adrocknaphobia is
16 years ago
wondering how to link plurk with twitter/brightcove
latest #15
Muddy Tones says
16 years ago
oh, look who finally showed up!
adrocknaphobia wishes
16 years ago
he didn't have to come to this stupid site to get his social on
ArmchairDeity says
16 years ago
build an AIR wrapper for it using RSS?
ArmchairDeity says
16 years ago
'course publishing is hard to do without the correct API, but consuming is no issue. :-P
adrocknaphobia says
16 years ago
I want plurk updates to automatically hit twitter (or vice versa) and I want an SMS interface
simbateman says
16 years ago
faq says sms is on the way, but I cant imagine doing this via sms. to many conversations
SansMuttonChops says
16 years ago
interesting to see if they can do it and not have the scale issues twitter did. When techcrunch linked here it brought site down.
ArmchairDeity says
16 years ago
OMG... jcyr's comment popped up while I was reading. Live updates??
simbateman says
16 years ago
Yeah live updates :-)
ArmchairDeity says
16 years ago
Muddy Tones thinks
16 years ago
sms updates sounds tough, being that so many damn things are happening at once
ArmchairDeity says
16 years ago
I would think you could do SMS publish... I wouldn't want to get SMS updates. That would be too busy.
Muddy Tones thinks
16 years ago
particularly if you don;t have unlimited sms like me...
16 years ago
I agree... WAY too busy, dude
webRat is
16 years ago
getting tired of all the socials. Wasn't I anti-social for a reason?
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