they should *~all~* go camping = D
... was thinking the three of them. It would be all cosy like... and of course since they're in New Zealand there would be sheep for company
it'll be good for New Zealand too... because he must be sweet on Iceland if Reuben's giving Ice sheep when he's never been allowed any.
that's a wonderful idea, even if Australia suggested it. He looks remarkably innocent while thinking it. Much as he likes Iceland's_
suggestion, he wouldn't want to waste a well-stocked tent.
ready to camp then. He peers over New Zealands shoulder, quietly asking if he needs anything as he watches him stock up the tent.
.... thinks they're talking about camping?
he shouldn't. It's a good opportunity Australia is setting himself up for.
.... thinks Iceland is just a boring git. Well now he can work on getting Reuben to give him some sheep~
he might just be surprised. "You should stay. It'll be fun," he assures, smiling.
what's wrong with camping, alone, with Australia :T
admits, that's part of it. He's also stocked a few supplies Iceland might appreciate. They're a lot more satisfying than egging.
already climbing into the tent to sleep because he stayed up all last night doing paperwork. Those two can have fun, being feminine_
together or somet- SNNORE
sighs, trying to resist the impulse to smother him while he's still sleeping
blinks a little. "'Friendship' would be a...*unique* way of putting it," he responds after a moment, grimacing slightly.
chokes. "*Fuck* no!" he splutters out eventually, caught unawares by that and blushing fiercely at the implications. He opens and closes_
his mouth a few times, disbelievingly trying to formulate some kind of sentence, but further words continue to fail him.
snaps out of it a little at that. He swallows a few times before starting. "There is nothing to be obvious about." He shakes his head,_
as if clearing it, before looking more in Iceland's general direction. "And what did you want to do to him?" That was safer ground, at least
makes a small noise of frustration. "There's nothing that needs to wait," he asserts. He's almost desperate to prove that assumption wrong.
thankful. He scratches his head a bit; the supplies had admittedly slipped his mind some. "Quite a lot; anything in particular you'd like?"
blinks a little. He hadn't quite contemplated going that far, nothing that'd do actual harm...he's intrigued, though. "Legal, *how*?"
puzzles over that for a minute, before scrambling over to the section of the tent where he left the supplies. He rummages for a while,_
before unearthing a small selection of food colorings. "These do?" He's still curious as to how this could be construed as illegal, though..