"Italia? You wanted something?"
"Make pasta with me, Holy Roman."
*nods* "Okay... Do you know where Austria keeps it?"
"Si..I made it before here." * he grabs his stepstool and clumsily uses it to try to reach it on the shelf in the pantry*
watches Italy, making sure she doesn't fall over
"I...can't reach it, Holy Roman."
looks around "Maybe we should find Austria or Miss Hungary and ask for help... I don't want you to get hurt"
"No." * he was not sure if Austria would let him again* "You try."
nodded, letting Italia get down before climbing up on to the stepstool. He was close to reaching it, pulling himself on to the counter.
*watches hoping he can get it* "Be careful, Holy Roman."
*he nods, getting the box of pasta from the cupboard and putting it on the counter* "I'm fine Italia!"
"You got it!" He squealed happily* "Grazie."
*He nodded, slowly putting his foot down on the stepstool* "You're welcome" He said happily
"Holy Roman is good at reaching things."* he giggles*
*blushes* "Well... I'm older I think... so of course I'm taller. Just like bruder is taller then me."
"Will you be big and strong like him?"
nods "Yes, i will be a great empire like bruder. Greater even." He puffed his tiny chest out.
*squeals happily* "I want to be one too."
beams at her "We'll be one together Italia! And be big and strong just like bruder!"
"We will?" *He looked excited*
nods happily "Yes! We'll be powerful and live ina nice house together and you can eat all the pasta you want!"
*squeals again happily* "I want that. I wan to live with you."
*hugs her implusively* "Thank you! Thank you so, so much Italia!"
*is not sure what he did but giggles happily and hugs him back*
*continues beaming happily* "Don't worry Italia! I'll protect you okay and work on getting that big house, I will!"
he nodded "Yes, I will! I'll even go to the boring lessons that Austria gives me!"
cause to a kid that is a big deal00
"Those won't be fun though." *frown a little*
"But becoming an empire is hard work... specially' if you want to be successful!"
"Oh..."* he really didn't know if he liked that but he wanted to be with HRE* "I'll try."
smiled at Italia "We both will!"
"Si." *takes his hand* "Let's find the tomato sauce."
*he nodded, looking around the cupboards for the sauce* "Where does Austria keep it..."
"I don't know." *begins digging in the pantry*
*manages to crawl inside the cupboard looking for it* "I think I found it Italia!"
*squeals happily and waddles over to HRE to see*
*crawls back out of the cupboard, holding up a tin* "It has tomatoes on it so it must be the sauce right?"
*looks at it curiously* "How do we get them out?"
*Shrugs* "I...don't know." *shoulders droop*
"Maybe there is something that opens it here?"
Oh god maybe they should find an adult before they get hurt *terrible mental images of small children in a modern kitchen))
*clumsily wanders around with the can looking around for something that would work*
*watches after Italia, making sure she doesn't get hurt*
"Help me find something, Holy Roman."
*nods* "Okay, what do you think would do the job?""
"A hammer?" *giggles some*
"Wouldn't that be messy?" *he asked, tilting his head to the side*
*giggle* "Si..Maybe something else. Che?"
"Maybe we should find someone who knows what to use..."
*nods* "Yes, we should probably go find her..."
*offers his hand* "Let's look for her."
*takes her hand* "Okay Italia"
"Will she be in her room?"
"I-I don't really know. Probably."