wonders 14 years ago
if she's airing out the house? That might help...
opened all the doors, but it won't leave!
thinks 14 years ago
she should open the windows and stay out for a couple hours!
it's kinda raining. She can't go oustide. (IT IS MY BROTHER SOB)
thinks 14 years ago
you should grab an umbrella and visit someone then.
doesn't know who to visit.
can't help you with that, but hopes you think of someone quickly.
searching through the phone book.
thinks 14 years ago
Lili can visit her! Or something.
would love to visit Lotte!
the two have fun! She's going to stay home and actually relax for once.
packs some books and heads over then! ^_^
tidying her house, getting ready for her visitor! And she hopes Victoria can relax well!
knocks on the door, shifting from foot to foot. "Hello! I hope I'm not bothering you!"
opens the door with a smile. "Of course you're not bothering me! I wouldn't have invited you otherwise!"
smiles. "Thank you. May I come in?"
nods, stepping back to let her in. "Of course, of course!"
walks in, shaking her umbrella and putting it aside. "I like your house. It's warm."
chuckles, stepping towards the living room. "Thanks! Do you want anything to eat or drink?"
sits down, wiping the stains on her skirt with a handkerchief. "Only a little water. I'm watching my weight."
raises an eyebrow. "But you're so tiny..!" But she goes to grab her a bottle of water anyways.
laughs. "Brother doesn't think so." she drinks a little.
pouts, taking a sip of her beer. "You're brother's weird."
nods, smiling. "I know. But he's nice underneath."
shrugs. "Really? I guess so...he's kind of a cheap ass, though."
blinks. "Cheap ass or not, he's still my brother."
nods, taking another sip. " least he's not like my brothers."
laughs. "I've heard stories about your brothers."
snorts a bit. "I bet you have! They're kind of...strange, but I still love 'em."
nods, taking another sip. "Are you the youngest?"
nods! "Yep. And then Luca, and then Holland."
puts the bottle down, listening. "I wish I had another brother. It'd be nice."
shakes her head. "It's kind of ridiculous, being the only girl. I was raised like I was a boy."
doesn't think thats so bad. "You didn't have to learn to sew or cook. It'd be wonderful to be treated like a boy when you're young."
shrugs. "But I learned how to sew and cook anyways! At least I wasn't like Hungary and thought I /was/ a boy."
laughs. "That'd be worse. Waiting for something to grow and then not."
nods in agreement. "Yeaaah. I always asked my brothers why they treated me like a boy, though. I was so confused."
shrugs. "Maybe they wanted you to be better then the other girls."
shrugs, she had never thought of it that way. "Maybe. I should ask them about it."
nods. "You should. It'll be a fun talk."
snorts. "Or aggravating."
smiles. "Either way, it's exciting."
nods with a smile. "Very true! Siblings are never boring, are they?"
agrees. "And surprising."
chuckles. "And all around strange."
stops laughing to sneeze. "Sorry. But anyway..."
offers her a tissue. "It's alright!"
blows her nose with the tissue. "Thank you."
smiles, flapping a hand. "You're welcome!"
puts the tissue in her pocket before sitting back. "And thank you again for letting me stay."
grins. "It's nice to have company!"
agrees. "I should help you make dinner or something."
shakes her head. "You don't have to!"
to anyway. "Or I'll bring something over tomorrow."
smiles at her brightly. "If you insist!"
does insist. "What would you like me to bring?"
shrugs. "Whatever you want to bring?"
nods. "Or I could take you skiing! Ot at least to the mountains."
bounces a bit at that. "I would love to go skiiing!"
smiles and nods, noting to herself. "Then when my house is aired out, I'll take you out to get fitted for your skis!"
grins, clapping her hands together. "That would be great!"
"All right then! We'll make it a female nation trip to the mountains!" she says, standing up and pumping the air.
can't help but think she's adorable, laughing brightly. "If it's going to be female nations do you think we should invite others?"
nods. "We should call them now then. Should we change the date to next week?"
nods, rubbing her chin. "Next week would be great! Do you know anyone's numbers?"
pulls out a phone book. "Here."
takes the phone book from her, flipping through it. "Thanks!"
nods, looking over her shoulder.
glances up at her, making a questioning noise.
raises an eyebrow. "Is there something there?"
confused. "Something where?" she leans into the book.
shrugs. "Nevermind..." She chuckles, shaking her head.
frowns, really confused now. "Should we invite Belarus?"
confused as well. "Do you think we should?"
doesn't know. "She seems like someone who needs to get away. Let's ask her anyway."
nods, marking her number. "Then we need to invite Ukraine, yeah?"
grins. "And Vietnam, of course!"
of who else. "Oh! Hungary!"
this is the last one. "Seychelles would freeze to death. Wouldn't she?"
shrugs. "We should still invite her, though! To be polite."
"I know. I'll make sure to bring lots of blankets for her."
chuckles, looking down at the book. "Are we missing anyone?"
goes through a list in her head. "I hope not."
nods. "Well, we still have time!"
confused again. "Time for what? Time to call them?"
nods again. "Time to call, time to plan."
pulls out paper and pencils from her bag. "You call and I'll plan. This is going to be fun!"
nods, grabbing her phone and dialing someone. ((I'll make a new plurk for the calls, okay? ;w

starts writing down several things(Go ahead!)
smiles when she gets an idea. "What about it being an entire weekend? We start on Friday and go home Sunday afternoon?"
nods, glancing down at her. "That would be great!"
nods before writing down some more.
grins down at her, turning back to the phone.