Roy Lee says
14 years ago
Hmm Me and Kiat Is Being Ignored By Jiu Dai Mei
latest #10
Kayateaa says
14 years ago
wtf only i tio ignored la cb , you nvr see she talk to you and reply you arh ?
Kayateaa says
14 years ago
== haiz
Roy Lee says
14 years ago
relax la
Kayateaa says
14 years ago
Roy Lee says
14 years ago
go away la noob nobody call u come idiot cb no cock
CuiYi.Y says
14 years ago
I never ignore you all
Roy Lee says
14 years ago
i will tell kiat this news that he is ignored for nth
Roy Lee says
14 years ago
Kayateaa says
14 years ago
whatever , you always say that when you ignore us . ==
Roy Lee says
14 years ago
she ignore me for awhile nia cause i keep fan her thats why
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