stands in the warm water, sun beating roughly against his freshly tanned back as he holds a long spear and looks for a large Fish to catch.
"Ahh, there you are!" the young Sealandian calls, bouncing forwards across the sand and jumping into the water with a splash, scaring away
"Hm?" Svi frowns while looking up. He was happy to see Sealand, but disappointed that he would now be unable to catch any fish.
Startled a bit at the intense glare, Sealand paddles along, only his head bobbing above the water. "I was only lookin' for you and Finmama."
nods, but doesn't respond right away. He had been hoping that Tino was with Sealand. "Ah... haven't seen Finl'nd."
"Aww. I'm lonely!" Sealand complained, kicking his feet in the ocean with a pout.
"Have y' been alone all th's time?" Svi asks, hoping not. Peter may have been energetic and head strong, but he wasn't nearly strong enough
to survive an untamed tropical island on his own.
"I was with that jerk earlier," he replied, referring to his elder brother, "but he was super sick. Oh yeah, and Uncle Denmark tried to
"Ah..." He nods while walking out of the water. He wasn't surprised that Denmark had tried to scare Peter; though he hoped that England was
alright. "Y've eaten rec'ntly?"
"Um...." He furrowed his thick brows, thinking, before his stomach answered for him, growling loudly. "Oh, guess not!"
sighs and shakes his head. "C'mon..." He had food stocked up that he had prepared for if he found Tino and Peter, at least he knew that one
of them was alive and well.
The blonde hopped up, smiling widely at the thought of getting food. "So, what has papa been doing these past days?" Sealand called,
trailing behind the Scandinavian nation.
shrugs casually. Peter would see his small fort soon enough, and the racks of various foods he had stashed for safe keeping.
[[/Realizes she lost track of this OTLLLLL]]
"Oh, do you know that blonde guy? The one who's always pouting or brandishing his gun? Well, I saw him the other day!" Sealand was used to
filling in his 'father's' lack of speech with his own.
wasn't sure if he meant Switzerland or America, but nodded regardless. His wet shoes collected sand as he sunk down with each step.
"Hrm..." The micronation looked around curiously, examining this section of the beach despite it's similarity to every other section.
"Hm?" He continues walking, and pushing branches out of the way as he approaches his small campsite. He walked in to the small fort like
structure and came out seconds later with a woven grass basket that was filled with fruits.
"Wow! That's so ace!" the boy yelled, pointing at the camp and ignoring the food. "How long did it take you to make it?!"
"Couple days." He says with a shrug, setting the basket on a flat stone before returning to the fort to pull out some smoked fish.
Peter finally took note of the basket, snagging a plump fruit and sinking his teeth into the skin of it, juice leaking over his hands and
"Here." He mumbles while setting the fish down besides the fruit, trying not to cringe at Peter's face.
"Thanks, Papa," he replied, mouth full, before swallowing showily and grabbing a fish, biting into it and pulling the meat from the skeleton
nods, trying not to be openly disgusted by Peter's behavior. He probably hadn't eaten properly since landing on the island.
(( *laughs* just wondering who this Sakuya girl is. e_e ))
(( *laughs* yeah :3 and you are? ))
((Im just another Peter's RP-er in deviantArt

(( oh, cool ouo *waves* ))