britney and christina femmeslash...? whoever runs that site has some ideas i should've though of long ago.
i personally favour matt stone/trrey parker
agammoto: its what we did during 3rd year. we came first
metallica slash...i can imagine the butthurt on sasan's face should he see that.
james hetfield/lars ulrich is the stuff of sasan's dreams
although affleck/damon is so wiiin
i mean those two hanging out all the time.
and cameoing in each others movies about adam sandler/rob schneider?
yes too.

just saw zohan again and it was present, srs
sick thought #34995: paris/nicole
hmmmm....pwede pwede.
socialiteslut femme slashing
annalinn mccorc/angel mccord GOOGLE THEM
first page may keep me busy before i sleep
<3 there was once a whole livejournal dedicated to affleck/damon
oh c'mon...aren't they a hollywood slash OTP
ayeeeeeeeeeee got any other hollywood slash couples?
tom cruise/john travolta

both scientologists (whackjobs) bout brad pitt/tom cruise in interview with a vampire?
hummmmm...vampires kinda turn me off now
aw that's too bad...but damn if you saw that movie.
i watched lotr yesterday and legolas/aragorn and frodo/sam were rekindled
frodo/sam...oh god that was freaking obvious
i did not even suspect faramir/eowyn till the end. srs. gandalf/saruman HEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!
faramir/eowyn is fail...gandalf/saruman is better
i know. goddam warrior sue.
boromir/faramir ^-^_^_^_^_^__^_^_^^_^__^_^
eh. he was a ass. Gandalf whacking him w/ his staff ftw
but the grape juice squirting out from his mouth...epic.
I sighed. Then lol'd @ merry's girly voice.
wanna hear the sickest fantsay slash couple?
narnia/middle earth<333333333333333
white witch/galadriel. damn hawt
there ain't a lot of female lotr characters sadly
damn. ill settle 4 galadriel/herself
if only lotr elves were less pure
i thought galadriel would orgasm while wearing the ring