aliciameimei says
14 years ago
who knows hw to jailbreak iphOne
latest #17
♥ v0ne says
14 years ago
hey , u gt a iphone again ? hw much u gt it ?
aliciameimei says
14 years ago
go sign line take.. 300
aliciameimei says
14 years ago
u noe hw to jb?
♥ v0ne says
14 years ago
nope . but i can ask ard for u ? how much u paid per month for th line ?
aliciameimei says
14 years ago
mine fren take the sim.
♥ v0ne says
14 years ago
oh . can help me check how much is th monthly bill that ur frend sign ? cuz wan to sign a iphone out , but no idea how much is th bill
aliciameimei says
14 years ago
he take 56 a mth..
♥ v0ne says
14 years ago
OKAY ! thanks . what line is that ? m1 ?
aliciameimei says
14 years ago
yea m1. lol
14 years ago
got $36 de!
14 years ago
♥ v0ne says
14 years ago
ok ! i go check ! hehe .
aliciameimei says
14 years ago
gt . but iphone more exp
♥ v0ne says
14 years ago
starhub is th cheapest :-D
♥ v0ne says
14 years ago
sorry is m1 th cheapes
♥ v0ne says
14 years ago
14 years ago
m1 rocks!HAHA
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