aliciameimei wonders
14 years ago
why guys like to said they will want to accept my baby and me when they are just bull shitting!!!
latest #30
xueminbibii says
14 years ago
yes! hahahx
aliciameimei says
14 years ago
dont know why hor, i met 4 guys lik this alr.
xueminbibii says
14 years ago
i olso
aliciameimei says
14 years ago
lol but all bullshit.
aliciameimei says
14 years ago
xueminbibii says
14 years ago
yes! all shits
aliciameimei says
14 years ago
then for wad they wanna waste time.
xueminbibii says
14 years ago
hahax. 1 thing! SEX!
14 years ago
do liao jiu bye bye!tks for free one without aids
xueminbibii says
14 years ago
hahax! lmao! ya lorx
14 years ago
but stacey one different
Missy Cindy says
14 years ago
xueminbibii says
14 years ago
lmao! so bad! jitao shoot
Missy Cindy says
14 years ago
14 years ago
Missy Cindy says
14 years ago
guys like to tell lies, make up stupid story or say till they can make it. all is shit lai de.
Missy Cindy says
14 years ago
in the end we have to trust ourselve.
14 years ago
in e end we only can depend on ourself.their words dont need take too serious de
xueminbibii says
14 years ago
ya! stand alone! hahahhah
14 years ago
stand up stand up for e best you can.change the singapore to baby
xueminbibii says
14 years ago
lmao! LAME LA!hahahx
14 years ago
tell you countless time liao i not mas selamat le
xueminbibii says
14 years ago
hahax! ??
14 years ago
mas selamat is lame mah.bai ka
xueminbibii says
14 years ago
lolx! omg! (doh)
14 years ago
why omg?
xueminbibii says
14 years ago
hahax. too lame le
14 years ago
haha.used to it can le.lame better den cold right?
aliciameimei says
14 years ago
ya lor, but baby stacey hv sex when she pregnant/?
14 years ago
this one not sure.only she know
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