14 years ago
woke up early, making sure not to wake Greg so she could clean the car seat... that she made a mess on the other night..
latest #138
14 years ago
groans at the lack of heat, rolling over/
14 years ago
hums as she sprays this disinfectant stuff and scrubs. enjoying the bright warm morning sun.
14 years ago
wakes up soon enough to find no one on the other side of the bed. His head pops up, looking about.
14 years ago
her window was open so her voice was carried in from the outside. She was dressed in an overly big white shirt that she tied up at the side_
14 years ago
with torn short jeans she rolled up to her mid thigh, her hair was up in a messy mass with yellow rubber gloves and a sponge.
14 years ago
"There~" she sighed to herself, she cleaned the whole front of the inside of his car, pleased with the work, she wiped her forehead on her_
14 years ago
arm as she stretched.
14 years ago
climbs out of bed, having heard her. He looks down, leaning against the window frame, a sheet providing some modesty. 'I said you didn't_
14 years ago
have to,' he calls down, feeling bad.
14 years ago
looks up smiling. "Good morning~ and I know, but I wanted too~" she stretched again. " Did you sleep well?"
14 years ago
rubs the back of his neck, looking down at her. She looked amazing. He gives a vague nod, smiling back. 'Morning.'
14 years ago
"I'm coming in so you better still be naked when I come up~" she chimed and jogged inside.
14 years ago
laughs, he was indeed naked. He waits by the window, a fond smile spread across his lips.
14 years ago
opened her door to see him just as such, and she almost melted at the sight.. how could a man look SOO delicious? " I hope I didn't wake_
14 years ago
you~" she murmured, slowly walking over, almost right up against him.
14 years ago
pulls her closer, hands sliding down her sides to rest on her hips. 'Nope.... but I'm glad I woke up to such a wonderful sight.'
14 years ago
smiles, chuckling as she does and leans up on her toes to plant her lips upon his. "..MMmm.. and I'm glad to return to such a sight~"
14 years ago
smirks a little, hands running across the waistband of her trousers. 'Not as happy as me,' he replies kissing her back.
14 years ago
grins. " Well your car is officially cleaned and I'd be thinking this deserves a big breakfast! Eggs and sausages sound good to you?"
14 years ago
nods, 'Sounds Braw.'
14 years ago
smiles widely as she turns to dash out. " Alright~ you take your time coming down if you need it~." she called out from outside her room._
14 years ago
Toph entered the room to give Greg a Lazy look before sauntering over to him to headbutt his leg gently.
14 years ago
coos, behind to pet her. 'Well aren't you just precious' he quietly praises before finding his clothes. He felt at home here but seeing_
14 years ago
Toph made him think of his cat. He finally tugs on his top, looking at the cat. 'You ready for breakfast?' he asks, as though it could reply
14 years ago
in response, she rubbed against him before dashing out before it, meowing as if she is announcing her grand entrance to Ly. Ly already had_
14 years ago
the 'starving' kitties food out as she flipped some eggs and turned over some sausages. " I hear you Queenie~ Your food is waiting for you~"
14 years ago
laughs, leaning against the doorframe. 'She has you wrapped around her wee tail.'
14 years ago
glances back at him, grinning sheepishly. " I know... But what can I do~ she's like my baby~" should of felt foolish saying it, but doesn't
14 years ago
at all." I can also see you're quite smitten with her aswell." she giggled, turning off the stove.
14 years ago
coughs, making his way over to her. He wraps his arms around her waist, kissing the side of her neck. 'Because she's yours.'... and cute.
14 years ago
giggles, tilting her head for him to have more access. "Well She seems to like you too~ Now~ you ready for breakfast?"
14 years ago
places a another small kiss at the crook of her neck. He smiles against the skin, swaying their hips. 'Of course, you cooked it.'
14 years ago
Turns to face him. grinning. "It seems you are also smitten to someone else besides My Kitty~" she giggled..." Apparently Brett is skeptical
14 years ago
that you *like* someone~"
14 years ago
frowns slightly before grinning back, 'He asked you about me love life?'
14 years ago
nods. " I didn't say anything~ he says you're nicer than you use to be.."she chuckled, reaching for the two empty plates she set aside to_
14 years ago
hand to him.
14 years ago
grabs them, think about it. 'I suppose I am.'
14 years ago
smiles gently. " well~ I didn't tell him anything.. it's up to you whether you want to say somthing or not. Okay?" she turned to pick up the
14 years ago
first pan. " Now sit our cute butt down so I can serve you~"
14 years ago
laughs, '... I doubt he'd believe me if I told you.' He takes a seat, placing the plates down. 'You spoil me'
14 years ago
14 years ago
"You think so?" she asked, placing some of the food on his plate before doing the same for her, adn then getting the rest. "Anything to_
14 years ago
drink? I have lots~"
Scotland gives
14 years ago
a vague nod and thinks about it, 'Tea?'
14 years ago
nods as she turns to the stove to turn on the kettle. "What type?" she asked, taking two mugs down.
Scotland is
14 years ago
about to say Tetley out of reflex. He pauses though, saying. 'Black Tea?'
14 years ago
nods. placing a bag of that into each mug before returning to her chair to wait for the water to boil.
Scotland says
14 years ago
, 'I'll do the rest poppet, you eat.'
14 years ago
"the water will take a bit to boil though.." she told him but she saw him shift, up off his chair to head to the kettle, then laughed and_
14 years ago
14 years ago
watches the kettle, willing it to boil faster. 'Hmm, I can't let you do everything or I'll get fat.'
14 years ago
blinks, then bursts out laughing. "I highly doubt that~" she turned in her head to rest her head on an arm that draped over the top of the_
14 years ago
chair, watching him with loving eyes. "...Why me..?" she murmured mostly to herself.. asking why she was the lucky one to have had someone_
14 years ago
like him interested in her..
14 years ago
doesn't hear her, jumping on the kettle when it boils. Tea was not to be messed with. He makes the tea, a small look of concentration on_
14 years ago
his face.
14 years ago
just smiles as se watches him. He was secretly adorable, but telling him that.. you'll receive a thank you with a scowl.. so she kept the_
14 years ago
secret to herself as he made their tea.
14 years ago
comes over with the tea, bringing some milk and sugar. 'Here you go gorgeous,' he mumbles, giving her a quick peck on the cheek as he sits_
14 years ago
beside her. 'This looks really good.'
14 years ago
smiles at the kiss, feeling just as war as the tea would of made her if she drank it. " Thank you for the tea~ and it does look good...well_
14 years ago
Dig in!" she chimed, clapping her hands together.
14 years ago
does so, with gusto making a loud 'MMM' sound as he takes the first bite. It was amazing.
14 years ago
doesn't really know why he likes it so much.. its just eggs and sausages~ but smiled and took a bite of hers. She could get use to mornings_
14 years ago
like this with him..
Scotland likes
14 years ago
it because it reminds him of home and a Scottish breakfast. He sips his tea, looking over at Ly. She seemed content.
Vivi was
14 years ago
content as she worked on her food. It was more delicious that he was here enjoying it.
14 years ago
finishes the breakfast quickly, washing it down with his tea. ' You're a wonderful cook'
14 years ago
giggles as she sips her tea. "I'm glad you liked it~"
Scotland loves
14 years ago
her giggle. He looks over to her with a smile. 'I'm a very lucky guy.'
14 years ago
looks up. "Really?... that's what I was thinking about earlier.. about you.." she smiled again.
14 years ago
laughs, 'Well... atleast we're both on the same page... although I'm luckier.'
14 years ago
"No no.." she stood up to take his plate and hers. " let's say we are both just as lucky? Alright?"
14 years ago
hums, turning in his seat. 'I suppose we could say that.'
14 years ago
sets the dishes down in the sink then returned to herseat, sipping more of her tea.
14 years ago
sighs happily, finishing his tea. 'Any plans for today?'
14 years ago
shakes her head. "Not at all...~"
14 years ago
hums, 'Then we should have a lazy day and watch films.'
14 years ago
perks up at the idea. " Yes! That's a wonderful idea!"
14 years ago
nods, 'We can watch whatever you want...' Because he doesn't really bother with films outside of Scotland all that much... Braveheart_
14 years ago
scarred him.
14 years ago
actually liked braveheart... but nods." alright~ WAIT!" hops up and runs over to today's paper that she tossed on the couch, looking through
14 years ago
it. " How about we go to the movies?! The new Iron Man movie is out and I've been dying to see it!?" she explained to him, wiggling like a_
14 years ago
little fangirl.
14 years ago
nods, laughing at her enthusiasm. 'Okay.'
14 years ago
"YAY!" she squeeked, running upstairs to change. She was a ..not so secret Marvel/DC fan.
14 years ago
pauses... watching her run up the stairs. '... I guess she really liked the first one...'
14 years ago
of COURSE she did! She would have sex with the suit if she could.. it's that sexy. "I'm having a shower! " she called down to him, as she_
14 years ago
bustled upstairs, he could hear her excited footsteps through the ceiling. "Would you like to join?"
Scotland is
14 years ago
not going to say no to that. He walks up the stairs, following her to the bathroom. 'We'll miss the first showing if I do though...'
14 years ago
blinks, as she was already half naked in the bathroom. "We will? Why?"
14 years ago
siddles up to her, placing his hands on her hips. 'Because I won't be able to contain myself.'
14 years ago
"sure you can~ Just look the other way!" she lightly smacked him arm playfully, grinning. He wouldn't really do her in the shower.. would_
14 years ago
14 years ago
would do her in the shower... all the water sliding down and accentuating her curves, it would drive up the wall. He scratches the back of_
14 years ago
his neck. 'I could try but I'm not promising anything.'
14 years ago
smiles. "Okay!" unbuttons her shorts to let them slide down, revealing she wore no garments under it.. she was too lazy.
14 years ago
looks up at the ceiling, questioning whoever was up there before gazing back down... He strips of his shirt thinking, 'Well Atleast I_
14 years ago
I didn't promise.'
14 years ago
(( LOL.... omg and this is why I love scotland.. and you XD you play him JSUT as I would of pictured him.. UGH.. I love it! -Fangirls- ))
14 years ago
turns on the water, waiting for it to get hot before stepping in, giving off a sigh of approval as she dunked her head under the spray. Her_
14 years ago
Hair running down the middle of her back like silk. "Mmm! feels nice!.." she turned to face him. " Coming?"
14 years ago
tugs off his trousers, watching her in the shower. He was already feeling the effect of the ooh so sensual infront of him. He step beside_
14 years ago
her quietly, pressing lightly into her back as a hand runs up her stomach. Kissing her on the tip of the ear, he lowly whispers, 'I_
14 years ago
wouldn't miss this for the world.'
14 years ago
*Steps beside
14 years ago
smiles at the touch of his hands. "So... apparently that plan went down the drain huh?" she mumbled, with a grin as her wet hands slid over_
14 years ago
his arms to feel the muscles contracting under the skin.. he had nice arms..
14 years ago
laughs lightly kissing the top of her head, 'I said I'd try and I did. You're just too damn sexy for your own good.'
14 years ago
((I'm glad you like him. I worry about him sometimes XD''' ))
14 years ago
(( why?!? D: )
14 years ago
(( I dunno. Incase he's a Gary Stu x_x ))
14 years ago
smiles slowly. " Well.. will you at least let me scrub my body first before you ravish it?" she asked, reaching for her Luffa and body soap_
14 years ago
combining the 2 together to make a bubbly lather, placing it on her skin and began to scrub.
14 years ago
shakes his head taking the sponge out of her hands, 'But I'm more than willing to do it for you.'
14 years ago
(( well I worry that Viet is turning into a Mary Sue... I wanna make her actually like fight and do badass things sometime.. D: ))
14 years ago
's answer for him was her turning so he could scrub her back,grabbing her long black hair to slide over her shoulder for him to have full_
14 years ago
access to her back. " Alright then.."
14 years ago
((You should... There has been a lot in the news about Chinese Men turning to Vietnam for the perfect bride? Maybe you could do something_
14 years ago
about that? ))
14 years ago
(( really?? -doesnt watch tv- ))
14 years ago
smiles, starting at the top. He might as well give her a massage too he thought, using the other hand to knead her shoulders. 'Thank you.'
14 years ago
((Yep it's all over the net. There are too many bacherlors in China ))
14 years ago
((Brb~ ))
14 years ago
(( because all they keep is the men! D: ))
14 years ago
"mmmm's" in approval at the massage. " Thank you for what..?"
14 years ago
makes his way down her back, smiling when she reacher her bottom. He gives it a small pinch, replying. 'For being you.'
14 years ago
hops a bit as she whips her head around to stick her tongue out at him. "You jerk! that hurt. " she teased... it really didn't.
14 years ago
smiles sweetly back, 'I'm sure you'll find pleasure in the pain.' He kneels to work on her legs, ignoring the place inbetween her legs for_
14 years ago
now. He was keeping the best for last.
14 years ago
's breath caught in her throat a bit as she saw him kneel down.... he was getting close..."I-I guess so.."
14 years ago
works on her feet, slowly bringing one up after he'd cleaned it to kiss it lightly. He looks up at her with a cheeky grin.
14 years ago
bit her lip gently at his wicked look .... What was he thinking..?
14 years ago
slowly makes her way back up her body, ignoring that spot again. He kisses her shoulder blade, 'You're going to need to turn around.'
14 years ago
((I wonder if this should be private ;;? ))
14 years ago
(( Lol yup... it will be.. you make it private after I post this last time. ))
14 years ago
's body got all ridged as she slowly obeyed his orders, turing. "Y-yes..?"
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