearly burns the roof of her mouth off. Thankfully.
14 years ago
sips at his. He's not sure what they were given but it doesn't really taste that great to him.
14 years ago
crosses her legs under the table and smooths her skirt out. Her foot bounces idly in time to the music. "They do make a good drink at
14 years ago
14 years ago
nods and takes a larger sip of the drink, hopefullly hiding his distaste for it. Next round he'll order something faggy like an appletini. -
14 years ago
He knows those takes good, at least.
14 years ago
only drinks beer when she's drinking for the taste, so the near-revolting alcohol burn from this drink is just something to suffer-
14 years ago
through to get drunk."Is it always this loud in here?"
14 years ago
keeps sipping at his drink. He'd gulp, but that's really not his style unless it's shots. "Usually louder, actually."
14 years ago
makes a face, mostly due to the thought of this horrible music getting any louder. But her drink's well on its way to gone and has left her-
14 years ago
with a pleasantly warm belly at least. She props her chin in one hand and looks off towards the dancers almost sullenly. "This is nothing-
14 years ago
compared to Berlin's raves."
14 years ago
eventually finishes half the drink, deciding to just order something else later. He raises an eyebrow at her and glances to the dancers. -
14 years ago
"Really." He can't see her going to them at all. "Care to show me how it's done, then?"
14 years ago
isn't drunk enough for anything like that. She shoots him a dirty glare above the rim of her glass as she polishes off the last bit of it.-
14 years ago
"Gilbert would be better suited for that if you want dancing lessons. I've had to fish him out of those places often enough."
14 years ago
notices her glass is empty so he flags down another waitress, intending to get her something else and something tastier for himself. -
14 years ago
"I assure you I can dance just fine myself."
14 years ago
actually smirks between her fingers. "Some terrible excuse for dancing that looks like dry-humping, I'm sure."
14 years ago
suppresses a laugh. "Not exactly, but I'll do that just for you if you want."
14 years ago
blushes and looks off immediately, her smirk sliding towards a frown instead. "Disgusting."
14 years ago
opens his mouth to add to it, but the arrival of more drinks distracts him. It's better he not say anything that includes 'bump and grind'-
14 years ago
14 years ago
doesn't take her time with that drink either. The first one was pretty strong, but she doesn't expect to feel much for another round or-
14 years ago
two. Unfortunately, she's completely forgotten to take into account how much smaller this body is compared to her normal one. "Danke."
14 years ago
nods and drinks his. He drinks his slowly, savouring its taste, but at least he finishes this one. When he finishes, he pushes the glass-
14 years ago
away. "Do you want something else to drink?"
14 years ago
shakes her head slowly, pushing her empty glass to the middle of the table. "Not just now." Those two alone were strong enough to make her-
14 years ago
a little light-headed just sitting down...
14 years ago
leans back against the booth and props his arm over the back. "Dance?"
14 years ago
glares at him, but her eyes are a bit half-lidded. "If it will shut you up."
14 years ago
smiles and slips out of the booth, holding his hand out.
14 years ago
finds that she actually needs to take his hand to get up this time, and that heels are remarkably dangerous things after several drinks.
14 years ago
keeps holding her hand so she doesn't fall and leads her to the dance floor, his hand letting go to settle on her lower back.
14 years ago
doesn't much care for it out here either. Everyone looks a little sweaty and they're all pretty close together. This makes her unconsciously
14 years ago
press closer to Francis. She even completely forgets to elbow him for trying to be gentlemanly. "It's even louder here..."
14 years ago
slips his arm around her waist, trying to get her to face him. "But it's good music. Just one song and we can go sit back down. Okay?"
14 years ago
stands there starting up at him awkwardly. "Fine. One song." what's she supposed to do for that one song, anyway?
14 years ago
runs his hands down her sides and moves a little to the rhythm of the music, not dancing yet but just standing doesn't work for him. "Do-
14 years ago
you know how to dance?"
14 years ago
shivers slightly but tries to pass it off as an awkward fidget. "Of course I do. As a man."
14 years ago
"It's not too different. You just have to move your hips and shake your ass more." No, that's not his hand that just slid down to run his-
14 years ago
-ignore his] over her ass.
14 years ago
attemps to punch him right in the chest for getting so freehanded, but trying to swing at him throws her off balance. Instead of hitting him
14 years ago
she ends up grabbing on to the front of his shirt to stay upright, surprised by how suddenly the room's begun to spin. "Those drinks were-
14 years ago
a bit stronger than I thought."
14 years ago
moves his hand back up to her lower back and nudges her closer. "Maybe you just can't handle your drinks as a girl."
14 years ago
glares up at him as she leans against him. She's swaying slightly, but there's a bit of a rhythm to it. "Maybe you can't." ...yes, like that
14 years ago
makes sense at all.
14 years ago
goes with the swaying for now. It's too slow for this song, but that's fine. "I can more than you right now."
14 years ago
attempts to tell him off by pointing at him, but they're so close that her finger lands dead center of his lips. "I can outdrink you in-
14 years ago
*any* body, Frankreich. Now tell that bitch I want another drink and show me how to do...whatever this dancing thing is."
14 years ago
parts his lips slightly to wrap them around her finger before grinning and escorting her back to the booth for more drinks. "Whatever you-
14 years ago
say, ma chérie."
14 years ago
blushes just as usual but it doesn't feel the same. It feels...well, she feels warmer in a way that isn't quite the same as a simple blush.
14 years ago
"Right, as I say. You'll end up on your ass."
14 years ago
sits back down at the booth with her and orders another round of drinks. "And where would you be?"
14 years ago
blinks at him. "What? When?"
14 years ago
"If I'm on my ass. I think my lap would be a good place."
14 years ago
frowns at him then out at the people moving around, looking for their waitress to come back. "You'll be unconscious. Completely unable to
14 years ago
appreciate anything like that."
14 years ago
clicks his tongue and looks out as well. "I didn't know you were into that sort of thing."
14 years ago
tilts her head. "What sort of thing?"
14 years ago
"Taking advantage of an unresponsive body."
14 years ago
manages to look properly revolted. "I would never do such a thing. That would be terribly rude. And boring."
14 years ago
"Good. I don't have to worry about you taking advantage of me when I can't enjoy it." Ah, drinks. Right on time.
14 years ago
rolls her eyes but decides to concentrate on that drink rather than a response.
14 years ago
drinks his as well. He can feel the alcohol loosening him up, but he's far from getting as drunk as he did the last time he drank with -
14 years ago
the other nation. He's not really aiming for that state, anyway.
14 years ago
actually is aiming for just below that level so she can manage to stay upright in these stupid shoes. Considering that, she shouldn't be-
14 years ago
downing her drinks quite as fast as she is. But at least it's relaxing her the more the alcohol works through her system.
14 years ago
glances over at her. "Are you ready for another?"
14 years ago
shoves the empty glass across the table at him as an answer.
14 years ago
admires her communication skills, really, and flags down the waitress for another round. Might as well tell her to keep them coming.
Ludwig will
14 years ago
continue drinking as long as there are glasses set in front of her. One more will probably do her well for a good while though, so when the
14 years ago
traybitch comes back, she sets to that one like she would a beer in her normal body.
14 years ago
sips at his drink slowly. He easily gets a drink or so behind her but he's in no rush. He's ready to go dance, though, but he's going -
14 years ago
to let her have her fill with drinking before suggesting it again.
14 years ago
, at some point, stops and pushes a half-finished glass to the middle of the table. All of her drinks were as strong as the first and if she
14 years ago
doubted earlier that they were worker, there's no question now. It's all caught up with her in a rush, making her head pound a little. Or-
14 years ago
maybe that's the music. Either way, the feeling's like that blush earlier, a full-body warmth that stirs in her midsection when she-
14 years ago
decides that her side of the table is just a bit too boring and Francis' side - specifically astride his lap, facing him - is a much better-
14 years ago
place to sit. "Aren't we s'pposed to dance?"
14 years ago
watches her, save for the moments when he glances about to people watch, particularly a couple he has a perfect view of grinding on each-
14 years ago
other on the dance floor. He finishes off his drink and sets the glass on the table. "Oui. Ready?" He slips out of the booth, still with -
14 years ago
his usual grace and offers his hand to her.
14 years ago
would probably be able to transform her frown into a decent pout if she tried hard enough. She huffs and scoots out, taking his hand and-
14 years ago
actually relying on him to help her get up and out onto the floor with everyone else. Instead of taking cues from him though, she tries to-
14 years ago
find her balance with her back to him and pay attention to how the others around them are doing this. really does look like fucking.
14 years ago
moves behind her and runs his hands down her sides and lets them settle on her. Yes, this dancing looks a lot like fucking, and it probably-
14 years ago
doesn't help at all with the way he's dancing right behind her. Against her, rather.
14 years ago
doesn't really notice what he's doing at first thanks to the alcohol and trying to focus on getting this down right. Not that it's all-
14 years ago
that complicated. She just can't really focus all that well. "Like this?"
14 years ago
allows his hands to to stray from her hips to over her abdomen. "Oui. Just like that."
14 years ago
14 years ago
Ignore that )
14 years ago
leans back into him and lets her head fall back. It gets easier to let Francis' movements act as guide the same as she would if they were-
14 years ago
fucking. Just thinking about that, even on an a small level, puts a different motion to her body against him.
14 years ago
slides a hand farther up as he moves against her, only encouraged by her movements, while letting his lips graze the side of her neck.
14 years ago
surprises herself with a high, very feminine sigh. Where Francis' hands aren't hers move, feathering down over chest and middle, brushing-
14 years ago
against his fingers and then past them until her own are splayed out over where the hem if her skirt clings to her thighs.
14 years ago
grazes his fingertips over the soft mound of one of her breasts, practically grinding on her when the rhythm picks up. [plz2bignoringmyfail]
14 years ago
means to elbow him for that. Honestly, she does. But instead of elbowing, her arm lifts so she can reach back and toy with Francis' hair.-
14 years ago
Her eyes open again and glance up at what little of him she can see, whatever's there and not too awkward for her to stretch up and brush-
14 years ago
her lips against. Her skirt's probably riding up her ass at this point, but that fucking hand on her chest does something to her, making her
14 years ago
skin tingle. That's not even the best way to describe it but it''s *something*.
Francis is
14 years ago
pleased with her reaction, so he repeats the action but this time with his whole hand. And with those fingers in his hair and lips against-
14 years ago
his skin, he decides they're in need of a different position. So with the hand on her chest, he reaches for the shoulder opposite his arm-
14 years ago
and nudges it, wanting her to face him.
14 years ago
turns slowly so as not to trip herself or lose the rhythm too terribly. Once there she gets both arms up around Francis' neck and smirks.
14 years ago
returns the smirk in kind, reaching down with one hand to press the small of her back forward, against him, while the other cups her ass.
14 years ago
squeaks a little. She'd grind against him, but it's not like it's possible to create more friction between them at this point. The places-
14 years ago
where they're pressed together are incredibly hot, so much that it's hard to think of anything but how wonderful it feels to have him-
14 years ago
pressed so tight to her. But she does arch against him while dancing anyway, giving a soft moan that isn't audible above the music.
14 years ago
continues dancing, enjoying this far too much and not wanting the song to end. Giving her ass a firm squeeze, he tilts his head down -
14 years ago
to graze his lips over the side of her neck again. [/fail]
14 years ago
lets her nails scrape gently where they rest against the nape of his neck. She's started to sweat but in this body it's not nearly as-
14 years ago
much as usual. Damn women and their manageable bodies... ( no i failed more. )
14 years ago
moves up so his lips brush against her earlobe as he song starts to end. "Do you want to keep dancing?"
14 years ago
practically clings to him, a bit wobbly on her feet. "I-it would look stupid w-without the music."
Francis is
14 years ago
holding her firmly so she won't fall. Probably. "I meant we can sit down if you'd prefer."
14 years ago
nods slowly. Now that they've stopped, she does feel a little dizzy... "Maybe for a little while."
14 years ago
nods and leads her back over the table and slips into his side of the booth after helping her into hers.
14 years ago
slumps over against the table, folding her arms and setting her chin on top. "That was entertaining."
14 years ago
leans back against the booth. "I'm glad you thought so." He agrees, if his crotch is any indicator.
14 years ago
shifts a little. The booth seat's sticking to the backs of her bare thighs and it's really unpleasant. "You don't dance like an idiot."
14 years ago
would offer his lap if he knew. "You don't either."
14 years ago
sits up, practically glowing, and grins at him. Yes, actually *grins* like a drunken idiot. "Why *thank you*, Frankreich. That means s'much-
14 years ago
comin' from a professional such as yourself."
14 years ago
"Well, I do like to give credit when it's due. I was impressed."
14 years ago
snickers. "So were your pants."
14 years ago
might just be stretching a leg out to rub against hers. "It would be impossible for it not to be.".
14 years ago
ignores it for right now. "Oh yeah? How come? I look that good in a skirt?"
14 years ago
"You do. But you'd look good no matter what you wear or don't."
14 years ago
shifts in the seat, pulling her legs up under her so she's kneeling in the booth, leaning on her front on the table. This of course gives-
14 years ago
Francis a front seat view of her cleavage. "Thas' what's nice about these clothes. Don't even have to take 'em all the way off."
14 years ago
really tries to keep his eyes on her face. And he's able to for maybe five seconds. "You certainly wear them well." He's somehow able to-
14 years ago
keep his hands off for the moment.
14 years ago
crawls the rest of the way up onto the table. It's a miracle that she gets turned the proper way without falling off, but she manages to-
14 years ago
get seated on the tabletop with Francis between her knees, heels resting on his seat, holding her skirt in place with one hand. "Just *well*
14 years ago
14 years ago
takes a moment to enjoy the view and thank whichever saint made the female nation such a hot drunk. Starting at her ankles, he runs-
14 years ago
his hands up her legs. "Non. Stunningly."
14 years ago
leans forward, bracing herself on the back of the seat behind Francis, and smirks. "That's better."
Francis is
14 years ago
pretty much eye level with tits, so he brushes his lips against the flesh right in front of him while running his hands farther up, over -
14 years ago
her thighs now.
14 years ago
decides that isn't enough, and that grabbing the back of his head and shoving it into her chest is a much nicer idea.
14 years ago
adapts quickly, nipping a spot gently before sucking, fingertips under the hem of her skirt now.
14 years ago
tries to be gentle about playing with his hair and rocking against him. She figures if she pushes her hips forward, it'll get Francis' hand-
14 years ago
wherever it's going a good deal faster.
14 years ago
[privated >3>]
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