. . . oi herra it's over.
that was scary. that face.
I'm gonna' kill the Eurovision committee
And possibly the British public for supporting this trash
Can I kill my own people?
HAHA YEAH Turkey! I like this one.
See, England? Electric guitars!
Turkey were pretty good. They had instruments and spirit
I mean... is it actually possible for me to kill my own people?
. .. if I give you an answer, do you promise not to ask how I know?
Okay. But you should tell me in secret anyway
You'll get your answer with the next round of beer.
Any preference which label?
Something strong. I think I need it.
Dear god France... WTF?!?
i was playin a drinking game with evry time theey showed arear end
*snorts* I am not drunk enough
You are so pisshsed alreay
I cant believ russia is doing emo music
Den in jus a few. hope he dusnt win.
tho last time sve got relly annoyd, came home and had new kitchn cabinets.
whod he sleep wikth to get that in finls.
can he make me some new kitchen cabitns?
well yu better hope den wins, england
thats so far past paintable
so I get some newo cabints
hahaha th union jack suit
if i put my flag ona suit itd look like a cloudy day.
lotta flags wouldn't work on a suit
yeah, its a special design thats neededn
works bettr to be more complesdx
singed yur hair a little back them
jus a little anyway. lil snip.
shut up outside the window!!!! damn dancers
Denmark's gotta be limping right now because how the hell
can't believe I'm doing this, hahaha.
yor giving votes to the frog?
. . . tight white pants, okay
fuckin hell Germany, your messing sup my cabint prospets
Now we HAVE to make him come to a party!
just 'kay' on the white pants huh?
tough luck on th cabinets
at least Germany has to pay for all this crap next year
You didn't do very well, did you, Angleterre.
I had a fun night and you just have to come along and fucking ruin it don't you? Just like always
I know I did crap, the song was crap, and I didn't care until you came along.
Stop being so sensitive. You'll get another chance next time to make our ears bleed.
Go away. I don't want to talk with you.
Who else is going give baby his bottle, hm?
And cranky too. Maybe it's time for bed.
What I do isn't your business.
Oh la belle assemblee, qui a envie de bouger
Pour se laisser allez, au rythme de l'annee!
Allez Allez Allez Allez
Il faut en profiter, c'est une bonne journee!
Et on va la feter!
Muting this now. Sorry for the idiot Finland.
Aw, if we get together now we'll burn this place down....