lmao! i bet you prefer the pole dancing pose better! XD
i actually commented. HAHA
your first model..sexynya. xD
Loulls, tentulah! he's the best ok!
it's for a college project..

i like the last one of you. very comel
HAHAAHHA!!!! that's so siao! btw, do u blog?
plurk is just as good! =D
haha, yeahh. its fun. didnt really bother at first but maine said it was fun
HAHAHA!!! well, you won't regret it!
yep didnt regret =) met a lot of nice ppl
like me! LOL! we belum meet yet i think. hahahaha

hii !
hahaha, hey andrea...! mana denise? LOL
she's watching tv and kindda sick
LMAO! i was gonna ask him whether he misses her or not
LOL! where bear where? evidence?
and did you just drew that thing?

i drew? siao ar.?! yea yea, i drew that. == HAHA
oh yea hoh! both parents... tsk tsk tsk tskkkk
bear, no la of course. lmao, but they call me daddy. =.=''
don't try to change the subject aaron!
dun gimme the face... i'm immune!
guilty of what?! hahahaha
guilty of having an affair with CY and had daughterssss
right.......== doesn't matter what i said now. useless also. but hor, if you 're denise's sis, i'm your dad also.wahahaha! must obey daddy!
nah! i don't belong to anyone, INCLUDING YOU!
hor hor, so you're not belong to hongfoo? horrrrrrrrrrr
nope! i'm independent but he shares me! HAHAHAAHAHAHHAA!!!!!!!!
two heart beats as one mah.... ==
u don't have to lah! kan u got CY
cheh... she has her mango dee. -.-
oh yea... can share share what...