allala wonders
14 years ago
: (This has been asked before I'm sure) Is it wrong to not shop at a store of someone you dislike despite how great their product may be?
latest #13
Whoa Tag says
14 years ago
Is it a mutual dislike?
14 years ago
no it's not wrong. i don't care how great a product is, if a person is an ass they will not get a single L from me
14 years ago
same with rl companies. if they do something i don't like, i won't patronage their shop
14 years ago
no it's reasonable, i wouldn't want to give them my lindens. thankfully, the creators i dislike are mostly shit :-P
Lils says
14 years ago
there's one major, major shop I haven't set foot in for a year because the creator is a douche.
Lils says
14 years ago
so I don't think it's wrong.
MarvelMouse 🐭
14 years ago
voshie. Ditto.
14 years ago
no it's not wrong at all, just don't cut your nose off to spite your face. If its something u need then think about it, if its just stuff
14 years ago
then screw em stick to yr principles
14 years ago
yea I didn't look at it from the "giving them my money" perspective lol. But even if their product is super great? It's a tough one...
14 years ago
lol you really want this item, huh? :-P then get it. don't beat yourself up for it.
14 years ago
it's ok we won't judge you (too loudly ;P)
14 years ago
Hahaha! :-D
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