alibongo wonders
15 years ago
why Super is compulsory when it loses more in a year than you invest.
latest #7
Sebbie says
15 years ago
Maybe the govt thinks by making super complulsory, it implies they care about the worker enough to make sure employers put
Sebbie says
15 years ago
something aside...not that im cynical or anything
Sebbie says
15 years ago
Although, the way around it is to have someone work 5 x 8 hour shifts a week and employ them casually.... so many down my way do that
Sebbie says
15 years ago
which is ridiculous..... you cant work 40 hours plus a week and be considered casual in my book
Sebbie says
15 years ago
but i hear you, my super fell this quarter (as did everyones)but i got annoyed as i was on maternity leave til this Monday just gone
Sebbie says
15 years ago
there was no money put in over the past 12 months but it still cost me plenty for the fund managers to do NOTHING!!!!!
alibongo says
15 years ago
i got taxed heavily for my investment, and then lost massive amounts. it's just crazy. it's going to get worse too
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