beblankenship is
14 years ago
latest #18
damnsam says
14 years ago
broken how?
beblankenship says
14 years ago
shin splints are back and the cartilage on 4 of my ribs is really inflamed. means hardly any cardio and no upper body for 2 weeks. (angry)
forsymat says
14 years ago
lol shin splints
damnsam says
14 years ago
ouch, what the hell
Hailbop says
14 years ago
i hate shin splints
beblankenship says
14 years ago
cherbs says
14 years ago
at least you haven't broken any bones that keep you from doing everything, like kelci
damnsam says
14 years ago
i don't want to know what inflamed ribs feel like
cherbs says
14 years ago
at least they're not broken
damnsam says
14 years ago
well yea, poor kelci, that sucks, but it doesn't make blankenships pain any bit illegitimate
cherbs says
14 years ago
wasn't saying that. she should just be thankful that she's only out for 2 weeks
forsymat says
14 years ago
shin splints do not go away in two weeks
cherbs says
14 years ago
referring to the ribs. and shin splints don't go away in 2 weeks. i've had them for 3-4 years
forsymat says
14 years ago
yeah same
cherbs says
14 years ago
so when i want to run for an hour, i have to run really slow. if i want to run for 5 minutes, i just run really fast
cherbs says
14 years ago
do you only get them on pavement?
forsymat says
14 years ago
no. worse on pavement though
cherbs says
14 years ago
hmm weird, i don't get them on grass and once-in-awhile on treadmills and always on pavement
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