OH FRANCE. NO it's still okay!
i'm still doing prom bit =n=
somehow... the weekend was a tad too short for this..p
Maybe I can jump in ;3; <3
you could you could ;3; caaaaause currently I'm drunk/getting drunker
LOL where? Can I jump in or do something? ;D
you could start your own plurk...
probably best to make a new plurk cause of new america's time zone
yesh for today <3
*Wants Rome sobs at Plurk where Hungary is moving on his man*
I could, but I think my RP will be shit today =A= I'm sorta tripping on a fever atm *should be sleeping but orz*
What the hell I'll just make a new plurk for Rome to go on or smt
Ja, just caught the flu is all *sighs* Only in summer of course =A=
how unfortunate! ;A; *clingshuggles*
*Clings to* ;A; I couldn't sleep last night. So I'm like =A= *bored* *sighs*
I think I'll just write that last chapter to my Rome/Prussia fic I need to finish 8|a
t-that would be amazing and would make my day ;3;! *cuddles soothes* poor baby...
Poor me *whines in Gilbo fashion and makes kicked puppy eyes at* ;///;
*wraps arms around and cuddles lots* ;3; here ,here <3
awww lol it reminds me of that one MSN rp...
Where Rome cured Gilbert through the power of sex =//w//=
*whines* But we can RP on here too :3 I'll make a prom plurk after Rome's finished up with Hungary?
You can start whenever <3 and BRB shower ~
Okie :3 I'll start it when you come back =//w//=