AmosOtis feels
16 years ago
yucky...trying so hard to do so much for so many
latest #16
AmosOtis says
16 years ago
and then my purse was stolen and it just feels like a karmic slap in the face
AmosOtis says
16 years ago
I know it could be worse, but tonight I ache with fibromyalgia and my to do list is unraveling and I'm going to feel sorry for myself
16 years ago
Griffy.Lapin says
16 years ago
then you can stop and take care of yourself now...enuf already!
MsKnitSox says
16 years ago
CHiC thinks
16 years ago
it's time to rest. Fibro is made worse by overfunctioning. griffonage is right - the best thing you can do for people is care for you
LilacMoon says
16 years ago
(cozy) take care of yourself...
CHiC thinks
16 years ago
Oh and take a bath with epsom salts and lavendar. It's a great detox - you'll feel better. My hub. uses them for his autoimmune disorder
weebug says
16 years ago
take a deep breath. Then go take that bath. Don't forget to lock the door!
AmosOtis says
16 years ago
ClaudiaHallChristian gosh, I would just *love* a bath, but it's not possible here...I was thinking that'd be exactly the right medicine!
AmosOtis says
16 years ago
but I totally appreciate your sentiment! I'm bed plurking and watching SNL, icing my aching foot, and putting work & math aside til the a.m
16 years ago
awww.. I am so sorry .. I hate days like that!! (cozy)
weebug says
16 years ago
i hope you are feeling better tosd
weebug says
16 years ago
16 years ago
thanks weebug, better than yesterday, trying to take it easy and let the stress roll off my back
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