Passap says
14 years ago
back from Sunday visit to Honda dealership for a new tire. They took donut off, put new tire on.
latest #7
Passap says
14 years ago
Suspicious blow out in front of my house Friday, AAA put donut on. Reps today told me it was a suspicious flat as I thought.
Passap says
14 years ago
I'd heard a ping sound earlier and then later saw flat. Yesterday saw nxt door neighbor kid with bow & arrow. Steel tip arrow ..
Passap says
14 years ago
.. which I was told could make a jagged slit in side of my tire.
(doh) Call the freakin' cops.
Or better, go to the parents and demand they pay for it.
Passap says
14 years ago
Well, the next thing I'm going to do is talk to neighbors who were out to see if kid was in front yard with bow and arrow...
Passap says
14 years ago
.. i just want to be more than sure so I can back it up when I talk to the parents.
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