I had to edit that alot to get rid of the swearing xD
of things that she cant write on plurk hehe
You sounded like you needed a hug
im more angry then anything
Ok, from a outsiders perspective right, what kinda person does this.....
i call her ****** **** ... oops autocensor
she KNOWS i lost my baby 3 weeks ago at 5 months she said she prayed for me....
then as soon as i wanna leave for rl to look after my kids as my bf left...
she IMs that crap and tries taking the only ppl i have in secondlife
her adult is pregnant with.....
Someone who had something to gain from being friends from you and was probably using you from the start, Some people find it nice to do
that and those kind of people are the ones that end up dying alone *Nods*
she obsessed..nessy where you get shape, nessy what hair you got...same basic ao now as me...
asking for tps noone stop
moved into LW she moved in next door!
a stalking, hoarding loner
its like shes trying to be ME!
and now she wanted my mom
but my mom HATES her soo much
She obviously admires you and wants to be like you. Those kind of people are the worst because they have no Uniquness
well watch out all she be after you all next
admires me! thats a joke shes just a really twisted person
if she dares to try to take my family
If shes comes near me i'll freak her out, trusts me she wonts ever come never me again
i helped her loads was her friend, she had basically none and she does this to me as soon as i say im leaving for a while she does that
about 3 mins after saying in groups i was leaving
im like soooooooooooooooo mad
who wouldnt be
fefe lol i still notice someone aint changed there rl age yet rofl, ya know who i mean

....I dont get it

And Yepers who wouldnts be mads at that