mopedronin has
15 years ago
heard his first ever "Obama scares me" comment. I read a commentary at CNN stating that most ppl who make this
latest #87
15 years ago
kind of statement will not follow it up. The comment I read was not followed up. The commentary ran on to say that this is most likely
15 years ago
due to the fact that people who make such statements are "scared" by Obama's ethnicity. I don't know enough about the person I heard it from
15 years ago
to make that kind of judgement call. But that's sure what it sounded like when I read it... flat out fear of skin color. Not bigotry mind.
15 years ago
Fear of the unknown if you will.
15 years ago
So I ask you McCain supporters out there... does Obama scare you? And why?
15 years ago
15 years ago
thanks for sharing that. i had no idea. (I don't currently live in the States.)
15 years ago
I've been hearing that word a lot 'inexperienced'... but WHO is qualified to be the president? was Kennedy? was Washington? or Lincoln?
mopedronin thinks
15 years ago
experience is a copout answer. (not that you are saying that necessarily)
15 years ago
frankly, what scares me is having a man twice my age, and over the age of normal employment, becoming president. he's old fashioned.
15 years ago
he doesnt have a clue as to how I think. on the other hand, obama is young, vibrant, and does understand (from my understanding of him) me.
15 years ago
i could be wrong, and certainly obama and i dont see eye to eye on all, but man, mccain simply cant touch him, in my opinion.
15 years ago
15 years ago
tasukigirl: hey thanks. its time for bed.
15 years ago
mmmm, i think its not so much that they break their promises, because these days they dont make promises, they make statements. for example
15 years ago
WE WILL FIX THE ECONOMY is not a promise. its a statement. and i have no doubt that put in office, either candidate would do his best to.
15 years ago
dont confuse promises and statements. promises MUST start with the words I PROMISE. otherwise they dont count. every school kid knows this.
15 years ago
15 years ago
anyway, you have a lot to think over between now and election day. i shall not bother you over it again. may your choice easy.
Joankr says
15 years ago
in my experience, those who say Obama is scary have also made racist comments in the past. I suspect that's true in a lot of cases.
Joankr says
15 years ago
McCain's campaign & especially his *trophy* running mate are trying to link Obama to terrorists in any way possible.
Joankr says
15 years ago
or they go for the "lack of experience" line which makes no sense. People who haven't heard of Obama before the primaries started obviously
Joankr says
15 years ago
Joankr says
15 years ago
don't keep up with the news; Obama's been on the national political scene since Bill Clinton 's first term.
MamaWise says
15 years ago
yeah but what has he done?
MamaWise says
15 years ago
other than campaigning for the presidency.
h3nix says
15 years ago
Odd thing is, enemies in war do not scare me, but politicians scare the living hell out of me. "Vote Cthulhu, why choose the lesser evil!"
Joankr says
15 years ago
MamaWise - 2yrs. nat'l senator, 7yrs. IL senator, grad. law school, author of 2 books, managed nonprofit - for more.
MamaWise says
15 years ago
Thanks for the link, but I meant what has he done in terms of introducing bills and legislation, etc.
Joankr says
15 years ago
that info is also in the linked article.
15 years ago
MamaWise: what has he done? are you claiming to know what he has and has not done? have you done the research?
15 years ago
MamaWise: moreover, what would you like him to do? headstands? 1000 freethrow shots in a row? fly around the world with man made wings?
15 years ago
Joankr: I've heard the same thing. its a frightful thing to recognize it and know that these people dont realize they harbor bigoted feelng
MamaWise says
15 years ago
way to be mean and not answer my question... question is have YOU done the research - maybe not because you couldn't answer my question.
MamaWise says
15 years ago
or maybe you have done the research, and cannot answer because there aren't any bills and legislation that he has worked on...
MamaWise says
15 years ago
I really just wanted to know - why do people have to get mean when trying to defend Obama? I questioned his experience and get jumped on.
15 years ago
I am one that says Obama scares me (btw some things about McCain scare me too) but anyway here is what I have to ssay...
15 years ago
It has nothing to do with his race... that is a cop out... just because of his race... that's stupid! c'mon people...
15 years ago
I have no fear of Obama being a terrorist... at least Muslim terrorist...
15 years ago
I do have questions about the church he was affiliated with for years and the pastor that he said was his spirtual mentor mentor
15 years ago
*can I type guess not*
15 years ago
for him to claim he was obama's mentor and when his pastor starts getting heat obama claims he isn't affiliated with him...
15 years ago
how can you trust a man that turns his back on someone that has been by his side for so long & had been preaching the same message for years
15 years ago
I don't believe obama had no idea what rev wright believed & preached.
15 years ago
if you are a member of a congregation, you know what your pastor believes
15 years ago
I also dont think that obama is experienced. I have heard that his party has been grooming him for years, I haven't researched enough though
15 years ago
but I have also heard that he has not introduced anything into legislation & what he has done has been handed to him...
15 years ago
I also don't agree w/ his stance on the economy & the fact that a big part of the bailout was to help an organization that he had a hand in
15 years ago
to be honest I am an independant & still researching. I will not "throw away" my vote & write someone in, but I will weigh the facts I see
15 years ago
so I can not be judged as a racist if I don't vote for the darker skinned candidate. I think that whole argument is completely ridiculous!
15 years ago
and if I decide not to vote for McCain... will you judge me for ageism?? or anti pow???
15 years ago
and obama's former church scares me... rev wright preaches afrocentrism... c'mon where is equality? where is there love one another??
15 years ago
germaine: separation of church and state. it's law. remember it. cherish it.
15 years ago
MamaWise: im not being mean, I want to know what you want to know? Now I do. You can't just say someone is scary and leave it at that.
15 years ago
MamaWise: what has mccain done? what had Kennedy done? what had Washington done? sometimes you have to believe in a person.
15 years ago
when you have to rely on what someone has done, rather than potential, you take away from yourself the potential they could do.
15 years ago
obama is about change. are you afraid of change? many people are. perhaps this is what really scares you. you would not be alone. however...
15 years ago
join those who believe in change and obama and you will never be alone.
MamaWise says
15 years ago
mopedronin just setting the record straight, I was not the one in this post who said that Obama scared me.
MamaWise says
15 years ago
or did I missunderstand your first comment to me? It's difficult to analyze text vs conversation you know.
15 years ago
MamaWise: no, you understood me perfectly well. if that's what scares you, then I respect it. i don't understand it, but i respect it AND..
15 years ago
MamaWise: you answered the question as expected. I'm super happy it's not ethnicity.
15 years ago
if he's not your man, he's not your man. i can understand that. that's the way people are. i just find it a cop out that ppl say 'I'M SCARED
15 years ago
and that's it, no reason to follow it up.
15 years ago
heck, we are all scared of something. i'm scared my son will grow up in a horrible world, but i know if i arm him with love and understandin
15 years ago
he will be as prepared as anyone for the future.
15 years ago
MamaWise says
15 years ago
thanks for clarifying, I am always happy to have intelligent conversation with onyone on either side of the campaign who is courteous.
15 years ago
totally agree with that... I am taking about obama's character... that is most important to me...
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