wonders 14 years ago
if he needs help.
wouldn't object to any help, but he's also doing a good job without it.
sit and watch, then, because he has nothing better to do!
continues weeding his garden. "Do you like flowers?" he suddenly asks.
blinks and nods. "Yeah, I do! Why?"
"Curious." He picks a few more weeds and then stands up. "Do you have a garden?"
shakes his head. "No, I don't. Should I get one?"
"They're nice to have, but they take some work." He stretches. "Still, it's nice to grow flowers and plants."
nods. "Oh, I can grow orchid bauhinias and rose of sharon bushes!"
doesn't know what plants those are, but that shouldn't matter, right? "It's good that you're getting into gardening."
grins; they're the flower on Hong Kong's flag and his national flower. "It can't be too hard!"
'Oh.' He hums. "I guess. But certain flowers thrive in certain conditions."
thinks 14 years ago
about that. "I'm sure that they will!"
smiles. "I'd be happy to help you, but I don't know anything about those flowers."
shrugs. "I can figure it out! But you can help anyways!"
"I suppose I can." Although he does feel a little sore after pulling so many weeds already.
stands up and streches his arms above his head. "So, how have things been?"
about this. "They've been... alright I guess." he smiles. "How about you?"
shrugs. "Kind of boring, but fine!"
"Well once you get a garden it'll take up more time."
nods. "Yeah...though, hopefully not too much time! I still need to take care of Jay Kyung and Xiang!"
"I doubt it'd take up *that* much time." he sighs. "I'm sure it'd provide the right balance."
nods, looking at the plants. "Yeah! Of course."