Charrrrmaine wishes
14 years ago
to find the cup of tea that i want ! (:
latest #7
Dinosaursx33 says
14 years ago
go kitchen have alr (:
Dinosaursx33 says
14 years ago
if dont have then go uncle yap or seng song or wadever la you will sure found alot of tea there xd
Charrrrmaine says
14 years ago
I don't want those kind of tea , i want de is guy not tea ! (:
Dinosaursx33 says
14 years ago
yea i know just kidding :-D
Charrrrmaine says
14 years ago
Hehe , i also know you just kidding ! (:
Dinosaursx33 says
14 years ago
Charrrrmaine says
14 years ago
Haha , (: !
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