Helter Skelter says
16 years ago
I saw Nick and Norahs infinite playlist, and i think i could have waited till it came out on HBO
latest #96
kaiskeebeat says
16 years ago
that bad?
Helter Skelter says
16 years ago
not bad just not 10 bucks a person worthy
kaiskeebeat says
16 years ago
kaiskeebeat says
16 years ago
i will spend my free (blingo) movieticket to watch Religilous
Helter Skelter says
16 years ago
whats that about
kaiskeebeat says
16 years ago
its bill maher's documentary thing
Helter Skelter says
16 years ago
oh yeah, to things i dont want to watch when i go on my cinematic adventures, politics and religion
Helter Skelter says
16 years ago
Tha can wait till HBO aswell
kaiskeebeat says
16 years ago
ahh, i cant wait for it
Helter Skelter says
16 years ago
what is it about it that compels you
kaiskeebeat says
16 years ago
i am just a big bill maher fan and i like talks of religion and politics.
Helter Skelter says
16 years ago
how old are you?
kaiskeebeat says
16 years ago
kaiskeebeat says
16 years ago
why'd you ask?
Helter Skelter says
16 years ago
yeah i do not like to talk to much politics or religion. i get annoyed quickly. i work to hard and struggle to much to make myself aggitated
kaiskeebeat says
16 years ago
we wont go there :-)
Helter Skelter says
16 years ago
i thought you were younger,, lol i do not know to many young people who
Helter Skelter says
16 years ago
are even versed enought to understand bill mahr
kaiskeebeat says
16 years ago
i do like to talk about it but not in the sense where one person sticks his beliefs down my throat
kaiskeebeat says
16 years ago
unfortunately the younglings are pretty much stuck on stupid nowadays :-)
Liana says
16 years ago
excuse me
kaiskeebeat says
16 years ago
except for Liana of course
Liana says
16 years ago
maybe you just haven't met the right young people
Helter Skelter says
16 years ago
Liana dont start saying how that is not true cause you are so knowledgeable you know you are not the norm
kaiskeebeat says
16 years ago
oh ive met enough :-)
kaiskeebeat says
16 years ago
i had an 8th grader who didnt know who George W was when he was on tv during the Olympics and he thought we didnt have a President because
Helter Skelter says
16 years ago
when i am talking religion i find myself sticking my non belief down peoples throats
Liana says
16 years ago
excuse me but i attend classes with some very bright people
kaiskeebeat says
16 years ago
they're campaigning for a new one
Helter Skelter says
16 years ago
so i am just as bad i guess
Helter Skelter says
16 years ago
Liana you go to a private school dont you
kaiskeebeat says
16 years ago
maybe we should just drop it.. i shouldn't have generalized
Liana says
16 years ago
No i don't i live in the best school district on long island
Helter Skelter says
16 years ago
haha no its fine
kaiskeebeat says
16 years ago
see you live in the best school district :-) you are one for the fortunate fews
Liana says
16 years ago
That is why I am able to take 4 science classes usually not offered in other districts
kaiskeebeat says
16 years ago
did i say fews AHAH few
Helter Skelter says
16 years ago
then there you go , you are still not the norm
kaiskeebeat says
16 years ago
when i was in the 10th grade, my bio teacher was a football coach who didnt really teach us anything
Helter Skelter says
16 years ago
remember the world is bigger than your school district
Liana says
16 years ago
I made the best out of the great opportunity given to me
kaiskeebeat says
16 years ago
because you are smarter than the average american.. you should be proud of it :-)
Helter Skelter says
16 years ago
but that still does not mean you can contradict our generalization thank you very much
Liana says
16 years ago
I am proud of my accomplishments.....when did i do that?
Helter Skelter says
16 years ago
when you were jumped in
Liana says
16 years ago
Wasn't you two who were bashing my generation
Helter Skelter says
16 years ago
lol dont you remember "excuse me"
kaiskeebeat says
16 years ago
we wouldve taken it diffrently without the 'excuse me' actually
Liana says
16 years ago
lol would pardon me worked better for you
kaiskeebeat says
16 years ago
yes it sounds more proper and less offensive for us oldies
Helter Skelter says
16 years ago
nope cause either way it sounds defensive
kaiskeebeat says
16 years ago
ahaha ok i was wrong in speaking on his behalf
Helter Skelter says
16 years ago
you cant reneg now, stand your ground lol
Liana says
16 years ago
oh geez!
kaiskeebeat says
16 years ago
no seriously though the US educational system needs Red Bull!
kaiskeebeat says
16 years ago
If we're needing to import teachers from third world countries, what does it say aboutour educational system?
Helter Skelter says
16 years ago
yeah well i blame parents just as much
Liana says
16 years ago
I agree, parents are very important to a child's sucess
Helter Skelter says
16 years ago
crucial, and they should have expectations, and should be aware of thier childs curiculum
kaiskeebeat says
16 years ago
how hands-on were your parents?
Helter Skelter says
16 years ago
not very
Helter Skelter says
16 years ago
i struggled in school, luckly i have a talent so i survived quite well
kaiskeebeat says
16 years ago
Liana says
16 years ago
My mom is well know at my school. Sometimes she is too involved for my taste LOL
Liana says
16 years ago
Helter Skelter says
16 years ago
see and that reflects
Helter Skelter says
16 years ago
do you see the pattern liana
Liana says
16 years ago
I told you that I agreed with your early statement that parents are a vital part of a child's success in school and in life
kaiskeebeat says
16 years ago
you had to have good grades because your mom's allup in your ass
kaiskeebeat says
16 years ago
compared to I tried getting good grades for attention *sniff*
kaiskeebeat says
16 years ago
Helter Skelter says
16 years ago
Liana i am not saying it was just your gen, ours was not much better at all, its just that as the years pass
Helter Skelter says
16 years ago
the decline continues
kaiskeebeat says
16 years ago
we notice the decline
sillylittlechachel says
16 years ago
I don't think the decline has continued. I think people in "your generation" are just as ill-informed and un-intelligent as those in others.
sillylittlechachel says
16 years ago
It's just that the internet and mass produced media are more prevalent so the idiots can be heard louder than they used to be.
Helter Skelter says
16 years ago
good point, i wont disagree
sillylittlechachel says
16 years ago
lol, sorry, I didn't mean to butt in. I'm smack bang between yours and xoletxitxbleedxo's age so I figured I'd jump in and say my bit.
kaiskeebeat says
16 years ago
but if our teachers did an awesome job teaching valuable lessons and parents instilled proper conduct there'd be less of those idiots with
kaiskeebeat says
16 years ago
access to whatever it is they chose to voice out their opinions...
kaiskeebeat says
16 years ago
thank you Bill Maher for this colorful thread
Helter Skelter says
16 years ago
Helter Skelter says
16 years ago
i love our countries idiocracy at the very least its entertaining
kaiskeebeat says
16 years ago
speaking of Idiocracy, i thought that movie was dumb.
Liana says
16 years ago
sillylittlechachel says
16 years ago
that is definitely true. However, in order for the parents to teach proper conduct they have to know it themselves. Unfortunately many don't
sillylittlechachel says
16 years ago
instead of thinking of it as a generational thing, I like to think of it as more of a viscious cycle. That isn't going to end.
Helter Skelter says
16 years ago
lol it was suppose to be dumb
kaiskeebeat says
16 years ago
it's so dumb you thought it was intentionally dumb
Helter Skelter says
16 years ago
absolutely silly.... and with every gen. there is less and less, hence the decline
kaiskeebeat says
16 years ago
oops doubles! anyway i think i was just expecting much more so i basically decided it was a waste of my time
Helter Skelter says
16 years ago
who told you that it was suppose to have much depth,,,, but it did make a social point on the decline we are speaking of
kaiskeebeat says
16 years ago
now that you mention it...
Helter Skelter says
16 years ago
just made it in the dumbest way they could
PIMO says
16 years ago
lmao ok chill that movie was awesome idk wat u saw lmao
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