idiochi needs
14 years ago
LOVE :-(
latest #8
Bu Li Lit
14 years ago
everybody needs love.. (cozy)
idiochi says
14 years ago
but now i having not love buddy :'-(
Bu Li Lit
14 years ago
idiochi: hmmnn..wat kind of love r u looking for?.. (thinking)
idiochi says
14 years ago
Royal,,and didn't play love just it ..??? do yo have it ?? :-o
Bu Li Lit
14 years ago
idiochi: hmmnn..i have my friends..they love me i know..but romantic love?..i dont have..hahahaha
idiochi says
14 years ago
yaa you're right .. :-) i'm not alone b'cos i hd them :-D bt i need love from my boyfriend
idiochi says
14 years ago
but i jst choosing wan boy now but he don't care me so pure iam :'-(
Bu Li Lit
14 years ago
idiochi: HUH? you have a boyfriend?..oh
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