smeranda shares
16 years ago
Attending the Designing a New User-Centric College Public Website - Lessons Learned. #heweb08
latest #59
smeranda says
16 years ago
leadership realized website fragmented, so thed decided to fix it. St. Louis Community College.
smeranda says
16 years ago
Going through some history of the college now, large community college
smeranda says
16 years ago
3 sites, public, internal for faculty sharing and a sharepoint site.
smeranda says
16 years ago
16,000 pages with no navigation standard - yikes!
smeranda says
16 years ago
site wasn't built for the external user, another problem to fix.
smeranda says
16 years ago
Good to see the college realizes the user-centric problems created by inconsistency, non-ADA compliance.
smeranda says
16 years ago
no that problem defined, discovery stage is next
alvin says
16 years ago
seth is using plurk as a notebook (thinking)
almostcool says
16 years ago
live-blogging baby!
smeranda says
16 years ago
lot's of great user stats from research. Hope the slides will be online soon.
smeranda says
16 years ago
30% of students couldn't find what they were looking for on the site.
smeranda says
16 years ago
92 different technologies used on their 16,000 pages.
smeranda says
16 years ago
10 minutes into presentation, and speaker concerned he is behind... must have a lot of content to go through
Mort_Blort says
16 years ago
Increased enrollment is goal ... will be interesting to see how they attribute that.
smeranda says
16 years ago
Sounds like the Serena Collage CMS isn't popular with users.
16 years ago
and how do you attribute increased enrollment to the website..?
Mort_Blort says
16 years ago
yeah, exactly.
Mort_Blort says
16 years ago
I just say "the website is responsible for all increased enrollment."
smeranda says
16 years ago
Not sure that you can, but you can report on other metrics... speed of which content was found, decreased friction...
almostcool says
16 years ago
hrmm... we had increased enrollment right about the time we launched the full redesign in '06....
smeranda says
16 years ago
"create an agile development for future-proofing" that is always helpful
Mort_Blort says
16 years ago
Yes; then assumptions can be made on which you can base theories and test them. Surveys of entering students.
smeranda says
16 years ago
Tower 29 worked on development, note for myself.
smeranda says
16 years ago
load-balancing graphic on the screen... This was more than a visual redesign
smeranda says
16 years ago
taxonomy creates navigation - Many areas recreating the wheel and they are trying to change to a more collaborative effort. Sounds familiar?
Mort_Blort says
16 years ago
They seem to have a much more systematic approach to content, though, which I suppose is more possible at a CC level.
smeranda says
16 years ago
Quicklinks convention by the user is that you will jump to another website according to speaker.
smeranda says
16 years ago
Would like to see some research on this point.
smeranda says
16 years ago
Using Active Data Exchange calendaring
smeranda says
16 years ago
Blackboard LMS and other various home-grown applications
smeranda says
16 years ago
and Windows Live student email
smeranda says
16 years ago
Website went live on on March 9,
16 years ago
they're caught in the Windows Live edu trap also, eh?
Mort_Blort says
16 years ago
QL convention can't jump, IIRC, and be accessible
smeranda says
16 years ago
Ad hoc web committee created to develop phase 1
Mort_Blort says
16 years ago
Did they get their $10M?
almostcool says
16 years ago
looks fairly comprehensive, although i admit that i didn't click really deep. did they say what % of the 16k pages they converted?
smeranda says
16 years ago
"jump" as in leave, not the JS functionality.
smeranda says
16 years ago
I'll ask on the 16k pages.
smeranda says
16 years ago
New positions were created to help, restructure the IT department to be more web-focused.
smeranda says
16 years ago
Content belongs to community relationship/structure support belongs to IT. Great model.
Mort_Blort says
16 years ago
Want to pick their brains on that after.
Mort_Blort says
16 years ago
Politics of it
smeranda says
16 years ago
Phase 2 is the future: more dynamic content.
smeranda says
16 years ago
New focus on enrollment management, new position/department created
smeranda says
16 years ago
CRM to come... intrigued to see what they are looking at.
Mort_Blort says
16 years ago
Smaller = more agile, or so it seems
smeranda says
16 years ago
active involvement by faculty during process, a plus.
smeranda says
16 years ago
successful integration of home-grown applications. Define "successful".
smeranda says
16 years ago
Speaker: "Never outsource content development, this is what you do as an institution." Right on.
Mort_Blort says
16 years ago
"Need to be at seventh-grade reading level."
Mort_Blort says
16 years ago
I think he's talking about the community college audience.
Mort_Blort says
16 years ago
But that's a perspective we could probably use; simplicity and friendliness.
smeranda says
16 years ago
Little things can break the user experience. It's a fragile world.
smeranda says
16 years ago
Vendor stopped working on product one week before going live.
Mort_Blort says
16 years ago
group moan.
smeranda says
16 years ago
they had more hardward than necessary... We'll take your extra servers! :-)
almostcool says
16 years ago
again, if they take questions, ask about the % of pages they flipped. i'm just curious given our own experience
george sackett is
16 years ago
flipped very little content. almost all rewritten - went from 16,000 pages to 1,600 pages
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