BettyHsing says
14 years ago
Hi Hi girls, I just got my hair done. Now my hair is wavy, yes!!! I got a perm.
latest #10
CAT says
14 years ago
wohoo!!! i want to see picture!!!!
GingerMom says
14 years ago
GingerMom says
14 years ago
picture please~
Teri says
14 years ago
sorry betty.. i got calls from lawyers.. having headaches now.. sigh
GingerMom says
14 years ago
teriyu: what happen? poor girl
Teri says
14 years ago
GingerBlossom: 你哥算得真準, 那賤人真的有很多"貴人"會幫他... 他現在這律師可厲害了...
GingerMom says
14 years ago
BettyHsing says
14 years ago
don't worry teri, things will turn out just fine. only good will come to you, keep this in midn\
Teri says
14 years ago
thanks gals (cozy)
CAT says
14 years ago
對ㄚ~~~ 放心,只要相信。
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