16 years ago
slowly opened her eyes to a strange ceiling
latest #139
16 years ago
, for what was a blissful minute, was blank, not thinking about anything, not remembering. Then everything came rushing back to her.
16 years ago
groaned and looked down on her torso, neatly bandaged with quite a lot of gauze. She was still a bit worn out, despite the long sleep.
16 years ago
wondered where Dr. Shamal was. And - Oh! Takeshi! Where was he? Chrome hoped he was okay.
Chrome was
16 years ago
now thinking how to explain to Squalo. He probably knows what happened by now. Moreso, what to tell Kaoko...
Yamamoto is
16 years ago
puttering around in Shamal's apartment, cooking up a meal for Chrome, setting things in order.
16 years ago
promised to hold the fort while the doctor went out on "business". Someone needs to watch over Chrome, after all. :-))
16 years ago
eventually comes around to check on the girl, bearing a tray of food. :0
Chrome was
16 years ago
expecting Shamal to go through the door, but was very glad to see Yamamoto too. "Takeshi-san!"
Yamamoto says
16 years ago
"Oh, you're up!" the boy immediately walks over with a bright smile. "How are you feeling?"
16 years ago
tries to lift herself up to sit, winces in pain, and flops back. Still painful, but not like last night..
Chrome says
16 years ago
Like cheese that has too many holes on it >_<
Yamamoto says
16 years ago
Take it easy. :-))
16 years ago
sets up the tray and helps Chrome sit up, cushioning her with pillows. "There. Can you manage?" o_o
16 years ago
wriggles gingerly, settling herself against Shamal's surprisingly fluffy pillows ^^ "Umn" she nods, and sees the tray of food.
Chrome asks
16 years ago
... you made all that, Takeshi-san?
Yamamoto says
16 years ago
Yep! Dr. Shamal says that you need to eat in order to gain back your strength. Cooking's one of the few things I do right, so... (LOL)
16 years ago
blinked at the large amount of sushi arrayed on the plates on the tray. "... mm, I remember. You have a sushi shop. Wow..."
Yamamoto says
16 years ago
Yep~ when you're better, we'll have a proper meal there, yeah? :-D
Chrome says
16 years ago
"They all look delicious. I don't think I can eat them all..." She looks at him gratefully "Thank you, Takeshi-san. I'd like that..."
16 years ago
only smiles and pulls up a chair at the bedside. "Let me know if you need help~ I'll be right here."
Chrome is
16 years ago
feeling a bit embarrassed that Yamamoto was going to watch her eat. But she shrugs and decides to dig in anywa. She was pretty hungry.
Chrome says
16 years ago
Itadakimasu ^^
16 years ago
stares at the food for a bit, before starting trying to lift her right hand to hover it over the tray. Good, not too painful to hold that up
16 years ago
gingerly takes a piece of tamago sushi and takes a bite.
16 years ago
's eyes widen. That was possibly the most delicious thing she has ever tasted in a very long time. Far more better than kombini sushi.
16 years ago
finishes the rest of the tamago sushi in two bites and reaches for the shrimp.
Yamamoto feels
16 years ago
happy and a little proud when he notices that Chrome seems to be enjoying the food. :-))
Chrome says
16 years ago
... really, really delicious. ^^
16 years ago
now wanted to know what happened last night after she was sedated by Shamal. She looked at Yamamoto's smiling face while she munched.
Chrome asks
16 years ago
Yamamoto, after she's swallowed the last piece of rice, about the men that trailed them last night...
Yamamoto says
16 years ago
Ah... I think they gave up for the moment. I didn't end up having to fight anyone.
Chrome says
16 years ago
"I see...", biting her lip nervously. And she almost led them to the others. Now Shamal and Takeshi will be targeted.
Kaoko Hibari has
16 years ago
pulled her car up to Shamal's place, with Mukuro and Tsuna's future self in her company.
Kaoko Hibari gives
16 years ago
Tsuna the keys to Shamal's apartment (Shamal had given her a set before). She lingers behind them on the way up.
16 years ago
blinked when Kaoko gave him the keys to Shamal's apartment, and would have asked why she isn't leading the way.
16 years ago
shrugged and set off instead, and made his way over to the doctor's doorstep.
16 years ago
used the keys to unlock the door and carefully - but not silently pushed it open.
16 years ago
would rather not get mistaken for a burglar. Or a rival hitman or something similar.
16 years ago
perks up at the sound of the door opening. It was probably Shamal returning. He heads over to see who it is. :0
Yamamoto says
16 years ago
Oh, Tsuna-- eh. o_o
Yamamoto feels
16 years ago
that the man he's looking at is not quite Tsuna. o_o;
Tsuna is
16 years ago
... enjoying this more than he should, seeing people's reactions to his appearance in this time period. <s>8D</s>
16 years ago
hears the door open and Takeshi say the boss' name outside. "The b-boss? Here?" she thought, almost crumpling against the pillows more ~_~
Yamamoto says
16 years ago
...Wow. I guess you and your younger self switched somehow. You're looking good, boss. (LOL)
16 years ago
went in after Tsuna and started poking around, looking for Chrome.
Tsuna says
16 years ago
You too. :-D
16 years ago
smiles, and nods his greeting to Kaoko. "Chrome is in Shamal-san's room, if you guys want to see her."
Yamamoto says
16 years ago
I'll go and make you all some food~
16 years ago
followed after Mukuro. He still wants to grill the boy about that feeling he got earlier when he asked who attacked Chrome.
Kaoko Hibari will
16 years ago
stay in the living room for the moment, to give Tsuna and Mukuro their time with the girl.
16 years ago
peeked into another room and found Chrome propped up on the bed.
16 years ago
knocked on the door before entering, walking over to the bed.
Chrome was
16 years ago
setting the tray aside when she heard the knock and looked up to see him walking towards her. "M-mukuro-sama!" she exclaimed in surprise
16 years ago
decides to hover by the door and give Mukuro time to talk with Chrome, in case they needed privacy.
16 years ago
reached out with both hands to grab at him, in case he was only another illusion that he - or she - conjured up to comfort her.
16 years ago
felt embarrassed, ashamed, tearful, regretful that he was seeing her this way, but he was *here*, and that was all that mattered now.
16 years ago
could feel the rage growing inside him when he noticed how badly hurt Chrome was,
16 years ago
--but he put on a soft smile and sat on the edge of the bed, taking both of the girl's hands in his.
Mukuro asks
16 years ago
"...How are you feeling?"
16 years ago
grips at his hands with all the strength she could. "... better, now that you're here, Mukuro-sama." she says, smiling and starting to -
16 years ago
tear up at the same time.
16 years ago
nodded . "That's good to hear. *pauses* ...Who did this to you, Chrome?"
Tsuna is
16 years ago
listening and watching Mukuro veeery closely. (annoyed)
16 years ago
hoped that he didn't have to ask that question, at least this early. Chrome cast her eyes downward, her insides burning with shame.
Chrome says
16 years ago
... targets. Targets that I failed to kill.
Chrome says
16 years ago
"for the Varia..." she trails off...
16 years ago
let go of one of Chrome's hands and reached over to pat the girl's head. "It doesn't matter if you failed to kill them."
16 years ago
looks at Mukuro questioningly, not exactly understanding what he means by that.
16 years ago
sighed. He knew exactly what Mukuro was thinking--well, had his suspicions, but they've just been confirmed.
16 years ago
gave Chrome another smile. "Could you give me the data on the targets?"
16 years ago
tells him what she knew about the twin assassins, location of their hideout, their men, their guns... her eyes widen as she got what Mukuro-
Chrome was
16 years ago
planning to do. "Mukuro-sama..."
16 years ago
also did hear someone sigh by the doorway, turning to see and receiving yet another surprise as she sees... an older Tsuna 0.o
16 years ago
"B-boss?" she stammers.
Mukuro says
16 years ago
, without turning to look at Tsuna, "...Don't stop me, Tsunayoshi."
16 years ago
pushed off from the doorway and padded over to join the two, and then gave Mukuro his most level look yet.
16 years ago
let some of the annoyance he was feeling seep into his voice. Better if it's coming out a bit more frigid than he'd expected.
Tsuna says
16 years ago
I wasn't planning to. But don't you run off while I'm talking to her. I need to send you off properly.
16 years ago
turned to Chrome and smiled at her warmly and reassuringly. "Don't worry. I'll make sure that he comes back safely."
16 years ago
paused and explained, "Err. I got hit by a Bovino bazooka. My younger self's in the future now, probably getting molested by his-"
16 years ago
paused again and jerked a thumb at Mukuro-- "older self. Come to think of it, I do remember crying over how much of a jerk he was..."
Tsuna says
16 years ago
... Ah.
16 years ago
leaned down and gave the younger Chrome a mirror of one of her customary kisses. "Buon giorno." :-D
16 years ago
's heart beat a bit faster when the older!boss smiled at her, so she blushed furiously when he leaned down to give her a kiss on the cheek
Chrome says
16 years ago
"B-buon guorno, boss" in reply. Like Kyouya, the older Tsuna seemed vastly different from his younger self. He seemed more... confident now.
16 years ago
thought. More self-assured. "I... I'm sorry. I should've prepared myself more... I..."
16 years ago
let go of her grip on Mukuro and curled her fists on her lap, feeling doubly ashamed of explaining her failure in front of the boss...
16 years ago
shook his head. "I think you know that my younger self will be very distressed when he finds out what you've been doing alone."
Tsuna says
16 years ago
He wouldn't want you putting yourself in danger. *I* didn't like what you did. .-. Err. What you're doing right now.
Tsuna says
16 years ago
But I understand *why* you're doing this, and I don't think you did anything wrong, so...
16 years ago
sat on the side of the bed and took the girl's hands in his. "Don't be too hard on yourself. You're still young. You'll get stronger soon."
Tsuna says
16 years ago
... Going after multiple targets one after another might be overkill, though. ._.
Tsuna says
16 years ago
I mean, you should at least have someone with you as backup...
16 years ago
stopped and scowled.
Tsuna says
16 years ago
... I am going to kick Squalo's ass when I get back to the future for making you go through all this without proper backup.
16 years ago
filters all that he said in, the feeling inside her lifting slowly. "I... I understand. Th-thank you boss..."
Chrome was
16 years ago
looking at Tsuna's hands holding hers. Bigger, strong and solid against her small and spindly ones...
16 years ago
looks up to look at Tsuna, who was now seated on the bed, for a closer look at his ten years older self. Which left her blushing again.
16 years ago
thought he definitely looked more confident and self-assured. Handsome too :3
Chrome says
16 years ago
Y-you look g-good, boss...
Chrome asks
16 years ago
H-how are things in the future?
16 years ago
smiled when he saw that the girl had stopped looking like she might start bawling at her perceived failure.
Tsuna says
16 years ago
Business as usual~
Chrome asks
16 years ago
"Oh. A-and the others?" she was deathly curious about the others in the future. Wanting to ask about two - well, three persons in particular
Tsuna says
16 years ago
... Making my life difficult, as usual. |3
Chrome says
16 years ago
Oh. >_<;;; I-I hope not very difficult, boss...
Chrome asks
16 years ago
How... how is Mukuro-sama?
Tsuna says
16 years ago
Doing very well. He just went for hot oil therapy for his ponytail the other day. |3
16 years ago
blinks at that, the thought of Mukuro on a salon chair... sent her giggling. "Ouch..." she muttered, not too much giggling then...
Chrome asks
16 years ago
, softly, as if willing only the two of them can hear the next question "... Kyouya-san?"
Tsuna says
16 years ago
Mm. He's good, too. He's been busy lately. I caught him and Kusakabe talking about starting some kind of husbandry project the other day.
Tsuna says
16 years ago
...I think they're thinking of making a fleet of Hibirds for the family. ._.
16 years ago
also blinks at that, wondering what they were going to do with a whole... fleet of Hibirds 0.o
Chrome asks
16 years ago
... and me? How am I in the future, boss?
16 years ago
considers telling the girl that Fuuta's been placing her in the top five in his listing of hottest lady hitmen for four years running now,
16 years ago
--but doesn't because a more appropriate answer is needed in this situation.
16 years ago
smiled. "You grow up to be a powerful woman. Strong-willed and independent, and a very capable Guardian."
Tsuna says
16 years ago
*in a stage whisper* And you're probably my sanest Guardian, to tell you the truth. Don't tell the others.
16 years ago
could not quite see herself turning into who she *will* be, as the boss described her, but... it must be true, he said it, he was there...
16 years ago
smiles back at him. "... I can't wait to turn into her then, boss. And... it's a secret."
16 years ago
smiled again, and then reached out, using his fingertips to tuck the girl's hair behind her right ear.
Tsuna says
16 years ago
*sadly* I'm sorry I wasn't there to help when you needed it.
16 years ago
shakes her head. "Please, don't be. I didn't tell you and the others. I wanted to be stronger... by myself. For everyone, so I could help."
Mukuro has
16 years ago
started poking around the room while Tsuna and Chrome were talking, opening random cabinets and flipping through various documents.
16 years ago
...discretely slipped a couple of vials of heparin into his pocket when he got to the medicine cupboard.
16 years ago
would really like to go after those targets right now, but he's sticking around for a while since Tsuna asked him to.
Mukuro has
16 years ago
already thought of a way to deal with them.
16 years ago
chuckled darkly to himself. ...Oh yes, how amusing it would be to watch them writhe as they slowly bled to death...
Chrome is
16 years ago
dimly registering Mukuro busying himself around the room. She might've detected the small, odd chuckle from him, but is saying nothing.
Tsuna is
16 years ago
also quite aware that Mukuro's been rummaging around. He wonders if he should point out that the boy is leaking killing intent.
Tsuna says
16 years ago
Well... I don't know if anyone's told you this before, but... thank you. For fighting.
16 years ago
steels herself, leans forward from the pillows and puts her arms around The Tenth in a hug. "... for you boss, I always will."
16 years ago
murmured against his shoulder.
Tsuna is
16 years ago
surprised at the gesture, but doesn't hesitate to respond by hugging back, being careful to avoid any visible wounds.
Tsuna says
16 years ago
... You'll be all right. But don't push yourself too hard. You can always ask the others for help.
16 years ago
pulls back and leans against the pillows once more. "... I'll remember that now."
Tsuna says
16 years ago
Good girl. :-)) *pause* ... I'll just go see what Mukuro's up to, okay? (annoyed)
Chrome says
16 years ago
16 years ago
gave Chrome one last pat on the head, got off the bed, and went off to check what his other Mist guardian was doing.
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