joeresort says
16 years ago
i just got back from a farm delivery, the guy hada donkey foal for sale, the little fellow would'nt get into the volvo oh well,
latest #12
joeresort shares
16 years ago
joeresort says
16 years ago
he looked like above
fjbabe says
16 years ago
ahh is he ever cute, just think if your car broke down you could use him :-D het joe how goes your Friday
iridium says
16 years ago
he'd be great in spare room.
joeresort says
16 years ago
that would be a long commute (even longer for the donkey), he would have to go in my office, plurking would be rather cozy
fjbabe says
16 years ago
iridium says
16 years ago
cozy plurking...good plan.
joeresort says
16 years ago
hey my plurking is a open book that I share with my lady, how do your significant others feel about your plurking?
iridium says
16 years ago
is that a threat?
joeresort says
16 years ago
no, just a wee bit curious, you might say i'm just goofing around
iridium says
16 years ago
messin' indeed. the term mortification springs to mind.
joeresort says
16 years ago
hmm, i just get a lot of teasing, I wonder what FJ has to say
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