Hopes is
14 years ago
latest #15
RGtRiN says
14 years ago
LOL go sleep lah!
Hopes says
14 years ago
dun want lar
shū says
14 years ago
everyone is tired not only u
Hopes says
14 years ago
haha never say i am the only one
shū says
14 years ago
u r whining lik my bro when he wants to drink milk -.-
RGtRiN says
14 years ago
LOL! kimberly angry liao. go bash your bro :-)
Hopes says
14 years ago
Hopes says
14 years ago
i never whin lerh
Hopes says
14 years ago
i just post to keep my plurk alive
shū says
14 years ago
then post smthin productive
RGtRiN says
14 years ago
haha! i know i very extra lah hor.. eh hopes what happen to my doggie arh?
Hopes says
14 years ago
now my post have anything to do to you?
shū says
14 years ago
im tryin to solve my frens prob then got one random post......................
Hopes says
14 years ago
fine i'll shut up
shū says
14 years ago
kay...post smthin other then im tired cos u can sleep but u dun want to
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