16 years ago
ok, sailormoon again! episode 178 d ok! woot!
latest #8
AaronTeng says
16 years ago
so many episodes one? ==
andreachuang says
16 years ago
200 altogether and a few "the movie" summore.... says
16 years ago
which sailormoon version are you watchin by the way?
andreachuang says
16 years ago
i'm on season 5, sailormoon star... now i sound childish! lol says
16 years ago
no you're not childish. I'm chasing up on Sailormoon R right now. And I'm watchin Shin Chan as well. COmpare who's childish now huh? LOL.
andreachuang says
16 years ago
i used to read sin chan's comics too! says
16 years ago
well. I have collection from it. Got it all from comic paradise. Gosh. Now I'm certified to be a childish person * hides face *
andreachuang says
16 years ago
same here!! yayyy!!
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