14 years ago debating on stabbing someone in the face with his pipe. ((Fem!Roel~ <3))
latest #101
Eva will
14 years ago
just stop and stare now, yup.
Pru will
14 years ago
also stare. And then laugh. Loudly.
14 years ago
pulls out a camera and takes a picture to remember whatever just happened.
14 years ago
glares at Pruisen and holds up her pipe threateningly.
Pru is
14 years ago
now filming Roel. And will dodge out of the way of said pipe if need be. "Kese~! Nice rack, Neddy!"
14 years ago
snorts. Seems like his- her- ... whatever personality hasn't changed.
14 years ago
waves at Belgium, seeing they both showed up at the same place.
14 years ago
growls and self-consciously wraps her arms around her torso. "Oi dumbass! Ya want this stuck down yer throat?!"
14 years ago
holds his recorder a little higher, trying to catch a nice cleavage view or something. "Try it! I'm good at that sort of thing~"
14 years ago
waves back at Matthew and smiles.
Eva thinks
14 years ago
Pru better not touch her zuster's boobs. |:
14 years ago
moves closer, narrowing her eyes. "Oh? Well then I guess that won't work, huh?" *jabs her knee up into his crotch, scowling* "Hope ya got a-
14 years ago
-good view ass." *stalks away*
Pru is
14 years ago
now doubled over, whining in pain. But here, have a brave face! Though his tone is higher than usual. "I-I certainly did! 'S going on the-
14 years ago
-internet, ja! I'll immortalise your...girl...ness."
14 years ago
rubs the back of his head. "Don't you think that is a bit...mean?"
14 years ago
motions to the fact that he just got kicked somewhere men should never be kicked, especially awesome ones. "Uhh. No."
14 years ago
tries again, "I mean, I don't know if you are exactly being quite respectful is all..."
14 years ago
pouts. "Neither was she, kicking me in the nuts like this. She attacked first, anyway.."
Roel is
14 years ago
standing nearer to Belggy, blushing and looking furious. "Don't make me break the camera too Pruisen."
14 years ago
replies, "I don't think you should that. You" He is just trying to defend those who actually know he
14 years ago
exists, really.
Eva thinks
14 years ago
Matthew is doing the right thing. He's a lovely person... nation. You know. She pats Roel's shoulder. "There there. You'll get used to it~"
Roel gives
14 years ago
her an exasperated look, scooting closer. "Used to it? This is not right..." *glares down at her breasts* "And these damn things are heavy."
Matthew is
14 years ago
kind of going to walk away now. Raging girls are something he does not understand and is afraid to understand them the wrong way.
14 years ago
growls at Roel. "You wouldn't dare break my camera!" He looks to Matthew, then. "I wasn't joking, though!" Though that's not really good...
14 years ago
looks back to Roel again and snickers. "I'll take the weight off your hands if you want~"
14 years ago
looks back at Pru, narrowing his eyes again. "I wasn't joking about the camera, ya know."
14 years ago
gets to his feet once more and hides his camera. "Won't let you get it~."
14 years ago
steps back a bit, snorting. "...hrmpf."
14 years ago
bursts out laughing. "Welcome to my world." She'll kindly refrain from arguing about that camera, lest she make things worse.
14 years ago
smirks at the both of them. He tilts his head, suddenly thinking of something. "...So does this make Neddy an incestuous lesbian now?"
14 years ago
.............GLARES. "Excuse me?"
14 years ago
just GRINS. "Well it's totally obvious you've got a thing for Eva so.."
Roel feels
14 years ago
her lips tighten as she seriously considers stabbing him in the eyes. "...that is none of your business Pruisen."
14 years ago
might have spluttered right there. |: "P-pruisen..." ... Wait there was no denial there, what. Cue a frown.
Pru is
14 years ago
still grinning like an absolute idiot, and will try and dodge any such attack. "Is so. Eva's my friend. I wanna know if her brother/sister-
14 years ago
-wants to fuck her, kese~. It's totally my business."
14 years ago
well then cue a serious blush and an "OHSHIT" face. "I-I meant, its n-none of your business to i-imply that!"
14 years ago gripping her pipe tighter and now examining the best way to stab him. Hmm~
Eva is
14 years ago
not sure what to make of all of this, really. Seriously? Seriously. "... Why. Would mijn broeder--- zuster-- whatever. Want to do that."
14 years ago
would also like to point out those were more of statements rather than actual questions.
14 years ago
glances at her now, though, looking flustered. "I never said Eva. Don't listen to that dumbass--" *insert glare at Pru* "--over there."
14 years ago
((*said that urgh*))
14 years ago
just cackles. "It's so obvious that you want to do her, though! Like, really. I'm surprised she's not noticed!"
14 years ago
picks up a conveniently placed rock and chucks it at his head. "SHUDDAP!" *huffs, crossing her arms and looking all too flustered*
14 years ago
manages to dodge to the side in time, yay! Cracked head, avoided. "Your reaction is hilarious! See, Eva, see~~. Neddy has a thing for you~"
14 years ago
might or might not be slightly embarrassed now, what is this. "... What." Something is not right here, man.
Roel is
14 years ago
readying herself to throw another rock, feeling like she's about to cry or something because she screwed up big time. "I said SHUT UP!"
Pru is
14 years ago
too busy having fun picking on Netherlands to notice this. He can be very, very mean sometimes. "Nein, I don't want to. So how many times-
14 years ago
-have you beat off to images of her, huh?"
Roel is
14 years ago
now gaping with her mouth completely open and the rock falling from her hand. ".........?!!!"
14 years ago
snickers. "C'mon, tell me~"
14 years ago
, as a woman, thinks she has a vague idea how Roel is reacting. You know. Hormones and all. That he's she's horribly embarrassed -
14 years ago
-by the question herself. "Pruisen, I think that's enough..."
14 years ago
suddenly growls and tackles him, her patience sort of snapping. "DON'T EVER IMPLY THAT IN FRONT OF ME AGAIN!"
14 years ago
((*SAY not imply wtffff*))
Pru gives
14 years ago
a rather unmanly squeak as he's tackled and wriggles around, attempting to break free and/or grope a little. "C-Calm down, jeez~!"
14 years ago
smacks his head against the ground, seething. "I will NOT calm down until you SHUT THE FUCK UP." *hormone raagggee weee~*
Eva thinks
14 years ago
this is right about time to step in and stop those two. "Okay, that's enough! Both of you..."
14 years ago
whines and cries out and tries to grope/get away again. "Evaaaa. Get your transvestite brother off of me!"
14 years ago
smacks his hands away, holding him down and growling.
Pru will
14 years ago
just buck his hips instead, then, and whine a little louder and stuff. He doesn't like being pinned by a girl..
Eva is
14 years ago
now going to try and pull her... sister away from Prussia, let he get killed or something. "Zuster..." That was a whine, yes.
Roel is
14 years ago
not listening and just pulling away from her with a loud growl, as she attempts to punch Pru across the face.
14 years ago
pushes her. |: Seriously.
14 years ago
flails now and sort of tumbles on top of Pruisen, GD IT EVA....
Pru is
14 years ago
now trying to roll the both of them so that they switch positions. >u>
Roel is
14 years ago
thrashing and trying to prevent that KTHX.
Pru will
14 years ago
use the thrashing to accomplish his task, however, and pins her down after a moment of struggling. "S-Stop moving, damn it.."
Eva is
14 years ago
kneeling down next to them, flailing a bit. "Y-you two..."
14 years ago
whines at Eva. "Make her stoppp then."
14 years ago
pouts. "Let go of her?" She pokes Roel's cheek. "Oi. No killing Pruisen, ja? He's my friend."
14 years ago
tries to flail a bit, but eventually just makes an undignified sound and gives up. "..." *stares at Eva, seething* "...f-fine!"
14 years ago
lets go warily, but only once Roel has actually given up and stopped flailing, and tries to crawl out from under her.
14 years ago
shuffles closer to them and shoots them a stern look. "All good now?"
14 years ago
scoots away, huffing and blushing and hugging her arms to her chest and dsgghfsdgfds
14 years ago
almost kind of feels sorry for Roel. "I should lend you some of my stuff to wear."
14 years ago
glances at her, still looking flustered. "...that would be nice."
14 years ago
rolls her eyes but still smiles. "I would think so, too."
Pru will
14 years ago
just try and sneak off now and put that video on the internet.
Roel will
14 years ago
definitely kill him later kthx.
Pru will
14 years ago
never die! Muaha-- well. Plz don't. ;n;
14 years ago
....will not make any promises. >C
14 years ago
might or might not ask for a copy of that.
14 years ago
... purely for educational purposes.
14 years ago
............STARES at her.
Eva was
14 years ago
kidding? :'D
14 years ago
for some reason, doesn't believe her. <w<
Pru thinks
14 years ago
Eva will just have to download it like the rest of the internets.
14 years ago
would be surprised if Roel EVER believed her. |: And hey, come on Pru she saved your ass.
Pru will
14 years ago
give her a *free* download..?
Eva likes
14 years ago
that idea. She briefly wonders if he's ever uploaded any videos of her. Scary thought.
14 years ago
might have done. Maybe.
Roel wonders
14 years ago
when that will happen and is now looking between the both of them. ; w ;
14 years ago
would *certainly* like a copy of those, then. Kinky sonuva-- She just pats Roel's shoulder comfortingly. He'll get used to this.
14 years ago
......does not WANT to get used to this *SOB*
14 years ago
just smirks at them both, agrees to give Eva copies of everything he's ever filmed - he's sure she'll like that - and skips off to his PC.
14 years ago
...wants to smash his computer. >C
Eva is
14 years ago
sure she'll like that, too. She'll kindly keep Roel from smashing his computer while she can... She can't guarantee it's for long, though.
14 years ago
...won't guarantee it will be for long either >C
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