Janetlaushanxiu says
14 years ago
studystudystudy, so tmr dancedancedance:-)
latest #13
ArchDragon says
14 years ago
Janetlaushanxiu says
14 years ago
so scared of OOP lol, idk anything
ArchDragon says
14 years ago
same lor
Janetlaushanxiu says
14 years ago
yessssss, i dont even knw how the quiz will be like. but i knw need to use laptop
ArchDragon says
14 years ago
we die la tsk
ArchDragon says
14 years ago
this is so annoying, and its because of that teacher :/
ArchDragon says
14 years ago
if only we hav lecturers that speak good english and no slang
ArchDragon says
14 years ago
cuz if someone speak the english very nice ill stop wad im doing and listen o.o
Janetlaushanxiu says
14 years ago
HAHAHAHAH! totally agreeeed
Janetlaushanxiu says
14 years ago
i spend most of my time trying to understand what is he saying
ArchDragon says
14 years ago
SAME LA! by the time i process finish, i forgot wad was said
ArchDragon says
14 years ago
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