Wait... McCain and Palin? Do you know their views on abortion? ...
They're pro life. SO pro life, in fact, that if a woman gets raped, is a victim of incest, or will die if she has the baby, they want her
to have it anyway. And if they get elected, they will try their hardest to make that happen. They're sick. Especially Palin. She's the one
who came up with that garbage.
Not to mention John McCain changed all his views the opposite way when she came in the picture. He used to be for things that make sense.
yes i know about their views on abortion...and agree if a woman got raped its not the childs fault give it up for adoption
the only thing you can count on is change so having change as your position is a bit moronic to me
I dont agree with that, about the baby. I wouldnt be able to stomach having a baby that someone gave me when they raped me. I would get an
abortion as soon as possible. Or, if there was time, I would get a morning after pill.
I dont think its the childs fault, no, but the mother shouldnt have to bear a child that brought her those memories every time she looked at
it, and the child should have to deal with the fact that his father is a rapist.
And as for the election, the more I think about it... I dont really want to vote for anyone. I'd love someone like... Kennedy maybe. I think
yeah i agree wish someone else was running