Ireland is
14 years ago
sitting in a bar with a beer in front, wondering when his next mission will start
latest #86
14 years ago
quietly slips up onto the stool next to him, trying to be un-noticed as he watches him.
14 years ago
takes a gulp out of his beer, feeling watched and one of his hands slips into his robes, taking hold of his knife
Brett has
14 years ago
the feeling he's been noticed and quickly orders a drink to avoid further suspicion. But he still can't hel but glance back at the stranger.
14 years ago
14 years ago
places some coins on the table and stands up to leave, he did not want another confrontation that day, he was tired enough
14 years ago
wanted to find out about the man, and without thinking he reaches up to touch him, 'E-excuse me, Sir,'
14 years ago
jumps slightly after feeling the touch and turns to look at who was calling him "Yes?..."
14 years ago
forgot what he was going to say and simply stares at him for a few moments, before fighting out ' your robes,' He then spends the_
14 years ago
following few seconds mentally kicking himself for sounding like an idiot.
14 years ago
chuckles softly and smiles half-heartedly "That's somethin' weird to go around sayin' don't ye think?"
14 years ago
'Trust me, I say weirder things,' he admits with a little smile, 'But whoever really enjoyed discussing weather...right?'
14 years ago
smiles, he likes this kid "Ye got a point there. What is someone as young as ye doing here alone, eh?" sits down and raises his hand...
14 years ago
to a waitress
14 years ago
'I like to people-watch.' He grins, 'I learn their secrets by watching them and then I feel superior-all behind a glass of beer,' He likes_
14 years ago
the accent this man has and immediately wonders where he learned it.
14 years ago
nods and takes a gulp from his beer "That's very smart of ye, lil one, keeps ye one step ahead of yer enemy"
14 years ago
nods, 'I try. Although I hope that I remain relatively hidden so I don't make many enemies. For example,' he points to an old man in the_
14 years ago
corner of the bar, 'He stole 45 cence from the tip jar and then used it to help pay for his seventh vodka shot.'
14 years ago
blinks amazed "That's very good, kiddo. Ye'd make a good archer."
14 years ago
grins happily, 'An archer? I don't think my observational and hiding skills are that up to scratch yet, but maybe...' He takes a sip of his_
14 years ago
beer and looks to him, 'Are you an archer yourself, or do you specialize in something else?'
14 years ago
smiles and brings out an arch "I'm an archer ma'self. And believe me, ye have the skills to start training, and if ye're consistent...
14 years ago
I bet ye're gonna make an amazing archer."
14 years ago
admires the arch, his finger lightly running over it, 'That's beautiful, it really is...' Without looking away from it he says, 'I-I'm_
14 years ago
sometimes consistant. Where do you learn how to be an archer? Is there a school?'
14 years ago
smiles saddly "My pappa showed me how to. He also made me this arch when I finished the training..." lets him take the arch
14 years ago
carefully takes it and takes in the beautiful craftsmenship before catching his sad smile, 'You're pappa...he's not around anymore?' he asks
14 years ago
shakes his head "My village was burnt down by the Angies as they were lookin' for a Demon. We were all asleep, I managed to escape but..."
14 years ago
s face falls into saddness, 'I-I'm very sorry to hear that. For one silly Demon..?' looks down, 'I'm very sorry you lost your home and...'
14 years ago
pats the kid on the shoulder "Dun' worry, kiddo. It passed long ago, and I'm ok, now. Besides, he lives on in that bow yer holdin'." smiles
14 years ago
sniffs but returns a small smile, feeling almost unworthy of holding such an item. 'You think he'd be proud to see you with the skills you_
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possess now? Y'know, as an adult?'
14 years ago
smiles fondly as he takes back the arch "I suppose... I don't think he'd aprove of some things I've done.." brushes his finger over the-
14 years ago
demonic emblem in his bow "...but he knows I try my best... or he'd find a way to slap me hard on my head. He'd allways do that when he-
Ireland was
14 years ago
angry with me" laughes
14 years ago
* -was angry with me" laughes
14 years ago
Smiles at his memory, especially since his own father did similar to him. ‘May I ask, though…since the incident with your village,
14 years ago
did you chose to support the demonic side?’
14 years ago
nods and looks bitterly ahead "Sometimes I regret that decision, but I'm stickin' to it"
14 years ago
looks thoughtful, taking another drink. 'With a reason like that spurring you on I'm not surprised. I'm a neutral. To be honest both sides_
14 years ago
scare me a little.'
14 years ago
shrugs "Neither is as bad as the other makes them sound. And as soon as I find the person responsible for my family's death, and giving-
14 years ago
him what he deserves, I have allways planned on quiting..."
14 years ago
tips his head to the side, 'Really?' He knew there was something about this guy from the second he seen him, 'Do you know anything about the
14 years ago
guy behind it? Are you looking for him now?'
14 years ago
looks around suspiciously and nods "I know he's an Angel Comander, and that he is a wizard with elemental powers, and that he's somewhere-
14 years ago
-near this town. That's all I've found out."
Brett thinks
14 years ago
that's a lot to figure out, and looks
14 years ago
((sorry, new laptop has the ENTER button where the SHIFT button should be haha ^^))
Brett thinks
14 years ago
that's a lot to figure out and looks at him, impressed. 'With facts like that I can try to find out more for you. I'm kinda invisible to_
14 years ago
most people so I can listen into private conversations easily. Have you got any suspects yet?'
14 years ago
shakes his head "It's dangerous, kiddo, I dun' want to get ye in a bad situation. Even if it's just information, Angies don' appreciate-
14 years ago
someone helpin' Demons"
14 years ago
grins, 'S'ok, no-one expects the little, quiet pony-boy. Angelics scare me-they say they're trying to make the world better but they aren't_
14 years ago
above violence themselves. If I hear anything I'll let you know, 'cause whoever did that to your village should be brought to justice.'
14 years ago
widens his eyes surprised at the courage of the little boy and then nods with a proud smile. "Thank ye, kiddo, it means a lot te me."
Brett gives
14 years ago
him a reassuring smile, 'Not a problem, I want to help.' He takes a sip of is beer and then asks quietly, ' you have any family_
14 years ago
that's still alive?'
14 years ago
falls silent for a moment "This may sound funny, but I'm not entirely sure..."
14 years ago
raises his eyebrows in surprise, 'You're not sure? Do you think you may have family still out there somewhere?'
14 years ago
"My borthers' corpses... they weren't found..."
14 years ago
'Oh geez...' He stays quiet for a few moments, 'Well, that must give you hope that they're alive and well. If you escaped there's every_
14 years ago
chance they did too.'
14 years ago
smiles saddly "I hope they did, and that they have a happy life, wherever they are"
14 years ago
nods silently, before suddenly saying, 'Let me be your brother!' He gives small smile, 'Until you find them again, I'll be your step-in_
14 years ago
14 years ago
blinks surprised and is unsure of how to react "My... brother...." he feels a sudden warmth within him and he can't help the smile-
14 years ago
-as he pats the kid on the head "I don't see why ye'd want to be my brother... but it'd be awesome if ye were" grins happily
14 years ago
grins too, nodding ferociously, 'I don't have any brothers but I've always wanted one. Especially one as great as you.' He lifts his glass,_
14 years ago
'Brothers?' he asks cheerfully.
14 years ago
laughes wholeheartedly "I'm not great, but I'll try to be a good brother" rises his glass as well "Borthers, then!"
Brett is
14 years ago
delighted as he drinks to his new brother-even if the bartender *did* look at them funny. 'This is awesome,' he says after downing his_
14 years ago
drink, 'We can do all the things brothers normally do, like...' He actually doesn't know what brothers do.
14 years ago
"He... I wonder what brothers usually do... I remember going fisin' with mine... and we trained together..."smiles warmly as he remembers-
14 years ago
-his life with his family
Brett thinks
14 years ago
that sounds fun, 'Then why don't we do that? I already know how to fish, so we can enjoy that together, and you can train me in other_
14 years ago
stuff! We can go riding as well, as long as you like horses.' He talks rapidly in excitement.
14 years ago
laughes and shuffles his hair "Sure that sounds like a lot of fun... though, I think I'll pass the riding horses..." will never admit he's-
14 years ago
afraid of horses
14 years ago
nods, 'I get that, for some reason people either love them or hate them. It confuses me sometimes...but all the other stuff,' he grins, _
14 years ago
'We'll do that and, oh, what's that! Yeah, that's it. Good ol' brotherly bonding.'
14 years ago
sighs and sweatdrops with a smile "It's not that I don't like horses, they are the ones who doesn't seem to like me"
14 years ago
blinks, 'Horeses don't like you?' he laughs, 'That's strange, are you sure? I'm sure my lot would love you-you should come see them.'
14 years ago
"I allways seem to get bittten, or pushed off. It seems they have a nack for putting me through pain..." chuckles nervously
Brett thinks
14 years ago
that sounds like an unfed, moody horse. His lot aren't usually as bad. 'Don't let a few bad experiences put you off.' he puts his hand on_
14 years ago
his arm, 'You've just been...unlucky. Horses are very loving most of the time.'
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