becky_GOT is
14 years ago
one step closer to Order of Ambrosia. Successfully killed Yiazmat in 10 hours! Whoo-hooo!
latest #49
mandyloveswill says
14 years ago
wth you took 10 hours to beat that monster?? :-o
Amanda_L says
14 years ago
congrats! 10 hours ain't half bad! i need to get rid of that stupid behemoth king...
becky_GOT says
14 years ago
AHAHAHAHA YUP, Mandy. I'm lame :-D And to think that my main party was above lvl 89 too! (LOL)
becky_GOT says
14 years ago
WHEE Manda! Good luck with Yiazmat. I had to exit 3 times because I ran out of items 3 times! 99 Ethers, Remedies, Chronos Tear, Gold Needle
becky_GOT says
14 years ago
... in the end it costed me 200 000 Gil just buying items and upgrading equipment, hun. WHOA. I need to blog about this! :-D
mandyloveswill says
14 years ago
gosh :-o that thing scares me so much now lol
becky_GOT says
14 years ago
OOH! Behemoth King is pretty okay, I guess? Can't remember where I killed that thing...
Amanda_L says
14 years ago
yes you need to! the guide i read, it took the person like 12 hours or sth to defeat yiazmat
Amanda_L says
14 years ago
the behemoth king is easy, the irritating part is killing all the stuff in feywood to get to him
becky_GOT says
14 years ago
WHAT MANDY, you haven't?!?! I thought you would have already slain that thing years ago!
becky_GOT says
14 years ago
considering your characters are all lvl 99... :-D
mandyloveswill says
14 years ago
i didn't do that hunts lol. just a few but gave up. no patience. cause then i had to leave for penang :-(
mandyloveswill says
14 years ago
i was busy leveling up at henne mines occasionally.
becky_GOT says
14 years ago
AWWWWW. Anyway, get your gaming spirit back!! WHOO-HOO!! I love Henne Mines!! XD
mandyloveswill says
14 years ago
now busy helping will to finish kingdom hearts lol. just finished the first one last weekend ;-) now scouring for KH2
becky_GOT says
14 years ago
WHOO-HOOOO!! Good luck! I miss KH. I liked the 2nd one better~ 1st one's not too bad, though :-)
Amanda_L says
14 years ago
becky mandy come help me finish up the first one
mandyloveswill says
14 years ago
yeah i liked the 2nd one better. hotter character designs :-P first one story was very tragic :-( MAI RIKU.
becky_GOT says
14 years ago
OOH yeah, Manda! The Feywood! It's rather simple a single character can kill all those things in the Feywood, no?
Amanda_L says
14 years ago
it's simple but the stupid things keep regenerating cos im too slow
becky_GOT says
14 years ago
HAHAHA yeah! Love Riku! Am somewhat sick of playing Sora... come to think of it, I nvr really watched the ending of KH2...
14 years ago
(disc jammed up in the end, WTH.)
becky_GOT says
14 years ago
GO MANDA!!! You can do it! Give a character a Masamune and Genji Gloves. Preferably Ashe. The things will be dead in no time! :-D
becky_GOT says
14 years ago
I'll help you finish KH1~! (LOL)
Amanda_L says
14 years ago
oh god i'm never playing the ending of kh2 again. horrible.
Amanda_L says
14 years ago
HAH is there anything to increase the running speed :-P
becky_GOT says
14 years ago
HAHAHAHA YEAH. I can't get over my trauma for trying to kill the boss with 'Sweet Memories' keyblade. OMG...
becky_GOT says
14 years ago
running speed?
Amanda_L says
14 years ago
:-P sweet memories indeed
mandyloveswill says
14 years ago
jammed discs is a blasphemy among us gamers -.-
mandyloveswill says
14 years ago
i remember replaying KH in all the modes easy normal hard just to see riku at the end again haha.
Amanda_L says
14 years ago
i admire your determination lol. i'll never go thru that final battle again!
mandyloveswill says
14 years ago
the final battle was so fun :-D
mandyloveswill says
14 years ago
my raging fangirl hormones compelled me to :-P riku!
becky_GOT says
14 years ago
OMG... I share the same fate as Manda. The jamming disc scarred me for life! Nvr gonna go through that final boss again!
becky_GOT says
14 years ago
You're awesome, Mandy! Wait til you play Riku in Chain of Memories! HAHAHAHA
mandyloveswill says
14 years ago
penang sure has a lot of jammed discs :-o first FFXII and now KH2? blasphemous!
mandyloveswill says
14 years ago
i wanna play riku! but i dont' wanna play through sora's story -.-
Amanda_L says
14 years ago
come come play with me. i need company lol. cloud killed me D:
becky_GOT says
14 years ago
HAHAHAHA! BLASPHEMOUS! Btw, your FFXII disc is starting to face some serious jamming... Especially when you're casting Magicks -
becky_GOT says
14 years ago
- the QUEUE just jams up! I think I'll get you a new one while returning your old one... MANY APOLOGIES, Mandy.
becky_GOT says
14 years ago
looks like discs in Penang just needs to jam up once it gets here... :-(
becky_GOT says
14 years ago
Manda, KILL CLOUD BACK!!! I hate him loads in Crisis Core!!! Sure, he's CUTE since he's stupid but it's annoying. XD
mandyloveswill says
14 years ago
:-o omg! lol i heard that when your PS2 is overheated thats when the game graphics start to lag :-o
Amanda_L says
14 years ago
i can't load the starting mv for ffxii...and my new disc ain't old disc is....wth?
becky_GOT says
14 years ago
really? Hmmm... but the lagging only happens when I first switch on the ps2. It gets a lil better after a while.
becky_GOT says
14 years ago
this lagging actually causes you to KO. Like what happened with Yiazmat. I had to pause and switch to another disc.
becky_GOT says
14 years ago
my disc just can't load the start like Manda's, but it's perfectly working at other places except Phon Coast. WTH?!?!
Amanda_L says
14 years ago
same here!
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