Ludwig is
14 years ago
staying up late to clean, to make up for oversleeping thanks to his horrible hangover.
latest #279
Lovino wonders
14 years ago
what happened.
Francis wonders
14 years ago
if he needs help. Maybe the cleaning should wait.
14 years ago
snorts. Something French happened.
14 years ago
apologizes for that.
Lovino is
14 years ago
sure he doesn't want to know what something French is and retreats back carefully, but not before making more mess for him to clean.
Ludwig thinks
14 years ago
she shouldn't have to apologize for *him*. ...and of course he makes sure to shout after Lovino, useless as that is.
Francis thinks
14 years ago
that 'something French' should not be considered a bad thing at all.
14 years ago
makes sure he curses at the potato bastard too! And something with French attached to it is never good.
14 years ago
makes a face. It was bad because he had to deal with terrible heartburn from that damn gin on top of the hangover. He throws the-
14 years ago
dishrag down and follows the trail of disaster Lovino left behind, trying to clean up.
14 years ago
doesn't think it is his fault if Ludwig can't handle his liquor. He leans against the wall and watches, refraining from assisting just yet.
14 years ago
handles his liquor just fine, better than most. His head is killing him, but he isn't slowing down a bit on straightening up.
14 years ago
took medicine earlier and just stayed in bed for the majority of the day so his is mostly gone. "Why don't you clean later?"
14 years ago
sets things on the hall table back upright. "Because I have time now."
14 years ago
does not understand. "Wouldn't it be more efficient to wait until later?"
14 years ago
nearly drops what he's picked up. "Of course not! I keep to a schedule, you know. And I slept late today. Completely missed training."
14 years ago
"A change in schedule won't kill you. Spontaneity is good sometimes."
Ludwig thinks
14 years ago
is absolutely would. It would throw him completely off track. Everything would go awry.
Francis thinks
14 years ago
he's too uptight. Maybe he'll help some if Ludwig will relax.
14 years ago
glances at him suspiciously. "You would help? What do you want out of it?"
14 years ago
shrugs. "Maybe just to see you forget about your schedule for a single evening."
Ludwig thinks
14 years ago
the only way that'll happen is if everything gets finished up early.
14 years ago
helps clean up what he can. It's not like he's over here enough to know where things go.
Ludwig is
14 years ago
actually surprised when they get through things faster than what he would have on his own. He still rechecks everything Francis moves or -
14 years ago
puts away, but that's simply a bit of OCD kicking in and doesn't slow them down much. Once the kitchen's completely spotless and all the-
14 years ago
cleaning tools put away, he pauses in the middle of the room at a loss as to what to do next. " it then. Thank you."
14 years ago
works quickly to keep up with Ludwig, cleaning a bit more thoroughly than he would his own place. When they finally finish, Francis -
14 years ago
-unceremoniously plops onto the couch and tilts his head back to look at Ludwig. "De rien. Now you can relax."
14 years ago
frowns down at him. "I can what? I could use the spare time to do paperwork."
14 years ago
"That's dumb. Do your paperwork later. Like tomorrow."
14 years ago
rubs his temple, where the worst part of a headache settled this morning and refused to budge. "I should start tonight."
14 years ago
frowns a fraction. "Your headache will only get worse if you do, probably."
14 years ago
drops his hand immediately but at least sits down on the end of the couch. "I do not have a headache. Not yet. You haven't been here long."
14 years ago
"Oh, please. I'm the cure, not the cause." And then he decides Ludwig's thigh would be a good a pillow.
14 years ago
can't exactly move away, being on the end of the couch, but he does try to shift his leg out from under Francis' head. "I beg to differ."
14 years ago
tries to keep his head where it is. "How so? I'm nothing but nice to you."
14 years ago
crosses his arms and leans back stiffly. "Yes. In an effort to get me undressed."
14 years ago
"I'm not trying to get you undressed right now."
14 years ago
snorts. "I give it five to ten minutes before you start in. Don't you have anything better to do?"
14 years ago
shakes his head. "I bet you I won't. And not really, no. I figured I'd grace you with my presence."
14 years ago
starts to speak but is interrupted first by a yawn. "Consider calling ahead. It's common courtesy."
Francis is
14 years ago
really comfortable like this. "I'll try to remember next time. Are you tired?"
14 years ago
sets his elbow on the arm of the couch and rubs his forehead, eyes closing. "Yes, Frankreich, I am tired. As you recall, last night-
14 years ago
ran well into the early hours of the morning and I still got up at eight, two hours past my alarm. I have had to doubletime to make up for -
14 years ago
the schedule change. I think I have earned the right to be tired."
14 years ago
"You enjoyed it though so you shouldn't complain. Sure if it hadn't happened, your schedule would have turned out just fine, but then-
14 years ago
-you'd still have all that built up ust."
14 years ago
glances down at him, frowning. "Built up *what*?"
14 years ago
"Unresolved sexual tension." I reaches up and lightly flicks his nose.
14 years ago
bats his hand away. "I managed just fine for long enough without crawling into bed with you or anyone else."
14 years ago
brings his arm back down. "Your resolve astounds me, really. Doesn't it get boring just using your hand?"
14 years ago
really doesn't want to get into this conversation again, not while sober *and* hungover. "There were more important things taking up my -
14 years ago
Francis will
14 years ago
keep talking about it until the subject is changed. "But that's really important too. I read somewhere it lowers the risks for prostate-
14 years ago
-cancer. Not that you have to worry about that, but still."
14 years ago
shakes his head. "It isn't. There was a relationship, it ended, and from there on out we had a very difficult time in the wake of...ah...
14 years ago
things. Personal relationships do not matter as much as the well-being of my people."
14 years ago
makes no comment about that difficult time, because that is somewhere he doesn't want to go, especially with this guy. "I understand that, -
14 years ago
-but taking care of yourself and being happy is just as important."
14 years ago
relaxes slightly, relieved the conversation wasn't taken either places it could have gone - either about *that* or said relationship. "I was
14 years ago
perfectly fine. And I still am. I do not need to rely on the company of others to be satisfied."
14 years ago
"That's good. You should e content with yourself and all, but sometimes it gets lonely without being around others. At least for me. -
14 years ago
-Another difference, I suppose." He frowns a bit, not sure why he's even talking about that.
14 years ago
glances down at him, a brow arched. "Yes, I'm sure you're alone so often."
14 years ago
"Should you really assume? It could be more so than you think. You don't know unless you spy on me or something."
14 years ago
...shudders. "...nein. I would prefer to keep my sanity, thank you."
14 years ago
raises an eyebrow. "It would drive you insane? In what way?"
14 years ago
leans his head against his hand again. "I would prefer not to ever know what sort of debauchery goes on in your bedroom."
14 years ago
"You already know all about it. Or part of it, anyway."
14 years ago
puts his hand over Francis' mouth, already turning red. "Quiet. Before you even get started."
14 years ago
tries to keep talking, but his words are severely muffled due to that hand. He'll lick it if it's not removed.
14 years ago
figures this and moves his hand out of the way before that can happen, stretching that arm along the back of the couch. "Do you plan on-
14 years ago
sleeping on my couch tonight?"
14 years ago
decides to tease him. "Is that your way of asking me to spend the night?" He would kind of prefer that. It's a bit late to go all the way -
14 years ago
14 years ago
reddens, nearly tripping over his reply. "No. It isn't. You could go downstairs and sleep with Gilbert just as easily."
14 years ago
knows this, but-- "What do you want?"
14 years ago
tries to shift Francis off his leg so he can stand up. "You obviously have no issue simply showing up here. I assumed you had plans for the-
14 years ago
night as well."
14 years ago
doesn't want him to get up, but doesn't do anything to keep Ludwig from it. The couch cushion isn't as comfortable. "I told you-
14 years ago
-I came to see you. I figured that was planning enough."
Ludwig is
14 years ago
a little thrown off by this. More than a little, and it's obvious. It isn't as though they've gotten along famously over the years or-
14 years ago
anything like that. No reason whatsoever for France to come see him, unless he was simply bored. " I mentioned, I am tired. If you-
14 years ago
would like to continue whatever that conversation was, then you may come upstairs and do so. Otherwise, goodnight."
Francis is
14 years ago
surprised that Ludwig invited him upstairs, regardless of the reason. He had expected him to just...say something Ludwig-like and just-
14 years ago
leave him alone in the living room. He's not really tired enough to sleep just yet, so there's no way he would turn that down. And talking-
14 years ago
about whatever would help improve relations more, and that's what his boss wants anyway, so it's win-win. "All right." He sits up, a bit-
14 years ago
slowly, since he had gotten too used to laying down, then stands and stretches, intending to follow Ludwig up.
14 years ago
doesn't hang about waiting for Francis after that. He should have just sent the man downstairs with his brother and been done with it. The-
14 years ago
only sort of conversation they could possibly have upstairs in his bedroom would likely go right back to the subject he wanted to avoid.-
14 years ago
Knowing Francis, anyway. This was not one of his brighter moments at all, but Ludwig kept going, turning off lights on the way up the stairs
14 years ago
to his completely immaculate room.
14 years ago
follows him upstairs, looking around as he does so. It's definitely not his first time in this house, but he is really only familiar with-
14 years ago
-the basement, and how to get from there to the kitchen and bathroom. He isn't surprised by the condition of Ludwig's room, but it is far -
14 years ago
-too neat and organised. He's not sure where to sit, because even that might somehow mess it all up. "Where should I sit?"
14 years ago
hasn't bothered with any sort of wall decoration in years. The hallway and bedroom walls up here are all empty of even mirrors, nevermind-
14 years ago
artwork or some other pointless artifact. The old propaganda posters framed and hung perfectly around his office several doors down are-
14 years ago
the closest thing to decoration he has besides the curtains on the windows. Those are black, his comforter dark grey, all monochrome-
14 years ago
colors. There's a chest of drawers, a nightstand beside the bed, a dresser and a writing desk in his room, with nothing out of place or-
14 years ago
strewn across the tops of the furniture. He remains standing with his back to Francis, starting to unbutton his shirt. "Wherever you are-
14 years ago
14 years ago
looks around, thinking Ludwig really needs some colour in his room. Maybe tricolores. That would totally brighten up the room. It all-
14 years ago
-felt like a museum, store display or one of Alfred's movie sets. If he didn't know it was Ludwig's room, he would assume that it -
14 years ago
-was not lived in. He watches Ludwig for a moment, then sits himself at the foot of the bed.
14 years ago
removes his shirt and takes it immediately to the hamper in the bathroom, returning a moment later in only his shorts and undershirt. -
14 years ago
Halfway through pulling a pair of sweatpants out of his dresser drawer, he glances back over at Francis. "Would you like something to sleep-
14 years ago
in?" Whether he wanted it or not, he was getting something. No way was he sleeping in here in-...well. There was a guest room. No one-
14 years ago
mentioned France actually sleeping in here, damn it.
14 years ago
prefers sleeping in the nude during the summer especially, since sometimes it was a bit too hot for pyjamas. But since this is Ludwig's-
14 years ago
place, he ought to avoid that unless the other decides he wants him naked or something. "Ah, sure." He stands and walks over. Whatever-
14 years ago
-Ludwig gives him will mostly be a bit big, but it would be comfortable at least.
14 years ago
should have thought ahead and grabbed a pair of Gilbert's pants off the dryer on the way up. The pair he hands Francis are just a little too
14 years ago
small on him, so they ought to fit him well enough. Now what is it people do at night sometimes...ah. "There are towels in the bathroom-
14 years ago
if you would like to take a shower."
14 years ago
takes the pair of pants and examines them for a moment, thinking they would fit too. "All right, thank you." He always sleeps better-
14 years ago
-when he's clean, so he plans on using the shower. "I'll be quick." And hopefully by that, he'll take a half-hour shower.
14 years ago
nods and closes the dresser drawers, then puts his back once again to Francis just to pull those pants on. Purely out of habit, really.
14 years ago
goes into the bathroom and closes the door behind him and removes his clothing before stepping in to take a shower. By his standards, it's-
14 years ago
-a quick shower, due to his not wanting to be rude and take too long. It also helps that he had washed his hair that morning, and without-
14 years ago
-his own hairbrush and dryer, he isn't too inclined to untie it. After drying and straightening up the bathroom lest the German flip out-
14 years ago
he puts on the pants that were provided, finding them only a little too big. He leaves his clothes folded on the counter, where he assumes -
14 years ago
they are most out of the way and walks back into Ludwig's room, turning off the bathroom light behind him.
14 years ago
spent the duration of Francis' shower sitting on the end of his bed, trying to figure out exactly how to work the ridiculous television-
14 years ago
mounted to the wall facing his bed. This was the first time he'd even looked at the thing since moving it up here after Gilbert insisted-
14 years ago
they needed a bigger, flatter one for the living room. He left it on the news and laid back for a moment, intending only to close his eyes-
14 years ago
and rub his forehead. He was still laying like that when Francis got out of the shower, an arm thrown over his face, legs hanging over the-
14 years ago
end of the bed, completely passed out.
14 years ago
glances from Ludwig to the television before walking over and leaning over him a bit, with a knee at either side of the German and pokes -
14 years ago
-his cheek, to see if he's really asleep.
14 years ago
[okay, leaning isn't the right word. whatever]
14 years ago
isn't much of a heavy sleeper without alcohol involved. It's more of a testament to how tired he was that Francis didn't wake him up just-
14 years ago
coming out of the shower. Poking him like that does it and abruptly so that he jumps a little, slightly hazy blue opening to squint up at-
14 years ago
Francis. "...was?"
14 years ago
jumps after Ludwig does, thinking the other might try to punch his lights out or something. He never knows with some people. "You can't be -
14 years ago
too comfortable sleeping like that." He moves to sit beside him instead.
14 years ago
rubs his face roughly with both hands, effectively ruining the uniformity of his hair in the process. He sits up, frowning at the-
14 years ago
television, then tosses the remote into Francis' lap. "I have no idea how to work that properly." Turning down the comforter and sheets, -
14 years ago
though, that's an extremely easy job. Far more comfortable to slip into than the way he was laying too.
14 years ago
looks down at the remote for a moment before picking it up to press the menu button, though his German isn't that great so he's not sure-
14 years ago
-what half of these shows are. "Is there something you want to watch?" He scoots back on the bed to lean against the headboard, not at all-
14 years ago
noticing how nice Ludwig's hair looks messed up. Okay. That's a lie.
14 years ago
leans up to turn the bedside lamp off then stretches out on his back, trying and failing to really give the screen his attention. It's made-
14 years ago
more than a little difficult by the simple fact that he rarely ever shares his bed with anyone. His brother is one thing, but...this is not-
14 years ago
his brother. The last two times Francis stayed over it wasn't a problem either, but the first time they were both drunk, and the second-
14 years ago
there was a third body hogging up most of the room. "No. I rarely watch television." More like never.
14 years ago
half nods and focuses on finding something that looks remotely interesting. It would help if he could make more sense out of it all. He-
14 years ago
-settles on the first title listed in English, recognising it as one of Alfred's less than reputable cartoons. After a moment he shifts and-
14 years ago
moves so he's under the covers too. From he waist down, anyway, since it would be a bit inconsiderate to pull them up to his shoulders-
14 years ago
when he is still sitting up.
14 years ago
recognizes the show only because he's seen Gilbert laughing over it downstairs enough times. "I believe there are food channels higher-
14 years ago
up in the numbers. Movie channels as well. But this late at night it's bound to be nothing but porn."
14 years ago
messes with the remote again, heading up to the higher channels. He debates for but a moment before deciding to be obnoxious and put-
14 years ago
-some rather bad porn on.
14 years ago
closes his eyes in that brief amount of time and isn't surprised at all to hear horrible, cheesy softcore porn music filtering into his room
14 years ago
from the television. He doesn't even bother opening his eyes to frown over that one. "I fail to see the point of latenight softcore. You-
14 years ago
hardly see anything worth watching."
Francis likes
14 years ago
watching this shit to make fun of it when he's bored,unless it's so bad he can't handle it. He glances down at Ludwig and flicks his fringe-
14 years ago
"Do you have something better?" More like, will you tell me where it's at.
14 years ago
elbows him in the side since he couldn't catch his hand in time. "There's a box under the bed. It isn't hidden, as everyone seems to think."
14 years ago
laughs a bit and hops off the bed, turning on a lamp so he can pull the box out and sift through it. Judging by the cover of the DVD he-
14 years ago
chooses, this one will have a lot bondage and riding crops than the one airing on the television. After putting the DVD in the player,-
14 years ago
-he settles back in the bed and turns the lamp off, not thinking that this is potentially awkward at all.
14 years ago
doesn't think it's awkward at all simply because he keeps his eyes closed. The sounds are familiar; he can pick out which one Francis chose-
14 years ago
just by listening past the first bit of opening music. This one doesn't have a soundtrack or any cheesy plot set up. It's bondage porn, pure
14 years ago
and simple. And a rather good one, if he remembers correctly, the one where the man all restrained was pretty damn vocal. He shifted a bit
14 years ago
uncomfortably and rolled onto his side facing Francis' hip, completely determined not to watch this. If he did, there's no way he wouldn't-
14 years ago
get worked up and no way Francis would let him sleep if he noticed.
14 years ago
only glances over at Ludwig briefly before he's completely absorbed in what he's watching. So absorbed that as it progresses toward what-
14 years ago
-he assumes is the middle of it, his hand still hasn't strayed down to where it is needed. That's partially out of consideration, though,-
14 years ago
-since Ludwig is trying to sleep and there's a perfectly good bathroom right there. He'll just hold off as long as he can and quietly slip-
14 years ago
-out of the room. Hopefully, anyway. He reminds himself he needs to ask Ludwig where he got this later, otherwise he might want to -
14 years ago
borrow it indefinitely.
14 years ago
would love to go to sleep. The last few days have been the most trying out the entire week and worn him down. Typically he works himself to
14 years ago
the point of exhaustion so this feeling isn't anything new; it's slightly rewarding, knowing that the sheer amount of work he put in lately-
Ludwig is
14 years ago
almost too much for his body to keep up with. Not just physical labor either - he's been known to fall asleep at his desk from time to time
14 years ago
as well. But tonight, no matter how he presses his face into the pillow and tries to drift off in the lavender-soap smell, it isn't-
14 years ago
-happening. Less than ten minutes ago he was passed out cold on the end of the bed. Porn shouldn't keep him up! ...then agian, it's likely-
14 years ago
just having another body on the other side of the mattress is keeping him from relaxing entirely. Especially knowing what the hands attached
14 years ago
to that body are capable of should he drift off too early. Eyes closed, he frowns. "Keep your hands above the covers, by the way."
14 years ago
shifts around a bit as he watches the television, unable to keep still. There should be a law against porn being this hot, because then -
14 years ago
it would be even hotter just because it's illegal. Or something. He's really glad these pants are big too, so he's not as uncomfortable-
14 years ago
as he would typically be. He manages to tear his gaze away for a second. "Only if you do the same. I don't want you feeling up on me-
14 years ago
whenever I try to sleep." He nearly snorts at his own comment.
14 years ago
takes this seriously, of course, and shifts his hands, lifting up the edge of his own pillow. "My hands are under my pillow. I understand-
14 years ago
you must be suffering severe neck and back pain under the weight of your own ego, but you cannot be narcissistic enough to think it reaches-
14 years ago
all the way up this high."
14 years ago
snickers and turns his gaze back to the tellie. "It's not being narcissistic. The moment I put my guard down your hands will be all over me-
14 years ago
not that I blame you for it. I know I'm had to resist."
14 years ago
...rolls over and faces the opposite direction just to prove otherwise.
14 years ago
just simply continues watching for a bit, and then decides to see what the other's reaction will be if he starts stroking himself now.
14 years ago
swings an elbow into his side without even looking back. He doesn't need to to know what's going on behind him. "I *said* above the covers!"
14 years ago
isn't sure if he's laughing or crying, but that hurts. He wheezes. "Okay, okay." He stops, waiting for the film to end before going-
14 years ago
to the bathroom.
14 years ago
absolutely has to sit up now, because no way in hell is he allowing Francis to do what he probably means to in his bathroom. "Where the hell
14 years ago
do you think you're going?"
14 years ago
freezes midstep, inwardly groaning, thinking Ludwig is going to make him hold it in. "Bathroom?"
14 years ago
stares at him. "Sit down. You aren't doing *that* - and do not pretend like you're going in there to take a piss - in my bathroom."
14 years ago
whines, though he hate to admit it, and sits. "What'd you expect? You're the one who suggested porn in the first place."
14 years ago
"I did not! I told you what was on television and gave you an answer when you asked if I had anything better! I never suggested you watch-
14 years ago
the entire thing."
14 years ago
"You wouldn't have told me if you didn't want me to watch. Not letting me get off is torture and violating treaties, you know."
14 years ago
crosses his arms and leans back against the headboard. "You'll live."
14 years ago
"Just because you like to blueball myself doesn't mean I should have to."
14 years ago
"I never have that issue because I typically refrain from getting an erection in someone else's home."
Francis is
14 years ago
painfully uncomfortable now. "I'm not you. I'll use another another bathroom, okay?"
14 years ago
shakes his head...and is slightly appalled with himself that he has to turn his head away from Francis to avoid smirking. This shouldn't be
14 years ago
amusing at certainly shouldn't remind him of that video, either. "I think not."
14 years ago
just stares at him in disbelief. "What? You wouldn't even have to listen to it." He pauses, "Unless that is what you want?"
14 years ago
"No. That is something you do in the privacy of your own home. not be stupid."
Francis is
14 years ago
going to curl up and hug his knees now, looking very undignified. Trying to just will a boner away doesn't work well for him at all.
14 years ago
tries to ignore him. He gets up and takes the DVD out, puts it back in the case and tosses the case back into the box under the bed. He-
14 years ago
picks the remote up and turns the television off, watching as the blue screen fades to gray then black, leaving them in the dark again.-
14 years ago
France deserves this for watching porn. He brought it on himself, really. He shouldn't have assumed Ludwig would be fine with him using his-
14 years ago
personal bathroom to- to-...that. And now he has to sit over there and blueball himself. Then he'll probably be up half the night whining-
14 years ago
and complaining about the ache. Ludwig sighs loudly, frustrated, and crosses to where Francis is sitting, planting both hands on his -
14 years ago
shoulders and shoving him with enough force to put him on his back. "Shut up."
14 years ago
isn't sitting there dying a bit on the inside and whispering apologies to his cock, nope. He tries thinking of things that would undoubtedly
14 years ago
be a major turn off. Fat women in bikinis, old men in speedos, Arthur (or his eyebrows, anyway), but none of that works because each time-
14 years ago
he thinks of that, he's reminded of those hot muscley bodies on the television, the bondage, and the sounds one of them made when a whip-
Francis was
14 years ago
cracked on his back. He is about to whine quiet audibly, but then Ludwig's hands push him back and it sounds more like a surprised squeak. -
14 years ago
"I didn't say anything."
14 years ago
shoves his knees apart and jerks his pants down with no pretense. Francis earns a sharp glare as he settles on his knees, hooking his arms-
14 years ago
up under Francis' knees to jerk his lower half partially off the bed. "No. But I knew you were going to."
14 years ago
makes another surprised sound and kind of hates himself for it. It's just that he was not expecting this, is all. "What was I going to say?"
14 years ago
pauses less than two inches away from fixing Francis' problem and looks up at him. "Something smart. Something that would only waste time."
14 years ago
squirms a bit. He chooses not to say anything to that, lest Ludwig change his mind and let him suffer.
Ludwig is
14 years ago
satisfied with that and rewards him properly, taking only the tip of his length into his mouth and swirling his tongue around it.
Pru has
14 years ago
been watching the entire thing via the trial webcams he set up in the house. He's been fapping furiously for a while now.
14 years ago
14 years ago
( ...ilu wtf lol )
14 years ago
[ilu 2 bb <3]
14 years ago
tries to keep his hips still but he's already far too worked up from trying *not* to be. He chokes back what would sound like a whine,-
14 years ago
-as he's a bit uncharacteristically impatient.
14 years ago
lets him move for now, more than a little aroused by the way his own throat tightens when Francis' movements shove his cock against the-
14 years ago
back of his throat. He works his mouth down slowly, teasing, then lets his tongue flatten against the underside, tracing the thick vein on-
14 years ago
the way back up. Just as he pulls back, lips touching only the tip once more, blue flick upwards and level right where he knows Prussia hid-
14 years ago
one of his little cameras, trying to be a perverted little sneak. And he smirks at it before going down again.
14 years ago
briefly wonders how Ludwig noticed his camera, but then he's reaching another nice orgasm, and forgets all about it. This is kinda fun.
14 years ago
reaches down to grab onto blond and tug while showing his appreciation rather loudly. Who knew someone could be so talented when he -
14 years ago
-went without for so long.
Ludwig has
14 years ago
a touch- okay, more than a touch, but it isn't like he realizes this - of OCD. If anything is moved from the almost militarily precise-
14 years ago
condition his room is in, he'll notice. Even if it's something simple, like a chair pulled out a few inches farther than what he left it.-
14 years ago
His concentration returns to France again, pulled back into place by those encouraging noises. But they aren't loud enough yet. That just-
14 years ago
means he has to either try harder - which he does, by picking up the pace and switching mouth for hand now and then - or find something -
14 years ago
different to try.
14 years ago
gets much louder and tugs some more on his hair, his hips bucking occasionally. He tries to prop himself up on his other arm to watch-
14 years ago
-from a better view.
14 years ago
managed to keep quiet when Francis gets a little too far down his throat, but there's nothing he can do to stop the involuntary tightening-
14 years ago
around him. It happens a few times but never bad enough to really choke him. At one point he lifts his head, letting his fist take over. -
14 years ago
"What do you want?"
14 years ago
pants, trying to regulate his breathing some before speaking. "J', fuck me." He likes it either way, really, but he figures -
14 years ago
-the other wouldn't really go for the opposite.
14 years ago
's hand slips but lower this time, thumb sliding down and across the sensitive stretch of skin behind his balls. Silence for a moment, just-
14 years ago
the sound of laboured breathing and the occasional wet noise as his tongue plays over slick skin. "...and if I say no?" Clearly he hasn't-
14 years ago
stopped to consider the possible repercussions of this question that well, but when caught up in such a moment, knowing his nightowl of a-
14 years ago
brother is probably watching at the same time, conscience isn't going to win out.
14 years ago
moans loudly. Between that hand and tongue, Francis is in bliss. "T-then I'd fuck you," he says immediately, since there's not a question-
14 years ago
-in his mind, one way or another.
14 years ago
knows better than this This isn't quite giving in, since he forced Francis to this worked up point and technically won first, but it feels-
14 years ago
damn near close to that. But now he's done to Francis what Francis did to him the other night. It would make them even if he paid-
14 years ago
everything back in kind. Abruptly letting go, he gets to his feet and moves to dig around in the nightstand drawer.
14 years ago
sits up, pushing some loose strands of hair out of his face. Without the stimulation, he was able to calm his breathing a bit. Kicking off-
14 years ago
-the pants completely, he leans back against the headboard and watches Ludwig.
14 years ago
turns back from the nightstand with a bottle in his hand and frowns down at him. "What are you doing? Get up."
14 years ago
raises his eyebrow before standing. Apparently he's really bad at reading the other nation, because he really isn't sure what he has in mind
14 years ago
aside from
14 years ago
just slaps the bottle into his hand and takes up the spot Francis left. Instead of leaning against headboard he stretches out on his back,-
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propped up on his elbows. "You were saying?"
14 years ago
stares at him for a moment before crawling back on the bed, straddling Ludwig's knees so he can tug his pants down.
14 years ago
lifts his hips off the bed to help out, not thinking about how obnoxious France is going to get in the following weeks. He's surprised news-
14 years ago
of their previous night hasn't already made the rounds via text messages, emails or whatever else he uses to communicate. But what was it-
14 years ago
France said earlier? Something along the lines of doing what he wanted, maybe. Couldn't remember, but that was what he was doing right now.-
14 years ago
Exactly what he wanted.
14 years ago
pulls the pants off completely and discards them to the floor. He runs his hands up Ludwig's thighs and up farther, scooting up -
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some so he can run his hands farther up, over Ludwig's chest, enjoying the feel of firm muscles under his hands. He nips at his chest -
14 years ago
while slicking down a few fingers and shifting again to nudge Ludwig's thighs apart.
14 years ago
shifts easily to give him more room, but he doesn't plan on staying on his back for this. It's too intimate, even if Francis keeps his head
14 years ago
down and eyes closed the entire time. He's comfortable for now though, content in appreciating the way Francis' hands move over him.
14 years ago
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