14 years ago
threw her shoes up on someones roof. Ooops.
latest #109
Mattie thinks
14 years ago
he should help her get them down.
14 years ago
is too busy spazzing to even notice Matthew.
14 years ago
gently puts a hand on her shoulder. "Umm... do you need some help?
14 years ago
14 years ago
is a little startled, and looks up at him quickly. "Um. Yes. Maybe."
14 years ago
smiles and apologizes for startling her. "Maybe we can climb the tree up to the roof?" he motions to said tree.
14 years ago
waves off his apology and looks over at the tree. "Oh! We could. I'm good at tree climbing."
14 years ago
nods and laughs. "Better than Francis so I heard."
14 years ago
scoffs a little. "Way better. He's always trying to keep me from climbing trees though." she shrugs, and runs to the foot of the tree.
14 years ago
follows after her. "I can't see why he'd stop you. It's fun climbing trees." He hadn't spoken to Sey in a while now that he thought about it
14 years ago
14 years ago
laughs, finding a foothold and pulling herself up into the tree branches, not taking notice of the fact she was in a skirt. "It's because
14 years ago
I'm clumsy, he thinks I'll fall."
14 years ago
finds that funny and follows her up, climbing onto a different branch. "I'm clumsy too though. So if we both fall we'll just blame him, eh?"
14 years ago
laughs. "Okay! Try not to fall though, he'll get all fussy if we get hurt." she rolls her eyes and climbs up the tree more.
14 years ago
nods. "He would wouldn't he?" He hasn't even noticed the fact that she's in a skirt as he climbs up higher. Making sure he can catch her if_
14 years ago
she did fall.
14 years ago
nods, stopping a moment as she loses her footing and regains it again. "Yup. But he's fussy most of the time."
Mattie has
14 years ago
to agree with her there as he watches her regain her footing. "So how are you anyway?"
14 years ago
climbs up a little higher, than jumps onto the rooftop. "I've been fine. Busier than I'm used to though, with all the pirates and tourists."
14 years ago
blinks a few times at the mention of pirates, climbing onto the roof with her. "Pirates?
14 years ago
14 years ago
crinkles up her nose, looking around for her shoes. "Yeah. From Somalia's place."
14 years ago
shrugs. "Oh..." He glances around and spots one of her shoes, going to grab it.
14 years ago
grabs for the other one, but starts to lose her balance.
14 years ago
manages to safely grab the first one before noticing Sey. He stumbles and reaches out for her, grabbing her hand.
14 years ago
manages to steady herself, clinging onto his hand. "O-okay, I'm fine!". she gives him a frazzled smile.
14 years ago
thought he was going to have a heart attack as he pulls her away from the edge of the roof and hands her her other shoe. "I'm glad."
14 years ago
laughs and lets go of his hand. "Thank you~" she says, then sits down on the roof for a quick break. "How have you been?"
14 years ago
sits down next to her. "I've been pretty good..."
14 years ago
smiles, stretching out a little, enjoying the sun. "Well, that's good~. What have you been doing?"
14 years ago
he leans back on the roof. "Not much... I've been sick the last couple days." He looks over at her. "You?"
14 years ago
looks a little concerned, she glances down at him. "Do you feel better? And, nothing really. Cleaning and playing with the turtles. They're
14 years ago
happy to have me home."
14 years ago
nods quickly. "Yeah I'm feeling better." He blinks at the comment about being home. "Oh you're not living with Francis anymore?"
14 years ago
nods. "Yeah. I don't think he's very happy about it either." she frowns and looks up at the sky.
14 years ago
shuffled closer to her and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "I don't think that's the case. Besides, he'll get over it."
14 years ago
looks over at him. "No, really. I think he wants me to come back again. But, yeah. He'll get over it."
14 years ago
shrugs. "He always gets over it. The other day he said to me "Sey Sey is a grown woman." I think he's accepted it."
14 years ago
feels a little pleased to hear that, and smiles. "Yeah? He really said that~?" she asks, trying not to sound too excited.
14 years ago
nods. "Yeah he did. He was telling me how he... umm... well told you about ... us. You're really okay with it?"
14 years ago
tries not to, but ends up looking away from him. "Well, yeah! As long as you two are happy, that's all that matters, I guess."
14 years ago
pauses before shifting to sit in front of her. Balancing precariously. "You're sure? You don't seem so sure. We don't have to be together."_
14 years ago
Even if he wanted to be, he didn't want their relationship to hurt anyone else.
14 years ago
frowns, looking up at him. "Yeah, Matthew. I'm sure. It's not my decision."
14 years ago
looks down at his feet, trying to keep his balance with his hands. "It's kind of weird isn't it?"
14 years ago
smiles slightly. "Yeah, it's really weird."
14 years ago
frowns and leans back, before catching himself realizing that was a bad idea. "I don't know..."
14 years ago
watches him, looking a little worried. "Don't fall. And it's okay if it's a little weird. I just... don't want you to get hurt."
14 years ago
smiles up at her before looking a little confused. "I'm used to being forgotten, so really I don't think he can hurt me."
14 years ago
scowls. "I'm used to it too. That's no excuse, Matt."
14 years ago
blinks a few times. "No matter who I get into a relationship with there's always a chance of it ending badly. I'm just willing to take that_
14 years ago
chance with him."
14 years ago
shrugs. "I guess that's right. I'm just worried about you."
14 years ago
moves to sit next to her again. "Don't be, I'll be fine. I'm as tough as you are. So how are you and... umm..."
14 years ago
nods, and beams as he moves next to her again. "Me and Iceland? Is that what you meant?"
14 years ago
rubs the back of his head a bit embarrassed at having forgotten. "Yes... Sorry..."
14 years ago
laughs, folding her hands on her lap. "It's fine. We're good, I guess. Haven't really seen each other a lot recently."
14 years ago
lays back on the roof again. "Hmm... Maybe you should go see him then?"
14 years ago
frowns, not sure. "...Should I do that? I've been trying not to bother him, because he's been sick."
14 years ago
looks over at her. "I think you should. Bring him soup or something."
14 years ago
giggles nervously. "Um, I'm not very good at making soup."
14 years ago
laughs softly. "How about cake? I can help you if you want."
14 years ago
perks up a bit at that offer. "Could you really? That would be great!"
14 years ago
sits up and smiles. "Of course. I'd be glad to help you. We just need to get off this roof first."
14 years ago
"Oh! Well, that's easy!" she stands up and holds her arms out to balance herself.
14 years ago
follows suit. "Just don't fall okay?"
14 years ago
"I'm not going to~" she chimes, standing on the edge of the roof, before climbing back into the tree.
14 years ago
nods and waits for her to get down a few branches before reaching for the first one.
14 years ago
gets down a few branches, before she decides she's low enough, and drops down out of the tree.
14 years ago
's grip on the branch slips and stumbles, quickly catching himself on another branch though. It takes him a few minutes to get down.
14 years ago
stares up at him, hoping he doesn't fall. She laughs, half out of relief when he gets down. "Good job~" she teases.
14 years ago
flushes and looks away from her. "Eh... I'm not graceful... you know that."
14 years ago
laughs again, taking hold of his arm and tugging on it gently. "I do! It's okay, I'm not really either."
14 years ago
laughs and nods. "Right that cake, you're house or mine?"
14 years ago
"You haven't been to my house in forever, let's go there!"
14 years ago
grins. "Alright that sounds like a plan."
14 years ago
nods! "Let's go then~" she says, starting to lead the way without bothering to put her shoes back on.
14 years ago
catches up to her, falling in beside her. "Shouldn't you put your shoes back on?"
14 years ago
shakes her head. "No, it's fine! I don't really like wearing them."
Mattie gives
14 years ago
her a confused look before nodding. "Alright... Hey Sey... If I wanted to do something nice for Francis... what would be best?"
14 years ago
hums in thought. "For Francis? I don't know, it's not very hard to make him happy, is it?"
14 years ago
sighs. "No I guess it's not."
14 years ago
smiles and looks at him. "I think if you wanted to do something nice for him, I think you should just spend some time with him!"
14 years ago
nods agreeing with her. "I think that's what I'll do." He looks up as they reach her house.
14 years ago
skips in through the doorframe, the front doors still gone. "That's good~ He'll be happy with just about anything."
14 years ago
blinks and stares at the missing door. "Umm... Sey... what happened?"
14 years ago
stops and looks back at him. "Oh! A tortoise did that!" she says, acting as if it were totally normal for a tortoise to knock your door off
14 years ago
stares at her wide eyed. "A... turtle did this?"
14 years ago
nods. "Yup. When I stayed away for too long."
14 years ago
frowns before shrugging it off. It was to weird. "Alright... I can help fix it if you want..."
14 years ago
shrugs too. "If you want. I don't mind it right now."
14 years ago
decides the cake is more important. "How about we make the cake first."
14 years ago
nods, walking off into the kitchen. "What do we need to make a cake?"
14 years ago
hurries after her, leaving his shoes by the door. "Well... what kind of cake would you like to make?"
14 years ago
scrunches her face up in thought. "A chocolate cake, maybe?"
14 years ago
nods. "Alright we'll need chocolate, flour, eggs, baking powder, salt... water... butter..."
14 years ago
starts running around the kitchen, trying to gather everything up.
14 years ago
helps her by getting out the mixing bowls, cake pans, spoons and measuring cups.
14 years ago
sets everything down on the counter once she's found it. "Is that it?"
14 years ago
looks over everything and nods. "I think so." He hands her a mixing bowl. "Now we measure it out, starting with the dry ingredients."
14 years ago
picks up a measuring cup, looking enthusiastic. "Okay!" she starts to measure things out, being super careful.
14 years ago
decides to let her do it on her own, hanging back and watching her intently. "I miss doing stuff like this with you."
14 years ago
smiles, still trying to not be sloppy with the measurements. "Me too! You should come over more often, it's too quiet around here."
Mattie is
14 years ago
thrilled with the idea and nods. "If you'll have me over I'd be glad to come more often. You can come over to my place anytime as well."
14 years ago
beams and nods. "Okay! I will! Can we have a slumber party, Matt? It'll be like we're little again!" she finishes measuring.
14 years ago
gets out a wooden spoon and holds it out to her. "Hmm... That would be fun! Best part, no Francis. We can watch a movie and catch up."
14 years ago
takes the spoon from him and starts to mix it all up. "Yeah! It would be great! Let's do that!"
14 years ago
grabs the eggs and cracks them into the bowl as she's mixing. "What movie?"
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