14 years ago
stomps back and forth across his lawn, trailing smoke everywhere.
latest #169
14 years ago
Roel says
14 years ago
((BELGYY~ <333))
14 years ago
[buhyooo you guys ♥ hiiii]
14 years ago
[ *CUDDLES* ;U;♥ ]
14 years ago
watches him from a small distance. "... Broer?"
Roel says
14 years ago
((Hiiiii! *CLINGS~* ; w ;
Roel says
14 years ago
doesn't here her and keeps stomping around, his gaze focused straight at the ground.
14 years ago
[ howareyouuu? ; w ; <3]
14 years ago
frowns and carefully inches closer, lifting a hand as if to touch him - but she hesitates. "Roel?"
Roel says
14 years ago
(I'm greaaat~ How are you, luv? <3)
Roel says
14 years ago
finally blinks and turns slightly, "...Eva?" *feels his expression darken as he pulls the pipe from his mouth* "What're ya doing here?"
14 years ago
(I'm fiiine ; u ; /derpderp ♥)
14 years ago
looks down at her feet and remains silent for a moment. "... Just felt like visiting you."
Roel says
14 years ago
(Good |3 *petpet* <3)
Roel says
14 years ago
stares for a moment before turning away again and taking a drag of smoke. "Hrmpf. That's new..."
14 years ago
( *purrs* <33 )
14 years ago
doesn't look back up at him, but sounds a bit upset, if not hurt. "If you want me to leave then just say so."
Roel says
14 years ago
closes his eyes, huffing and staying quiet for a moment. "...f-fine. Stay. Don't expect to be long though, Eva. I have work to do later...."
Roel says
14 years ago
(*petpethug~* <3)
14 years ago
nods and smiles slightly even if he's not looking. "Bedankt. I won't bother you for too long, broer."
Roel says
14 years ago
lets his eyes open slightly, glancing at her. "Hn." *takes another drag before turning towards the house* "Come on then."
14 years ago
simply nods and follows him quietly, afraid of saying something that will upset him.
Roel says
14 years ago
leads her into the living room, not saying a word as he plops down into his armchair.
14 years ago
sits on the sofa and offers a warm smile. Hey, it's best to break the ice right away. "How have you been? It's been a while..."
Roel says
14 years ago
gives her an indifferent look, definitely not smiling back. "I've been fine. Work's a pain and all..." *sniffs, taking another drag* "You?"
14 years ago
's smile falters momentarily. Honestly she should be used to this. "Just about the same. But I got to go for a walk with-- Oh never mind..."
Roel says
14 years ago
feels himself tense a bit, but he simply raises an eyebrow at her. "Hm?"
14 years ago
shakes her head. "N-never mind, it was just something silly I remembered..."
Roel says
14 years ago
sits up straighter, giving her a serious look. "Oi, ya don't have to keep things from me. Don't like it when ya lie, ya know..."
14 years ago
looks away; she can't lie to him, not if she's looking at him, anyway. "I just went for a walk the other day, is all.." With Spain and Lovi.
Roel says
14 years ago
knows this and just sighs, leaning back again. "Mm fine." *keeps watching her, not knowing exactly what to say*
Eva is
14 years ago
playing with her hair now. This is getting a bit awkward. "Do you want me to cook anything, Roel?" Breaking the ice, breaking the ice...
Roel says
14 years ago
tilts his head, definitely considering this because she cooks so good. "If you want. I wouldn't mind, I suppose." *gives the tiniest smile*
14 years ago
barely catches that, but still stands up immediately, smiling brightly. "Do you want to help?"
Roel says
14 years ago
stares up at her, going back to frowning slightly and just sighing. "Nn sure." *stands up and quietly heads into the kitchen*
Eva thinks
14 years ago
that is a much better reaction than she originally expected and follows him to the kitchen. "Well, what do you want, hmm?"
Roel says
14 years ago
tilts his head, taking a longer drag and staring around the kitchen. "...waffles? You make them...really good."
Eva is
14 years ago
pleasantly surprised at that. "Ok, I think that works." And she sets off to find an apron and the necessary ingredients. "This'll be fun~"
Roel says
14 years ago
snorts in agreement and simply leans against the counter, watching her. "Whaddya need me to do, zuster?"
14 years ago
pauses, holding up some of the ingredients. "Hmm... You can help me make the batter. Or you can just watch, either way is fine~"
Roel says
14 years ago
blinks and steps forward a bit, grabbing the bowl and whisk from her. "I can do that...."
14 years ago
smiles and sets down the other things she was holding up. "Dank je. That's very sweet of you."
Roel says
14 years ago
nods stiffly, then starts grabbing at the ingredients so as to slowly mix them in and start whisking. " problem. Just be glad I lov--
Roel says
14 years ago
like you food." *coughs, staring pointedly down at the bowl*
14 years ago
[ bawww ; w ; ♥ ]
Roel says
14 years ago
((Heehee~ <3))
14 years ago
arches an eyebrow in confusion but lets that go. "If you say so..." She peers down at the bowl. "Make sure you don't over-mix it, ok?" And-
14 years ago
with that she moves away to plug in the waffle iron and get some plates.
Roel says
14 years ago
nods, continuing to mix. "Ja ja, I know..." *continues for a little longer before deeming the mixture acceptable* "Hrm, there."
14 years ago
dips a finger into the mix and examines it for a moment before trying it. "Mhm, it's good." She takes the bowl from him and
14 years ago
a glass to make pouring the batter somewhat easier. "Now comes the fun part~"
Roel says
14 years ago
leans back again, taking a shorter drag of smoke and tilting his head. "Oh?"
14 years ago
begins pouring the batter onto the iron, not taking her eyes off it so she won't burn any. "Making them~ It's fun, don't you agree?"
14 years ago
keeps watching, thinking he wouldn't really word it that way but alright. "Nn sure." *thinks eating is the more fun part honestly*
14 years ago
doesn't really talk much until after all the waffles are done. "Looks like they turned out good, huh..."
14 years ago
(Back~ <3))
14 years ago
((Welcome back~<33))
14 years ago
(Thank you luv~ <3)
14 years ago
(No prob~<3)
14 years ago
tilts his head and glances past her, smiling lightly because its starting to smell really good in the kitchen. "Nmhm~"
14 years ago
really likes seeing him smile like that. "Now all that's left are the toppings. Do you want sugar or something else...?"
14 years ago
blinks, glancing at his cupboards and shrugging slightly. "Er, sugar is fine." *coughs, stepping closer because he really wants a waffle*
14 years ago
looks up at him curiously. "Mmm alright then...?"
14 years ago
arches his eyebrow in response, going back to his serious face. "May I have a waffle now?" *insert stomach growl here*
14 years ago
blinks. "... Oh! Right!" She hands him the whole plate. "I'll go get the sugar then..."
Roel gives
14 years ago
her a strange look but just shakes his head and moves to go sit at the kitchen table. "Dank u wel..."
Eva hopes
14 years ago
she does not look as stupid as she feels, as she returns with the sugar and takes a seat across from him. "I hope they're good..."
Roel thinks
14 years ago
she's definitely acting strange if anything. "They look good~" *shrugs as he sets his pipe on the table and grabs the sugar*
14 years ago
rests her elbows on the table, watching him, and absent mindedly reaches over to touch the pipe lightly. "Thank you."
14 years ago
tenses up as he watches her, but simply shoves a huge bite of waffle in his mouth and relaxes tremendously. "....god..."
14 years ago
arches an eyebrow in surprise, but decided to take that as a good reaction. "Mm, I should stop by and cook more for you~"
14 years ago
blushes ever so slightly, and coughs, looking away. "....y-yeah sure, okay." *stuffs another bite in his mouth*
Eva feels
14 years ago
like she might have said something a bit awkward but oh well. ",,, Really?" Cue in the cute, hopeful look.
14 years ago
swallows and gives her an exasperated look. " long as you don't mention Spain. Fine. Just...don't expect me to be as hospitable as-
14 years ago
-today." *whatever that meant you Dutch dork D| *
14 years ago
looks down at her hands at the mention of Spain and nods. "Alright.,, But what's so different about today?"
14 years ago
shakes his head, glancing away again and continuing to devour the waffle. "N-Nothing, nevermind..."
14 years ago
leans forward, eyeing him curiously now. "It sure doesn't sound like 'nothing'... Don't lie to me, brother."
14 years ago
doesn't look at her, frowning deeply. "I said its nothing, alright." *finishes the waffle and pushes the plate away, grabbing for his pipe*
14 years ago
grabs the other end of the pipe, shooting him a serious look. "Talk to me, Roel. I'm not a little kid anymore."
14 years ago
looks up now, growling lowly and glaring down at her hand. "Let. Go."
14 years ago
((; w ; *hates being stubborn OTL;;*))
14 years ago
(( 's fine ; w ;'' <3 ))
14 years ago
flinches but doesn't do as he tells her to. "No. Not until you answer truthfully."
14 years ago
((; w ; <3))
14 years ago
snarls and throws his hands up. "F-Fine! Alright, I was going to say I was actually happy to have you here for once! I just..." *huffs,-
14 years ago
-putting his hands down and looking away again* "...I just feel so tense around you now. Its not fair."
14 years ago
((Baww <33)
14 years ago
((:'3 <3))
14 years ago
stares at him for a long moment as the outburst processes in her mind. "Broer you..." She frowns and stands up slowly, to move over so she -
14 years ago
can hug him, obviously forgetting about the pipe. "You don't have to feel that way." Hypocrite. "I'm still your sister."
14 years ago
tenses up at the touch, not hugging back but sort of leaning into her and feeling all too weak right now. "...its still not the same."
14 years ago
frowns but she's just happy he didn't push her away. "Why not? What changed?"
14 years ago
huffs and starts to lean back, not really wanting to push her away but wanting this hug to stop. "You know what."
14 years ago
doesn't really let go of him, even if she knows the conversation is turning somewhat bitter. "That was a long time ago, broer."
14 years ago
((And what are still doing on, young lady~? XD <3))
14 years ago
scowls and turns away, glaring at the wall. "...."
14 years ago
[Eva. Sleep.]
14 years ago
[ ...... /sob I did sleep ; 3 ; ]
14 years ago
nudges him gently, staring down at him worriedly. "Don't act like this..."
14 years ago
[....Go sleep some more.]
14 years ago
stays quiet and unresponsive for a moment longer, before finally turning back and glancing up at her with an exasperated expression.-
14 years ago
-"Then why don't you stay with me anymore?"
14 years ago
almost, almost lets go then, clearly taken aback by his reaction. "Why don't I..." She blinks. "... I'm independent now. I can't lose that."
14 years ago
huffs and looks down, slouching. "...exactly."
14 years ago
frowns. "You don't want me to be independent? Why?"
14 years ago
shakes his head, a scowl starting to form.
14 years ago
(*smacks enter key* I wasn't done yet! D8< ))
14 years ago
*He slowly tries to scoot back, not looking at her. "Just never mind....dan ku. For the waffle." *coughs and tries to reach for his pipe*
14 years ago
(( *sob* enter keys tend to do that ))
14 years ago
(( Yes, they're horrible like that ; w ; ))
14 years ago
lets go of him, only to tug at his sleeve stubbornly. "No. Is it that difficult for you to be honest with me?"
14 years ago
manages to grab the pipe now and start to shuffle in his coat for a lighter. "...hrmpf. It seems so."
14 years ago
stares down at him, sounding almost hurt. "Spanje doesn't have that issue." That was just low, yes.
14 years ago
(( D8 Oohhhhh low blooww... ))
14 years ago
(( I'm sorry <A< couldn't resist... ))
14 years ago
stops shuffling around, his posture going noticeably tense and his eyes narrowing dangerously. " not. Mention that man. In my house."
14 years ago
(( S'all good. I like drama~ ;D XD ))
14 years ago
(( Haha, yes. I just love these two ; w ;'' ♥ ))
14 years ago
(( Yess ; w ;'' <333))
14 years ago
notices that but for once doesn't back down. Which is kind of silly- nay, stupid of her. "What are you going to do about it, hm? It's true."
14 years ago
(( <33 ))
14 years ago
turns and slams his hands on the table, growling stressing each word through clenched teeth. "...Eva. Get. Out. Now."
14 years ago
((*growling AND stressing dsghsfsdhf*))
14 years ago
realizes she went a bit too far with that and takes a couple of steps back. "Het spijt me, Roel... I-I didn't mean it like.." Yes, she did,
14 years ago
(( ;;A;; *petspets* 's okkk))
14 years ago
(... a "." works better than a comma at the end of the sentence OTL)
Roel is
14 years ago
still glaring at her, not really listening. "I said get out. Before...I do something bad." *grips the table tighter*
Eva wonders
14 years ago
what he means by that, but it doesn't stop her from stepping away from him out of fear. "Calm down, brother..."
14 years ago
holds up a hand quickly, biting his lip. "Just!" *huffs* Be silent...for one moment. Alstublieft." *finally finds his lighter and-
14 years ago
-gratefully can take another drag of his pipe, sighing in exasperation*
14 years ago
flinches in spite of the distance but remains silent until he finds his lighter, leaning against the doorframe. "... Calmer now?"
14 years ago
huffs, glancing at her now with an unreadable expression. "...I asked you one simple thing, ja? Not to mention *HIM* in my presence. That-
14 years ago
-is all I ask of you now, Eva. And yet you go and say things like that..." *rubs at his temples* "I can't handle this."
Eva is
14 years ago
silent for a moment, pondering his words - and she almost regrets having said anything in the first place. "
14 years ago
14 years ago
(( ; w ; See? It hates us..."
14 years ago
"I can't help it sometimes. I don't hate him like you do, Roel."
14 years ago
(( WHYY ;A; ))
14 years ago
((I don't knoooww ;A; ))
14 years ago
shakes his head, taking another drag. "...maybe you should leave. I'm starting to get a headache."
14 years ago
considers telling him it might be from smoking too much but decides this is no time to be cheeky. "You always tell me to leave." She scoffs-
14 years ago
"And then you ask why I don't stay?"
14 years ago
((Well whatever the reason might be, it needs to stop B| )
14 years ago
((*laughs* I know, I know. I told you I hate making him so stubborn but urge..He's a stupid, stubborn man. D| ))
14 years ago
((*urg not urge whut*))
14 years ago
((Baww it's fine~<33 I love your Neddy, you have no idea ;w;<33 ))
14 years ago
(( Baww I'm so glad, I love your Belggy too omg~ ; w ; <333 ))
14 years ago
(( Baww, thank you ;w;<33 ))
14 years ago
((*hugs~* ; w ; <333))
14 years ago
keeps rubbing at his temples, definitely not being to answer that. His head was much too foggy at the moment to deal with this.
14 years ago
looks down at her feet, not really expecting an answer. "You don't look so good, broer.. Maybe I really should go."
14 years ago
sighs, letting out a long stream of smoke and not looking at her. "...maybe you should. I--I have work to do."
14 years ago
doesn't look at him, either. "If your head hurts, you should rest.."
14 years ago
finally brings himself to look at her, looking exhausted but stubborn. "I'm fine. Just leave, goed?"
Eva is
14 years ago
about to protest but just sighs. "... O-or maybe I should stay until you feel better..."
Roel gives
14 years ago
her an imploring look, huffing and just waving his hands dramatically. "Do what you want then!" *turns, heading from the living room*-
14 years ago
-"But while your doing that, I'll be in my room." *glances back at her one last time before disappearing* "Don't bother me."
14 years ago
knows better than to disobey that and make things worse, so she just nods and heads outside to sit on the grass. "Feel better, Roel.."
14 years ago
sighs and shuts the door, pressing a hand to his forehead in frustration. "...I'm so stupid." *huffs and just takes another drag of smoke-
14 years ago
-before going to go work on paperwork or something.*
Eva thinks
14 years ago
she should just go home; he won't be coming down any time soon.
Eva thinks
14 years ago
((DON'T WORRY NEDDY you may be silly but zuster loves you anyway ;n;<3))
14 years ago
((B'awww Broer loves you too, he's just not good at expressing it properly ; w ; <333 ))
14 years ago
(( Annndd brb. Dinner~ <3))
14 years ago
(( We'll have to fix that, then <ε< /shotdead s-seriously, these two make me baww ;A;<333 and kayy, enjoy~<3 ))
14 years ago
((Pshhh ohoho~ XD <33 They make me baww too ; w ; And thank you luv~ *zooms off*))
14 years ago
(( they're adorkable ; w ; in a... dysfunctional, love-hate sort of way xD and np~ *waves*))
14 years ago
((They so are~ XD <3 And back :'3 ))
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