16 years ago
RAN 2.5 miles today. As in, ran continuously for 2.5 miles without stopping or walking.
latest #6
16 years ago
amazing. I cant run, i am allergic (LOL) srsly, i get hives (rofl)
YarnTart says
16 years ago
I think I hate you... I can barely do a mile on the eliptical, with short breaks
MamaHellCat says
16 years ago
Meleesa: less than two months ago, I could barely run for 60 seconds continuously. I've been doing a couch to 5k training program.
MamaHellCat says
16 years ago
shoefairy3: I do too sometimes, so does Chris. I think its more from the increased blood flow
16 years ago
MamaHellCat: hmm, i wonder what can prevent it b/c it is a pita
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